Boxer Puppy Application/Interest form
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Please complete the application in its entirety; including email address that we can contact you.
Your full name: Your email address: (e.g.:
Your occupation:
Your daytime phone number (with country, city, area codes):
Your evening phone number (with country, city, area codes):
State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:
Spouse's name: Spouse's occupation: Personal reference name and phone number: Reference who has known your animals, and you as a pet owner (name and phone): (not a family member) Relationship: Years acquainted: Do you live in: unanswered house in the country single family house in town condo townhouse apartment trailer other If other, please specify: Do you rent or own your home? unanswered rent own If renting, are pets allowed? unanswered yes no If allowed, is there a weight limit? unanswered yes no What is the weight limit? If renting - landlord's name and phone number: How long have you lived at this address? If less than 2 years, previous address: Do you have a fenced yard? unanswered yes no Fence type: Fence height: What is the size of your yard? If not fenced, how do you propose to handle the dog's exercise and toilet duties?
Do you have a separate kennel run? unanswered yes no If yes, what is the size of the kennel? Do you have a Doggie Door? unanswered yes no How many adults in the home? How many children in the home? The children's ages? Are any members of your household home during the day? unanswered yes no Do you have other dogs? unanswered yes no How many? Are they intact or spayed/neutered? unanswered Intact S/N
If intact; please explain. Do you have any other animals/livestock? unanswered yes no If yes, please list: Who is your regular veterinarian? (name/phone) Approximate date of last visit? Were your animals current on vaccines and heartworm prevention? unanswered yes no How many dogs have you owned in the last 5 years: What happened to them? (Lost, Stolen, Given away, etc.) If any died - list age and cause Have you owned boxers before? unanswered yes no Why do you think a Boxer is the right breed for you?
What are your plans for the dog? Other Pet Guard Hunting Obedience If other, please specify: What sex do you prefer? no preference male female Why? What is your color preference? brindle fawn white Where will the dog spend most of the day? Loose indoors Crate Basement Garage Fenced yard Loose outdoors Tied up outdoors Kennel run Other If other, please specify: How many hours a day will the dog be alone? Where will the dog spend most of each night? Loose indoors Crate Basement Garage Fenced yard Loose outdoors Tied up outdoors Kennel run Other If other, please specify: When your family is away from home overnight or on vacation, what will you do with the dog? Do you understand that many times companion animals from quality litters have AKC Limited Registration? (which means they cannot be bred) unanswered yes no Do you understand that there will be a written contract between you and the breeder as to expectations on both sides? unanswered yes no Do you agree to obey all leash laws? unanswered yes no Do you agree to provide regular health care for the dog(s)? unanswered yes no Do you agree & understand that the breeder has first-right of refusal if you can no longer keep the puppy? (in essence, you cannot sell or give the puppy away for any reason) unanswered yes no Would you agree to a home check, prior to purchase? unanswered yes no Have you or anyone in your immediate family ever been convicted of a charge of cruelty to animals? unanswered yes no Are any such charges currently pending? unanswered yes no Why do you feel you would like to acquire a dog at this time?
How much do you think it would cost to feed the dog? How much do you think Veterinary care would cost? What other expenses would you expect to pay? What is your definition of disciplining a dog?
By submitting this form, I swear that all information contained herein is true and complete
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