(Pictured are:Willie,Trooper: back Toby,Blazer,Hiro: front) 1997 JayRbar Litter
LITTERS OR BREEDER-OWNEDAVAILABLE UNITED STATES ALASKA COPPER HILL BOXERS Breeder: Cindy Baril/Copper Hill Boxers Anchorage, Alaska USA See them on-line at:CopperHill Boxers ARIZONA ANOZIRA BOXERS Breeders: Cheryl Cazier Phoenix AZ E-mail: Anozira Boxers KRISER BOXERS BREEDERS: JOHN & REESA KRISER, SUSANA SZUST MEZA,AZ TELEPHONE: (602) 615- 8740 HOME or (800) 613-2222 EXT 4092 (JOHN) WEBPAGE: KriserBoxers EMAIL:Kriser Boxers CALIFORNIA BIX-L BOXERS See them online at: Bix-L Boxers Breeder:Beth Pariseau Bakersfield, CA E-mail to:Bix-L Boxers B.O.S.S. BOXERS See them online at:B.O.S.S. Boxers Jennifer Hornsby Santa Cruz, CA, USA E-Mail: B.O.S.S. Boxers ENCORE BOXERS Serious Inquiries Welcome E-mail: Encore Boxers See them on-line at: Encore Boxers Cheryl A. Cates Exeter, CA HI MASTER'S BOXERS E-mail address: Hi Master's Boxers See them on-line -Web page:Hi Master's Boxers PAWPRINT BOXERS Sire: "Booker T" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's Booker T, CGC ATTS-TT Dam: "Penny" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's n PawPrint's New Year, CGC ATTS-TT Fawn litter due 3/28/01: ABC Futurity Nominated 2002 See them online at:PawPrint Boxers Christina Ghimenti E-Mail: PawPrint Boxers ROSA BOXERS Sabrina Thompson San Diego, CA Email: Rosa Boxers ROSEND BOXERS Breeder: Jerry & Lynda Yon, Rosend Boxers Town/Country: Tracy, CA, USA Email: Rosend Boxers Telephone :209-832-2897; Web page for puppies:Rosend Puppies VICTORY BOXERS Breeders: Michele Steward, Victory Boxers Santa Rosa, Ca, USA Email: VictoryBoxers Webpage for pictures of pup, parents and pedigrees. CONNECTICUT HALCYON BOXERS Sire: A/C Ch Lynbary's Ode to Cachet Dam: Ch Halcyon Gilding the Lily Whelp date: 5/19/01 2 fawn boys 2 fawn girls white girl Breeder/Owner: Susan von Rothkirch North Haven, CT URL: Halcyon Boxers Email: Halcyon All of my dogs are echo'd (every two years), thyroid tested, and OFA cert. for hips (Updated 5/20/01) SUMMIT ASH BOXERS E-mail: Summit Ash Boxers DELAWARE J. DARA'S BOXERS See Puppies online at Puppies Health testing, pedigrees and contracts can be see online at:J.Dara's Boxers Owners/breeder: Rebecca A. West RR2 Box 47-15, Delmar, DE 19940 E-mail address: J.Dara's Boxers FLORIDA DEPOLO BOXERS Danielle Polubinski, Breeder 5263 Box Turtle Circle Sarasota, FL 34232 Tel:941-342-8194 E-mail:DePolo Boxers See them on-line at:DePolo Boxers Web Site IONNACONI BOXERS Whelp date:Dec 7,2000 Sire:Can/Int Ch Rodlin's Baywatch Knight SOMC CGC Dam:Jaquet's Valencia flashy fawn male flashy fawn female 2 flashy brindle females Breeder/Owner Joy Ionnaconi, Chuluota, Florida Email: sire's owner- Dajen Boxers (Updated 12/28/00) GEORGIA CHATO BOXERS Sire: Am.Ch. Syrr Run's Payday For Chato Dam: Chato's Lulu's Back In Town Whelp date: April 20, 2001 Breeder/Owner: Ramiro & Ruby Chavez Lawrenceville, Ga-USA URL: ChatoBoxers Email: Chato RED CLAY BOXERS Owner/breeder:Toni Boorstein Alpharetta, GA E-mail:Red Clay Boxers See them on-line at:Red Clay Boxers SEMPERFI BOXERS Sire:CH. Southgate's Judgment Day, CD, AX,OAJ, HIC Dam: Semper Fi Esprit de Corps, CD, OA, OAJ,TDI Whelp date:05-21-2001 3 Plain brindle males Flashy brindle male 3 flashy brindle females Breeder/Owner: Mike and Claudia Clifton Atlanta, GA, USA URL: SemperFi Boxers Email: SemperFI (Updated 5/22/01) TOKALON BOXERS Owner/Breeder: Debbie McAlpine, Marietta, GA See them on-line at:Tokalon Boxers E-mail address: Tokalon Boxers ILLINOIS BAVARIAN BOXERS For more information, or to see them on line: Bavarian Boxers Vera Albers Bavarian Boxers since 1965 Gurnee, IL URL: Bavarian Boxers E-mail: Bavarian Boxers CINEMA BOXERS To see our dogs go to:Cinema Boxers Breeders: Paula Rossmann & Jim Collins Russell, IL Ph. 847-395-6195 E-mail:CINEMA BOXERS INDIANA GLORY BOXERS WAYNE & CINDY HOLMES HOBART, IN 46342 (219) 942-3790 Email: Glory Boxers See them on their own web page atGLORY BOXERS INTERLUDE BOXERS Litter referrals for both show and pet puppies. See them on-line at:Home page:Interlude Boxers JERRY & DOT BRYANT Email:Interlude Boxers MOONSTRUCK BOXERS See them on-line at: Moonstruck Boxers Breeders/Owners:Carol Ann & Richard Peters Valparaiso E-mail: Moonstruck Boxers NOBLE BOXERS See them on-line at:Noble Boxers Karen Fraysier Bluffton, IN E-mail: Noble Boxers OAK KNOLL BOXER'S Owner/Breeder:Teresa Guetersloh Oak Knoll Boxer's Rolling Prairie, Indiana 219-778-2304 E-Mail: Oak Knoll Boxers NOBLEHEART BOXER Breeders: SUSAN FINLEY LA GRANGE, INDIANA Email :NOBLEHEART@MAILEXCITE.COM Telephone:219-463-8761 KANSAS JAYRBAR BOXER Litter referral/contact:JayRbar Boxer KENTUCKY BRAVO BOXER Whelped: 12/16/00 Sire: Am Ch Laurel Hills Shooting Star Dam: Am Ch Box Run's Prophesy V Kiebla 3 flashy brindle bitches 2 flashy brindle dogs Breeder/Owners: Susan Finley and Joyce Campbell, DVM Louisville, KY email: Bravo Boxers (Updated 12/28/00) LOUISIANA WILDHART BOXERS Sire: CH EWO's Reflection of Breaker Dam: Wildhart's Abigail of Sherwood Due to whelp: May 8, 2001 Mandeville, Louisiana Breeder: Melissa Strother, Wildhart Boxers Email: Wildhart URL: Wildhart Boxers VILADABOXERS To see them on-line, click on ViLaDa BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information please contact: Craig & Michele Hodge ViLaDa BOXERS West Monroe, LA E-mail: ViLaDa Boxers MARYLAND BOXERS AT WIT'S END Breeder: Connie Haywood Davidsonville, Maryland Email to: Boxers at Wit's End STEPHLYN'S BOXERS Stephanie Flores Hagerstown, Maryland E-mail: StephLyn's Boxer MICHIGAN BIRCHWOOD BOXERS Litter planned for Spring 2001 Rita Wernette 6207 Walker Creek Dr. Lake, Mich. 48632 Ph. 517-644-5431 E-mail:Birchwood Boxer To see them on-line visit: BirchwoodBoxers SIERRA BOXERS For more information, or to see them on line SIERRA BOXERS Tracey Waddell Telephone: 517-645-7692 E-mail: Sierra Boxers MINNESOTA KANDIYOHI BOXERS Breeders--Kim Bloomquist:Email:Kandiyohi Boxers Willmar, Minnesota URL: Kankiyohi Boxers MISSISSIPPI BULLOCK BOXERS Greg Bullock Sumrall, Ms E-mail: Bullock Boxers MISSOURI Litter referral/contact: Heart of America Boxer Club NEBRASKA Litter/rescue referral & contact:ORRKID BOXERS Sandy Orr Omaha, NE NEW YORK HILLDALE'S BOXERS To see them on-line or for further information, visit their website at:Hilldale's Boxers Beverly Lockwood Syracuse, NY E-mail to:Hilldale's Boxer NORTH CAROLINA Damas Boxers Breeder: Malena Smither Carrboro, NC See them on-line at: Damas Boxers Email: Damas Boxers OHIO KayCee Boxers Breeder: Kerry and Cathy Davidson 4877 Rumpke Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 EMAIL: KayceeBoxers Web site: KayCeeBoxers Telephone: 513-753-3661 WINLAND BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information, see them online at:Winland Boxers Charles CoullTiffin,OH E-Mail:Windland Boxers OKLAHOMA SARKEL BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information, see them online at:Sarkel Boxers Ann & Herb Gilbert Broken Arrow, OK E-Mail: Sarkel Boxers WINMERE BOXERS Theresa Garton Oklahoma City Telephone: 405-478-4149 E-mail: Winmere Boxers OREGON TRAILS END BOXERS Breeder: Shannon Carlson Klamath Falls, Oregon Email: Trails End Boxers URL: See them on-line at:Trails End BoxersUpdated TRIFECTA BOXERS Pat Russell Trifecta Training Center Crow,Oregon(20 miles W. of Eugene) Oregon Boxer Club Breeder referral & rescue Telephone: 541-935-0112 E-mail Trifecta Boxers See them on-line at: Trifecta Boxers PENNSYLVANIA TRIPLE CROWN BOXERS Litter & Rescue referral Breeder/owner:Cathy Sylvester Elverson, PA E-Mail:Triple Crown Boxers< WICCA'S BOXERS Whelped December 18th, 2000 Sire: Suncrest`s magic in the air --holtered 2 Dam: Bellcrest wicca stolen fortune--holtered an 11 4 plain brindle bitches Owner: Cheryl Hathaway Girard Pa. See them on-line at:WICCA BOXER E-mail address: Wicca Boxers(Update 12/28/00) SOUTH CAROLINA HILLBLOOM BOXERS Breeder: Jessica E Hillbloom Summerville,SC Email: Hillbloom Boxers Telephone(843) 688-4294 See them on-line at: Hillbloom Boxers PRO BOXERS Peggy Otto/PRO Boxers Summerville, SC, USA E-MAIL:Pro Boxers You can see them on-line at PRO BOXERS SYRR RUN BOXERS Breeders: Larry, Beckie, Kay Horne St. George, SC 29477 Telephone: 843-563-9261 For information, questions or to see pictures, please see them on-line at Syrr Run Boxers E-Mail: Syrr Run Boxers TENNESSEE SCENICVU BOXERS Maryville, TN Email: ScenicVu Boxers Web page: ScenicVuBoxer TEXAS INCOGNITO BOXERS Contact: Terra Mularski Lone Oak, Tx E-MAIL: Incognito Boxers See them on-line at: Incognito Boxers TADD BOXERS Tom & Donna Doane Bar None Ranch 611 Lower Valley Lane Cibolo Texas 78108 phone is 210-659-4095 E-mail: Tadd Boxers See them on-line at: Tadd Boxers WASHINGTON BLASIA'S BOXERS Blasia's Boxers Bruce & Terrie Hines ABC, RKC, Breeder & Rescue Rt 3 Box 2091 Benton City, WA 99320 Telephone: 509/588-5881 fax:588-5163 E-Mail: Blasia's Boxers CANDY KISSES BOXERS Terri Houston To see them on-line, visitCandy Kisses Boxers Litter due April 2nd, 2001 CH Candy Kisses Bold N Beautiful X BISS CH Storybook's Rip It Up DRAYMIA BOXERS Litter referral/contact:Draymia Boxers Cheryl Stevens Pasco, Washington EMERALD BOXERS Owner/Breeder: Renee Emerson & Sarah Neely Emerald BoxersRenton, WA USA Email:Emeraldbxr@aol.com To see them on-line visit: EmeraldBoxers LRM BOXERS Breeders: Kevin & Linda Middagh Camas, Washington Email:LRM Boxers MAPLE BOXERS Dana Sharp Email: Maple Boxers See them on-line at:MapleBoxers SHADOWBOX Reg BOXERS For more information or to see them on-line, visit their web site at Shadowbox Reg Boxers SHADOWBOX Reg. BOXERS HARRINGTON, WA. U.S.A. E-mail address: shdwbox@famrc.org WISCONSIN BENTBROOK BOXERS Barb Carroll Wisconsin Rapids, Wi See them on-line atBentbrook Boxers E-Mail : Bentbrook Boxers Fax: 715/325-2933 If you are looking in the United States and do not see anything listed in your area, we are pleased to offer the following link to an on-line breeders map. Boxer Breeders Map Links to other sites on the Web Phillips Family Home Page :JayRbar Boxers are the sponsors of this page. We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of members of the two on-line Boxer mailing lists in providing the litter information. If you are interested in joining us on these lists, the links are listed below in alphabetical order. Boxer Friends List Boxer Mail List For additional information about breeds, breed standards and other FAQ's (frequently asked questions) maintained by Cindy Tittle Moore. Complete ON-LINE FAQ To Return to the MAIN PAGE Love to hear from you...Drop us a note... © 1998 Phillips Family & JayRbar Boxer/GSP Hey...you are number to visit our page!! Sign Guestbook View our Guestbook This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page
LITTERS OR BREEDER-OWNEDAVAILABLE UNITED STATES ALASKA COPPER HILL BOXERS Breeder: Cindy Baril/Copper Hill Boxers Anchorage, Alaska USA See them on-line at:CopperHill Boxers ARIZONA ANOZIRA BOXERS Breeders: Cheryl Cazier Phoenix AZ E-mail: Anozira Boxers KRISER BOXERS BREEDERS: JOHN & REESA KRISER, SUSANA SZUST MEZA,AZ TELEPHONE: (602) 615- 8740 HOME or (800) 613-2222 EXT 4092 (JOHN) WEBPAGE: KriserBoxers EMAIL:Kriser Boxers CALIFORNIA BIX-L BOXERS See them online at: Bix-L Boxers Breeder:Beth Pariseau Bakersfield, CA E-mail to:Bix-L Boxers B.O.S.S. BOXERS See them online at:B.O.S.S. Boxers Jennifer Hornsby Santa Cruz, CA, USA E-Mail: B.O.S.S. Boxers ENCORE BOXERS Serious Inquiries Welcome E-mail: Encore Boxers See them on-line at: Encore Boxers Cheryl A. Cates Exeter, CA HI MASTER'S BOXERS E-mail address: Hi Master's Boxers See them on-line -Web page:Hi Master's Boxers PAWPRINT BOXERS Sire: "Booker T" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's Booker T, CGC ATTS-TT Dam: "Penny" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's n PawPrint's New Year, CGC ATTS-TT Fawn litter due 3/28/01: ABC Futurity Nominated 2002 See them online at:PawPrint Boxers Christina Ghimenti E-Mail: PawPrint Boxers ROSA BOXERS Sabrina Thompson San Diego, CA Email: Rosa Boxers ROSEND BOXERS Breeder: Jerry & Lynda Yon, Rosend Boxers Town/Country: Tracy, CA, USA Email: Rosend Boxers Telephone :209-832-2897; Web page for puppies:Rosend Puppies VICTORY BOXERS Breeders: Michele Steward, Victory Boxers Santa Rosa, Ca, USA Email: VictoryBoxers Webpage for pictures of pup, parents and pedigrees. CONNECTICUT HALCYON BOXERS Sire: A/C Ch Lynbary's Ode to Cachet Dam: Ch Halcyon Gilding the Lily Whelp date: 5/19/01 2 fawn boys 2 fawn girls white girl Breeder/Owner: Susan von Rothkirch North Haven, CT URL: Halcyon Boxers Email: Halcyon All of my dogs are echo'd (every two years), thyroid tested, and OFA cert. for hips (Updated 5/20/01) SUMMIT ASH BOXERS E-mail: Summit Ash Boxers DELAWARE J. DARA'S BOXERS See Puppies online at Puppies Health testing, pedigrees and contracts can be see online at:J.Dara's Boxers Owners/breeder: Rebecca A. West RR2 Box 47-15, Delmar, DE 19940 E-mail address: J.Dara's Boxers FLORIDA DEPOLO BOXERS Danielle Polubinski, Breeder 5263 Box Turtle Circle Sarasota, FL 34232 Tel:941-342-8194 E-mail:DePolo Boxers See them on-line at:DePolo Boxers Web Site IONNACONI BOXERS Whelp date:Dec 7,2000 Sire:Can/Int Ch Rodlin's Baywatch Knight SOMC CGC Dam:Jaquet's Valencia flashy fawn male flashy fawn female 2 flashy brindle females Breeder/Owner Joy Ionnaconi, Chuluota, Florida Email: sire's owner- Dajen Boxers (Updated 12/28/00) GEORGIA CHATO BOXERS Sire: Am.Ch. Syrr Run's Payday For Chato Dam: Chato's Lulu's Back In Town Whelp date: April 20, 2001 Breeder/Owner: Ramiro & Ruby Chavez Lawrenceville, Ga-USA URL: ChatoBoxers Email: Chato RED CLAY BOXERS Owner/breeder:Toni Boorstein Alpharetta, GA E-mail:Red Clay Boxers See them on-line at:Red Clay Boxers SEMPERFI BOXERS Sire:CH. Southgate's Judgment Day, CD, AX,OAJ, HIC Dam: Semper Fi Esprit de Corps, CD, OA, OAJ,TDI Whelp date:05-21-2001 3 Plain brindle males Flashy brindle male 3 flashy brindle females Breeder/Owner: Mike and Claudia Clifton Atlanta, GA, USA URL: SemperFi Boxers Email: SemperFI (Updated 5/22/01) TOKALON BOXERS Owner/Breeder: Debbie McAlpine, Marietta, GA See them on-line at:Tokalon Boxers E-mail address: Tokalon Boxers ILLINOIS BAVARIAN BOXERS For more information, or to see them on line: Bavarian Boxers Vera Albers Bavarian Boxers since 1965 Gurnee, IL URL: Bavarian Boxers E-mail: Bavarian Boxers CINEMA BOXERS To see our dogs go to:Cinema Boxers Breeders: Paula Rossmann & Jim Collins Russell, IL Ph. 847-395-6195 E-mail:CINEMA BOXERS INDIANA GLORY BOXERS WAYNE & CINDY HOLMES HOBART, IN 46342 (219) 942-3790 Email: Glory Boxers See them on their own web page atGLORY BOXERS INTERLUDE BOXERS Litter referrals for both show and pet puppies. See them on-line at:Home page:Interlude Boxers JERRY & DOT BRYANT Email:Interlude Boxers MOONSTRUCK BOXERS See them on-line at: Moonstruck Boxers Breeders/Owners:Carol Ann & Richard Peters Valparaiso E-mail: Moonstruck Boxers NOBLE BOXERS See them on-line at:Noble Boxers Karen Fraysier Bluffton, IN E-mail: Noble Boxers OAK KNOLL BOXER'S Owner/Breeder:Teresa Guetersloh Oak Knoll Boxer's Rolling Prairie, Indiana 219-778-2304 E-Mail: Oak Knoll Boxers NOBLEHEART BOXER Breeders: SUSAN FINLEY LA GRANGE, INDIANA Email :NOBLEHEART@MAILEXCITE.COM Telephone:219-463-8761 KANSAS JAYRBAR BOXER Litter referral/contact:JayRbar Boxer KENTUCKY BRAVO BOXER Whelped: 12/16/00 Sire: Am Ch Laurel Hills Shooting Star Dam: Am Ch Box Run's Prophesy V Kiebla 3 flashy brindle bitches 2 flashy brindle dogs Breeder/Owners: Susan Finley and Joyce Campbell, DVM Louisville, KY email: Bravo Boxers (Updated 12/28/00) LOUISIANA WILDHART BOXERS Sire: CH EWO's Reflection of Breaker Dam: Wildhart's Abigail of Sherwood Due to whelp: May 8, 2001 Mandeville, Louisiana Breeder: Melissa Strother, Wildhart Boxers Email: Wildhart URL: Wildhart Boxers VILADABOXERS To see them on-line, click on ViLaDa BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information please contact: Craig & Michele Hodge ViLaDa BOXERS West Monroe, LA E-mail: ViLaDa Boxers MARYLAND BOXERS AT WIT'S END Breeder: Connie Haywood Davidsonville, Maryland Email to: Boxers at Wit's End STEPHLYN'S BOXERS Stephanie Flores Hagerstown, Maryland E-mail: StephLyn's Boxer MICHIGAN BIRCHWOOD BOXERS Litter planned for Spring 2001 Rita Wernette 6207 Walker Creek Dr. Lake, Mich. 48632 Ph. 517-644-5431 E-mail:Birchwood Boxer To see them on-line visit: BirchwoodBoxers SIERRA BOXERS For more information, or to see them on line SIERRA BOXERS Tracey Waddell Telephone: 517-645-7692 E-mail: Sierra Boxers MINNESOTA KANDIYOHI BOXERS Breeders--Kim Bloomquist:Email:Kandiyohi Boxers Willmar, Minnesota URL: Kankiyohi Boxers MISSISSIPPI BULLOCK BOXERS Greg Bullock Sumrall, Ms E-mail: Bullock Boxers MISSOURI Litter referral/contact: Heart of America Boxer Club NEBRASKA Litter/rescue referral & contact:ORRKID BOXERS Sandy Orr Omaha, NE NEW YORK HILLDALE'S BOXERS To see them on-line or for further information, visit their website at:Hilldale's Boxers Beverly Lockwood Syracuse, NY E-mail to:Hilldale's Boxer NORTH CAROLINA Damas Boxers Breeder: Malena Smither Carrboro, NC See them on-line at: Damas Boxers Email: Damas Boxers OHIO KayCee Boxers Breeder: Kerry and Cathy Davidson 4877 Rumpke Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 EMAIL: KayceeBoxers Web site: KayCeeBoxers Telephone: 513-753-3661 WINLAND BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information, see them online at:Winland Boxers Charles CoullTiffin,OH E-Mail:Windland Boxers OKLAHOMA SARKEL BOXERS For questions, pictures and further information, see them online at:Sarkel Boxers Ann & Herb Gilbert Broken Arrow, OK E-Mail: Sarkel Boxers WINMERE BOXERS Theresa Garton Oklahoma City Telephone: 405-478-4149 E-mail: Winmere Boxers OREGON TRAILS END BOXERS Breeder: Shannon Carlson Klamath Falls, Oregon Email: Trails End Boxers URL: See them on-line at:Trails End BoxersUpdated TRIFECTA BOXERS Pat Russell Trifecta Training Center Crow,Oregon(20 miles W. of Eugene) Oregon Boxer Club Breeder referral & rescue Telephone: 541-935-0112 E-mail Trifecta Boxers See them on-line at: Trifecta Boxers PENNSYLVANIA TRIPLE CROWN BOXERS Litter & Rescue referral Breeder/owner:Cathy Sylvester Elverson, PA E-Mail:Triple Crown Boxers< WICCA'S BOXERS Whelped December 18th, 2000 Sire: Suncrest`s magic in the air --holtered 2 Dam: Bellcrest wicca stolen fortune--holtered an 11 4 plain brindle bitches Owner: Cheryl Hathaway Girard Pa. See them on-line at:WICCA BOXER E-mail address: Wicca Boxers(Update 12/28/00) SOUTH CAROLINA HILLBLOOM BOXERS Breeder: Jessica E Hillbloom Summerville,SC Email: Hillbloom Boxers Telephone(843) 688-4294 See them on-line at: Hillbloom Boxers PRO BOXERS Peggy Otto/PRO Boxers Summerville, SC, USA E-MAIL:Pro Boxers You can see them on-line at PRO BOXERS SYRR RUN BOXERS Breeders: Larry, Beckie, Kay Horne St. George, SC 29477 Telephone: 843-563-9261 For information, questions or to see pictures, please see them on-line at Syrr Run Boxers E-Mail: Syrr Run Boxers TENNESSEE SCENICVU BOXERS Maryville, TN Email: ScenicVu Boxers Web page: ScenicVuBoxer TEXAS INCOGNITO BOXERS Contact: Terra Mularski Lone Oak, Tx E-MAIL: Incognito Boxers See them on-line at: Incognito Boxers TADD BOXERS Tom & Donna Doane Bar None Ranch 611 Lower Valley Lane Cibolo Texas 78108 phone is 210-659-4095 E-mail: Tadd Boxers See them on-line at: Tadd Boxers WASHINGTON BLASIA'S BOXERS Blasia's Boxers Bruce & Terrie Hines ABC, RKC, Breeder & Rescue Rt 3 Box 2091 Benton City, WA 99320 Telephone: 509/588-5881 fax:588-5163 E-Mail: Blasia's Boxers CANDY KISSES BOXERS Terri Houston To see them on-line, visitCandy Kisses Boxers Litter due April 2nd, 2001 CH Candy Kisses Bold N Beautiful X BISS CH Storybook's Rip It Up DRAYMIA BOXERS Litter referral/contact:Draymia Boxers Cheryl Stevens Pasco, Washington EMERALD BOXERS Owner/Breeder: Renee Emerson & Sarah Neely Emerald BoxersRenton, WA USA Email:Emeraldbxr@aol.com To see them on-line visit: EmeraldBoxers LRM BOXERS Breeders: Kevin & Linda Middagh Camas, Washington Email:LRM Boxers MAPLE BOXERS Dana Sharp Email: Maple Boxers See them on-line at:MapleBoxers SHADOWBOX Reg BOXERS For more information or to see them on-line, visit their web site at Shadowbox Reg Boxers SHADOWBOX Reg. BOXERS HARRINGTON, WA. U.S.A. E-mail address: shdwbox@famrc.org WISCONSIN BENTBROOK BOXERS Barb Carroll Wisconsin Rapids, Wi See them on-line atBentbrook Boxers E-Mail : Bentbrook Boxers Fax: 715/325-2933
Sire: "Booker T" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's Booker T, CGC ATTS-TT Dam: "Penny" Am/Int'l Ch Rosend's n PawPrint's New Year, CGC ATTS-TT Fawn litter due 3/28/01: ABC Futurity Nominated 2002 See them online at:PawPrint Boxers Christina Ghimenti E-Mail: PawPrint Boxers
To see them on-line or for further information, visit their website at:Hilldale's Boxers Beverly Lockwood Syracuse, NY E-mail to:Hilldale's Boxer
SHADOWBOX Reg. BOXERS HARRINGTON, WA. U.S.A. E-mail address: shdwbox@famrc.org
Links to other sites on the Web
Phillips Family Home Page :JayRbar Boxers are the sponsors of this page. We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of members of the two on-line Boxer mailing lists in providing the litter information. If you are interested in joining us on these lists, the links are listed below in alphabetical order.
Boxer Friends List Boxer Mail List For additional information about breeds, breed standards and other FAQ's (frequently asked questions) maintained by Cindy Tittle Moore. Complete ON-LINE FAQ
To Return to the MAIN PAGE
© 1998 Phillips Family & JayRbar Boxer/GSP
View our Guestbook