Debbie's Major Disclaimer
I want to first begin by saying with great appreciation how much I thank everyone that has shared with me their family history or any knowledge about any of my family lines.
Now on to my disclaimer. I would like for everyone to understand that I don't claim to be the great guru of genealogy. Not all of my information has been documented and believe it or not I do make mistakes. I (like most genealogist) have collected the vast majority of my information from hundreds if not thousands of sources. Some information I can tell you book, page number and paragraph. But some I collected when I first started and as a new genealogist I didn't write down all the necessary facts. So now I couldn't tell you where I got it from if my life depended on it. I am slowly trying to rectify this. As things are brought to my attention, I go back and try to re-prove this stuff. Then I may realize that I might have made a mistake, then I try and correct it. But in the same breath any experienced genealogist will understand when I say that somethings can't be documented. Some of it is just hunches. Also some of the information that I have I am unable to verify due to not having the resources here locally and the time and money that it would take to get the information from the original source. Alot of my data I have gotten from other researchers and they might not have had it documented in the stuff they sent me. You have to understand that when you get someone else's information sometimes you have to take it at face value. Even though we all hate to do that. I know it would be wonderful if everyone one of our ancestors left a will, with a court case that followed which named all of the children and their spouses. Or they actually left a bible record that takes the family back 4 generations or even more far fetched they all were buried in a wonderfully groomed cemetery with readable stones. But as any experienced genealogist knows that that is not highly likely to have happened. Or if it does it's with the one cousin that doesn't care about genealogy, doesn't have any children and doesn't want to let anyone in the family to look at it for fear it will get stolen. Lastly, if you are a serious researcher and have been doing genealogy for some time. You know the endless amount of hours we put into our research to find that one hidden name, date or place. Even then there is no guarantee that what we have is absolute.
So after all of this. If you still fill like you must email me and ball me out about some information that I have wrong. I only request one thing, that you have the information well documented. Only because in my mind if you are sending me a correction of my information I need to see the information you have documented. I'm sure everyone of you understand why.
I hope that this disclaimer doesn't come off wrong. I don't want it to turn anyone away that wants to contact me on one of my lines. I am always willing to share information that I have with anyone. I have put these pages here in the search to make contact with new relatives and friends also to hopefully fill in some "holes" in my own research. But mainly to "show off" my relatives of which I am very proud. So now as I get off of my soapbox, if anyone wants to email me with a correction, connection or addition please feel free to do so.
Thanks for listening,
This page was created on August 23, 1998
This page was last updated on August 23, 1998
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