![]() Would you beleive, this was my first Nationals, I would tell you how many years I've been wanting to go to one, but I wont cause it would date me...hehehe! Since it was held practically in my backyard, I couldnt pass up the opportunity for such an elegant extravaganza...and that it was!... It was quite an enjoyable expierence! I met many wonderful people, whom I have just wrote to on the web or seen in Doberman Magazines! And all those Beautiful Dobermans, it was so exciting and breathtaking to see them all contained in one lovely hotel. And Im sure the judges had a hard time doing their assignment at this show, as the dogs were exquisite specimens of the breed! Unfortunately, I couldnt stay for the whole Nationals, but I did get to see the highlights of the Nationals, IMO, the Top Twenty Event and the Top Twenty Obedience Event. That was excellent! So many great working dogs, and some of the antics they did in the ring brought extra special enjoyment at watching the Obedience event. And the Top Twenty Conformation, well, what can I say, but WOW, what a hard class to judge, they were all Special! And the Judges did a Super Wonderful Job! My Roomates, Karen, Shelly and Kathy, you couldnt ask for better people to spend 5 days with, and these were people that I met for the first time in person, Super wonderful people. I brought my Jamie with me, as he had to be medicated 3 times a day, and I really dont trust anyone with my boy for such a long time...smile! He enjoyed it to the Max, and enjoyed all the extra attention, especially grandma Kathy hand feeding him, he got even more spoiled, it thats possible, hehe... and he got all kind of treats and new toys... he was a Perfect Gentleman too...smile! Even with the new lovely girls in the room! He got to sleep with a Beautiful Kyjur Redhead called Faith and napped with a lovely little girl called Kizzy who by the way placed in Agility! And even got to spend some time in the room with "Penny", the top obedience dog! The lighting was not the best unfortunately, and some of my photos did not turn out to clear, Im sorry, but these are all I have, I received a few from Karen,"Finally"...hehe, so I hope you enjoy them. I do hope I have the right names attached to the right pictures. Please let me know if I dont! ![]() And Now let the Show Begin! ![]() The Top 20 "Winner" Chaos The Top Twenty Obedience ![]() and Now some Photos of some great people! ![]() Karen, One of my Roomies, whos company I enjoyed very much! Kathy another roomie of mine, who was alot of fun! Deb, who is a super person, this was the first time I met her in person! A 1st Place photo of Deb...smile Christy, A Super Gal, and One of my Clicker teachers! Jan, another super person, one of our chat groupies! The Rest are all Great People that I have finally met in Person! Robin, who has a wonderful Page on the Web! Peggy Garic who was one of the judges in the Top 20 Obedience! Vic, he is a great guy, he is another one of my clicker trainers! Gwen a great Dobe Rescue Person and Vic! And we cant forget our Dobies...Jamie and Kizzy! The Kyjur Redhead...Faith! And My Boy...Jamie! Hope you enjoyed the photos and to view more photos of the Nationals Click below to go to Robins Nationals page! Click the link below to go to My Main Dobe Site! Click the link below to go to My Dobe Chat Room! ![]()
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