This is a page just for Buck and Precious



I (Buck) am a 4 year old yorkie. My sister is from the same litter therefore she is also 4 years old. We were born on October 23, 1993. Our Mommy and Daddy brought us home on January 4th, 1993. We were so happy to go home with them. We love them so much, of course we like everyone we meet, and can hardly get enough attention. We know how to keep Mommy and Daddy from doing much without us, since we hate to be left alone. I know how to give this really sad look that makes them feel awful if they think about leaving without me. Precious doesn't like them leaving either, but she accepts the fact they have to go. How can I be sure they will come back???? Deep down I know they will but what if??????

 I am about 6 1/2 pounds, and some tell me I'm totally adorable. I love everyone, this includes people, as well as humans. I do not like the term dogs, I am a child with fur and will always be one. I love to go for long walks, however sometimes I get tired and need Mommy to carry me. I really like it when we go to the park and Daddy takes my leash off and lets me run (Mommy doesn't particularly like this). Daddy knows that eventually I will come back. Precious and I have many toys, but I always seem to want the one she is playing with. We love to go for rides in Daddy's truck because it sits high up where I can see everything. Mommies car sits to low to the ground so we don't like it as much. One thing I really enjoy is a good face rub. I could sit there all night when someone is rubbing my face. I used to love eating everything...i.e., steak, chicken, sea food. However, I now have to be on a special diet because I had bladder stones twice now. I had to have surgery both times which neither me nor my parents enjoyed. Hopefully I won't get them again. If anyone out there has had them too please let me know. Well, I'm going to let Precious have a turn now.



Hi, my name is Precious. I'm about 7 1/2 pounds and everything my name implies. I love being bigger then Buck because I almost always get my way. Sometimes when I'm playing with a toy that I know my brother wants, I will purposely drop it and wait and see if he will try and take it. When he does, I playfully attack him (I would never hurt him). My favorite game is to play attack with Daddy. In doing this, Daddy puts a sock on his hand and I proceed to attack it. Buck might like his face rubbed, but I love my belly rubbed. I remember when I was just a baby and Daddy would say "See a belly rub a belly". I learned real quick to roll over and get my belly rubbed. It feels so good. I like other people too just like Buck, but only if my Mommy or Daddy is holding me. Those who say we don't know english are crazy, I understand everything that is said. I just choose which command I want to listen to.




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