Anyone wishing to petition for acceptance as a licensed National American Bulldog Association Judge can obtain a copy of the New Judge Approval Rules and application form by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to:
National American Bulldog Association
Midwest Division, Judges Department
21663 Leroy Center Road
Capron, IL 61012-9608
N.A.B.A. Registration
We are now processing registrations on paper. To check on the status of your ordered pedigrees, please call (815) 737-8681.
Due to hard drive failure the N.A.B.A. has been back-logged with pedigree
requests. We have just finished upgrading both of our main systems, and
in addition have added a new back up system. We are now equipped to efficiently
process your American Bulldog pedigree requests in a more timely manner.
We now offer new pedigree styles that were not previously available. Applications
for registration* and pedigrees will be sent upon request. Not all American
Bulldogs are eligible for registration with the N.A.B.A. To apply for eligibility,
send a photocopy of the dog's current registration to either address listed
below or email scanned and sized* image to NABA
To view a current price list of registration and pedigree fees, visit
Rode Hawg's NABA Midwest
Division page.
Requests for Registration Applications can be sent to:
National American Bulldog Association
159 N. Monson Road
Hampden, MA 01036
National American Bulldog Association
Midwest Division
21663 Leroy Center Road
Capron, IL 61012-9608
*The N.A.B.A. reserves the right to change fees and/or rules, or void
any registration
papers at any time in the event of fraudulent application and/or protest
of purebred status is proven.
*When scanning pedigree images for email, please size them to 180K
or less. Any image larger will not be accepted.
MUZZLE: Square, wide and deep. Large jaws, should display great strength. Bite should be scissor to 1/4” undershot. Muzzle should be 35% to 42% of the total length of the head. Should have a noticeable stop at the forehead. Muzzle should be wider at the base and taper slightly to the nose.
EYES: Round to almond shaped, any color except blue.
NOSE: Wide open nostrils, black.
NECK: Muscular, slightly arched. Tapering from shoulder to head.
SHOULDERS: Very muscular, side sloping shoulder blades.
BACK: Medium in length, sloping from rump to withers. Slightly
arched at
loins, which should be slightly tucked.
HIPS: Very muscular, pronounced muscularity.
STIFLES: Should be well angled.
CHEST: Deep brisket, wide but not too wide.
COAT COLOR: Any color except flat black or any blue.
WEIGHT: Not important as long as structure is sound. Any
weight between
85 lbs. to 105 lbs. for males, 65 lbs. to 90 lbs. for females.
HEIGHT: 19” to 27”.
Working dogs will not be penalized for broken teeth, cropped ears or docked tails.
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