The Performance American

Koura's Belle Star, Rode Hawg's Chuck
Rock and Dunnington's FUJIMO Max.

Margentina's Sgt. Rock and Painter's
The American Bulldog is truly an enigma.
Its past is shrouded in mystery with many theories floating about as to
its origin. Its future is just as uncertain with a new found popularity
rivaling that of the Rottweiler in its heyday. A quick rise in vogue always
signals trouble for a species with humankind as its custodian. Too often,
the recipe for successful breedership is forgotten or ignored in lieu of
the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Query any truly successful breeder
with a history of more than 15 years in the game and you will find that
there is no pot of gold. The only thing to be taken to the grave is reputation,
and how a breeder comports him or herself dictates how that reputation
will read. Responsibility, ethics and vast amounts of historical and genetic
knowledge are the main ingredients in a real breeder's program.

Leclerc's Raging Bull and Applegate's
Vader Red.
A breeder must be willing to expend the
time and energy necessary to "do right" by the breed he has chosen to represent.
He must have a specific goal to work towards accomplishing. He must gather
his tools and use them in such a way that his goal can be met with a modicum
of success. He must balance between compassion and commitment.

Koura's Lord Waldo and Leclerc's
Bama Boy.
A breeder must come to terms within himself
that the act of culling is a necessary part of responsible breeding. All
the data in the world can be gathered and mathematically plotted, but in
the end it is Mother Nature who has the final word. As ethical breeders,
it is up to us to ensure the genetic solidity and healthy heritage of our
wards. If we cannot relinquish to our own progeny a product of superior
quality, then we have failed.

Koura's Ultimate Knightmare and Rode
Hawg's Stimpy.
Detecting the truth relative to this
breed necessitates mucking through politics and divided courts playing
the agnostic. The stratagem, to find the unequivocally uncorrupted patriarchs
from whom to disinter wisdom. The breed is rife with rumor and second-hand
scandal. Some are very peculiar in nature while others carry the sharp
sting of validity. A review of the more unusual and noteworthy can be quite

Cobblestone's Celine and Contender's
Cheyanne of RH.
Anything that is worth doing is worth
doing well. Breeding is no exception. Knowledge is the key to success.
It must be remembered that half of a dog is comprised of genetics and the
other half is environmental. The best feed, care and training are all for
naught if a clean genetic base is not present. Choosing proper base stock
is imperative. Sifting through sources for that stock can be very complex.
Knowing how to choose a responsible breeder is the first step.

Maxwell's Lady (aka MaMa Belle)
Rode Hawg's Crack (foreground) and her sister, Rode Hawg's Neneh.
Health, longevity, steady temperament,
performance, versatility... these are a few of the qualities a genetically
well-bred American Bulldog should possess. They should love children unconditionally,
and be protective of all family members.
Size, color, looks... these are physical
qualities that make no difference whatsoever, beyond the requirements of
a registry's standard. The American Bulldog is a working breed and should
be structurally proportionate, highly agile, with stamina and the desire
to do whatever is required.
Total control through good obedience
is essential when working with a dog of this size and power. While very
discretionary, they can be fierce defenders when seriously threatened.
Hawg's Minerva
Minnie is an attentive companion
who loves to play with children and other dogs, but she's very alert and
ready when she senses trouble. She has been through intensive obedience
and responds quickly to commands. She is beginning street protection work
which will strengthen and focus her natural ability to be a good bodyguard.
Evaluation by a worthy trainer is highly recommended before any avenues
of involved training are begun.
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