My Munday Family Pictures


James William Munday - very young



Here is a picture of my Great-Grandfather James William Munday.  We aren't really sure when this was taken,
but I would guess that he is about 20 years old.









emilycmunday.gif (37554 bytes)


Here is a picture of my Great-Grandmother, Emily C.
Slemmons Munday.  She is the wife of James W. (above) and mother to Richard (below).   This picture is taken in 1918 when she was 59.







  My Grandparents on their wedding day



This is a picture of my grandparents, Richard Slemmons Munday & Gussie Otto DeSpain, on their wedding day June 1, 1921









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This page last fiddled with March 16, 2000

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