My Shofner Pictures
Here is my great-great-grandmother's, Margaret Bell Wright Shofner, tombstone. It is in Red Hill Cemetery, Hodgenville, Larue Co., Kentucky. Her husband, William Easton Shofner's is buried in Campbellsville, Ky.
These are my great-grandparents, Robert William (R. W.)
Shofner & Annie Elizabeth Lile Shofner.
Not sure where this one was taken. But I would love to have that car now!
Here's Ma & Pa Shofner (R. W. & Annie Shofner) again.
Seems like Pa didn't like looking directly at the camera.
I do know that this one was taken in Camp Taylor, Kentucky in 1928.
Camp Taylor is outside of Louisville.
This page created March 16, 2000
This page last fiddled with March 16, 2000
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