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My Music - The song that you are hearing is one of my music compositions.. This page has some more of my them. They are all in midi format, so as to make them accessible to most computers. Email me with any comments you have about them. They are best heard with a 32-bit sound card.
HoMePaGe StUfF - Links to HoMePaGe related sites. Also find out how to make animations like the ones on all my pages.
Useless kind of stuff - Bored??? Try this page. It has a few interesting facts for you to ponder over, and also a few puzzles. It will change regularly, or when I have the time.
My favourite chat rooms!!!
- A list of some chat rooms which I use a lot. For all regular chatters.
ME! - A site about ME, ME and only ME......selfish, aren't I? Well, it's the place to go if you want to find out about ME!!!!
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Come back again soon, there's sure to be more!!