Welcome to the Schnebely
Family Home Page
This website is dedicated to the Schnebely Family descendents in the United States and elsewhere. The Schnebely's were originally from Switzerland, but fled to Germany and then to America in the 1700's to escape religious persecution. They settled mainly in Pennsylvania (Lancaster County) and in Maryland (Washington County). Upon settling in their new
homeland, they changed their surnames, mainly to either SNAVELY or SNIVELY.
The goal of this website is to allow members of the extended Schnebely -
Snavely - Snively Family to share genealogical data, build the family tree, share family stories, and otherwise make
If you are a SNAVELY, SNAVLEY, SNIVELY or other descendent of the SCHNEBELYs, welcome!
NOTE: I am back! Sorry for the extended delay in posting information - I will get the entire backlog posted and keep it up to date.
Last modified/updated: September 5, 2000
In Memory: We remember
with fondness Gee Gee Hughes, who was a member of our web-family, a great
contributor to the genealogy of the family, and who passed away in December
1999. Our prayers are with her family.
Links to Snavely/Snively Pages on the Web:
If you know of others who should be added to this list, please complete the form below and we'll add them in!
E-Mail Links to Family on the Web:
If you would like to be added to this list, please complete
the form below and you will be added!
Links to Family History/Genealogy on the Web
On-Going Searches
If you are currently searching for a Schnebely ancestor or otherwise working on your Schnebely family tree and have a question someone might be able to help with, complete the form below and I will post it on the following list.
- Bill Snavely is looking for ancestors of Casper (Schnebely) Snavely, who emigrated from Alsace to Maryland in the 1700's.
- Joyce Melnar is looking for information on Mary/Mariah/Stonebraker, who married John C. Schnebly. Need Children's names and spouses.
- Teresa Dehnel-Snavely is looking for information on John & Elizabeth(MUSSER), Ruffus Snavely and Nicholas Snavely
- Carol Wilson is looking for information on Peter A. Snavely, born abt 1820
in Franklin, PA, served in Company F of the 44th regiment of Mo. Volunteers. It looks like his parents are a Barbara
Alspaugh and George Snavely (Schnebele). He died 3-11-1906 in Tripplett, Missouri.
- Ellis Vaughn is looking for the ancestors of John Snavely from Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., PA.
- James O. Jones is looking for additional information on Susanna Sneably b.1738 Berks Co.,PA & father John Sneably d.1772 Lancaster Co.PA
- Dawn Desmond is looking for information on Sarah Snavely b 1856 Dauphin Co, Pa & parents, Rudolph Snavely & Catherine Bowman
- Chuck Thompson is looking for ancestors/birthplace of John Snavely/Schnobly, husband of Rachel Askey, who lived/died in Howard, PA.
- Denis L Block is looking for informaton on Mary Ann Schnabel, born in 1842 died in 1912 parents unknown. Married David Bloch on July 24, 1853 and resided in Berks Co. Pa.
- John Seay is looking for Maria SNAVELY(1740-1822) married to William GOOD. His 6th great grandparents.
- Brian Snavely is looking for information on Jacob Snavely, 102nd Illinois Infantry, from Cold Brook (no longer on maps, at least by that name), in either Knox or Warren Counties, IL. "It's my belief, from census records I reviewed MANY years ago, that he is my GGG-Great Uncle, brother of Joseph and son of George of Richland County, Ohio, previously Lancaster County, PA."
- Peggy Struwe would like a lead on James Parkinson, who married Christina Hoy a granddaughter of
Susanna Snavely
- Carolyn M. Bowers is looking for parents of Maria Snavely who married William Good--my 4 great grandparents
- Caryl A. Mitchell is looking for information on Elizabeth Snively born ca 1758 who married Abraham Hull and Samuel Jamison of Huntingdon Co, PA
- Phyllis Blickendserfer is looking for background on Elizabeth Snavely married to Johannes Michael Roher /
Lancaster PA 1700's.
- Walter E. Snavely is looking for more information on Johann Schnebeli or Schnebli.
- Dale Lewis is looking for info for gmother Almira Snively, her father Daniel Snively, his father Abraham Snivel
- Marianne West, whose ancestor is Anna Schnebele b. 1706 Alsace, married Johannes Lang
(Her father is
Johan Jacob)
- Pam Sullivan is looking for information on Mary Margaret Snavely b.abt 1788. She married Thomas Crow 10 Mar 1808. Mary died 23 Dec 1886,VA.
- Frank Van Orden is seeking ancestry of Catherine Snavely, b. ca. 1812, prob. Lancaster County, PA, married
David Hoke.
- Mark Werkiser is not related, but "My ancestor came over w/Johannes SCHNEBLI (Royal Union-1750). Interested in any info on that ship."
- Ruth Runion-Slear is looking for
information on Susan Snavely b. 1799 married Joseph Snavely (Schnabely) b.1796
buried in Derry Twp. Dau C. PA
- Susan Kamachi is looking for
information on her Great-great-grandfather - John Miller Snively b. 1817
married to Lemitia P. Stryker b. 1823
- Christopher Gene Snively's lineage is from southern Ohio, mainly Pike County,
any help from others out there?
- Georges Luedi is looking for
the ancestors of Amalie Tobler-Schnebeli (1833 - 1924)
- Thomas Henry Snively is looking for
information on his great-great grandfather, David Snively of Port Dover, Ontario,
- Darlene E. (Snavely) Moyer has
informationon John Jacob b.1673, wife Elizabeth.had sons Isaac b.Dec 1713, came to
Lebanon,PA-8 children
- Michael Snively wants information on John Snively(b.1773-1806)and his son Hugh Snively(b.05 March,1805)
- John A Snively is looking for information
about descendents of John Snively b.1823 d.1891 and Anna Eliza Bordner b.1823
d.1891 of Stark Co. OH
- Les Snavely is searching for
the wife of JACOB SCHNEBELE [1738-1829], Woodbury Twp, near Williamsburg, PA.
- Frank E. McCollom Jr. is
looking for information on James Snively b 9/7/1836 in PA m. Mary Ellen Fry
- Carlene McGowan is looking for
information on her g-grandfather Conrad Snavely - son of Joseph &
Mary (Wagner) b 1877- Dauphin PA
16 Oct 1727 - Ship - "Friendship" of Bristol, John Davies, Master ...
- Henrich SCHNEBLI
19 Aug 1729 - Ship - "Mortonhouse", James Coultas, Master ....
- Ultimer SCHNEBLER - (Garbled name for Othmar SCHNEBELE)
- Hendrick SNEEVELE
14 Oct 1731 - Snow - "Louther", Joseph Fisher, Master ....
28 Aug 1733 - Ship - "Hope", Dan. Reid, Master ....
under 16 years of age...
7 Feb 1739 - Ship - "Jamaica Galley", Robert Harrison ....Commander
.... Not sure if these are really SCHNEBELE's ....
- Johannes SCHEIBLEY
3 Sep 1724 - Ship - "Loyal Judith" - Capt. James Cowie ....
30 Aug 1743 - Ship - "Francis and Elizabeth" - George North, Master ..
- Lenhardt SCHNEBELI
- Caspar SNABILY
1 Aug 1747 - Bilander - " Vernon" - Thomas Ricks, Master ...
9 Sep 1749 - Ship - "St. Andrew" - James Abercrombie, Master ...
11 Sep 1749 - Ship - "Priscilla" - William Meir, Capt. ....
27 Sep 1749 - Ship - "Isaac" - Robert Mitchell, Capt. ...
28 Sep 1749 - Ship "Ann" - John Spurier, Master .....
15 Aug 1750 - Ship - "Royal Union, Clement Nicholson, Commander ...
22 Sep 1752 - Ship - "Brothers". Willim M'Nair, Captain ....
3 Oct 1753 - Ship "Eastern Branch", James Nevin, Captain ....
26 Oct 1768 - Ship "Crawford", Charles Smith, Master ....
- Joh. Friederich SCHNABEL
- Joh. Conrad SCHNABEL
Feedback Form

This website is always under construction. Please add to the site's development! Share your data and stories about the family. This site is maintained by Dr. Bill Snavely of Oxford, Ohio. Please send information via e-mail. Please DO NOT put me on any mass mailing lists - I NEVER respond to any kind of advertising so you are wasting your time and harming the internet. Please NO SPAM! Thanks!
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