My Tharp Family Pictures


William Bailey Tharp, Sr with son and grandson


Here is my 3rd great grandfather,
William Bailey Tharp, Sr. with his grandson & son.

From left, grandson & namesake William Bailey "Willie", grandfather, Christopher Baumgardner Tharp (father of Willie)    







Here are my great-grandparents on their wedding day.
Simon Peter Tharp & Rhoda Wagner "Wag" Self.
Wag is the daughter of Littleberry Self, Jr & Josephine O'Neal






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Here are my great-grandparents about 1910 or a little earlier.
Simon Peter Tharp & Rhoda Wagner "Wag" Self in the back.
Their children: Royce, Emma & Flossie sitting in front.


Grandpas Birthplace

Here's the house that my grandfather (Hearley Tharp) was born in.
It's located in Priceville, Hart Co., Ky.


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Here are my great-grandparents again when they were much older.
Left to right: "Wag", Simon Peter Tharp, Clifton Caswell, Jessie Beard,
Emma (Tharp) Beard, Flossie (Tharp) Caswell and Hearley Tharp peaking out from behind.
Kneeling down in front from left to right Walter Beard, Roy Caswell and Gordon Tharp.


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This page created October 18, 1997
This page last fiddled with June 22, 2000

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