Hi, please drop me a note and tell me what you think.

Dana - 12/18/00 14:16:52
My URL:/rabbitsweb
My Email:danabz@hotmail.com

Hi, you have a great site !Keep up the great work ! Excellent ! Best regards, Dana xxx

Allie Caet - 11/09/98 20:07:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4033
My Email:alliecaet@geocities.com

I LOVE your page. Keep up the GREAT work!

SirDragon - 10/23/98 14:36:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/2141/
My Email:dragon_2525@yahoo.com

I really like the page and the links. With so many animals, it must be like a zoo at times. :) See you in pow

- 10/23/98 14:33:48


George (Captain C.O.O.C) Isenhart - 10/20/98 04:27:27
My URL:http://www.magiclink.com/web/cptcooc
My Email:cptcooc@magiclink.com

Super Page go check mine out when you get a chance :D

Bartimus - 10/19/98 14:01:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/1869
My Email:arta_morhydyn@hotmail.com

Found your page from PowWOW directories. Liked it a lot. Liked all the pics.

Mary Eakins - 10/16/98 02:00:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3062
My Email:okmom@pldi.net

Hi there. Great page you got here... bookmarked it... will be back often to it... Have a good one... later...

10/04/98 10:32:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

pudone - 10/01/98 05:24:42
My Email:pudone@yahoo.com


John. - 09/30/98 14:08:55
My URL:http://home.sprintmail.com/~johnheppler/
My Email:stdjph11@shsu.edu

SA2, nice page. I really like it! Keep up the good work. --John

Ken Thomas - 09/20/98 15:45:04
My Email:Kthomas@stargate.1starnet.com

Nice page, and nice music. Thanks.

Sharre - 09/17/98 18:33:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5586/
My Email:sharre@2fords.net

It's just me!!!! Loved your pages! I explored as much as I could, but now I am out of time. I have got to get back to work. I will return again this evening. Keep up the great work!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Sharre

Sassenach - 09/16/98 04:50:31
My Email:dmcgarr@dsuper.net



Friends are spirits who touch your heart
With just a twinkle at the start
But love and laughter sets in place
The thing that is shared by the whole human race
To reach out and laugh or hug and cry
To think of fondly as you gaze at the sky
So where ever you go, what ever you do!
Friends are always there for you

So think of me as your friend
Who'll stand by you till the end
We will stay up late and chat away
And sometimes just sit and pray

We are girlfriends and family too
We are always here for you
So when you are feeling Kinda low
lean on me and let me know

I'll send you hugs and special words
That will lift your spirit and soothe your soul
That is what friends are for

Garrick - 09/16/98 03:37:09
My Email:coolricky@videotron.ca

Cool page...keep up the good work!
~ Garrick
Please come and visit my PALACE of STUFF!!
Don't forget to *** SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!! ***

Destiny - 09/15/98 05:37:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Pointe/2668

WOW those eyes on the front are kinda scary! LOL just wanted to say hello and welcome to LOTH

Gradie - 09/15/98 05:36:23

Hello new sis Hope you enjoy, great site here! Good Luck.

Cointreau - 09/15/98 05:29:49
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Cointreau
My Email:cointreau@earthlink.net

Great site! welcome to Loth (and since I just joined B*I*T*C*H, we have two memberships in common *s*) *hugs*, cya ~

Theresa - 09/15/98 04:31:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9058/
My Email:bluize@geocities.com

Hi LOTH Sis! Great to have you with us :-) I look forward to seeing you on the board real soon. hugs!

Kristie - 09/15/98 01:46:16
My URL:http://www.websitedesign4u.com
My Email:kristie@websitedesign4u.com

Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to LOTH. :-) Great home you have here. I miss having birds. I never had doves, but I do enjoy watching them out in our yard. Take Care, Kristie

WebSite DeSign 4U

Kehau - 09/13/98 20:45:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/kehau
My Email:ia.kehau@angelfire.com

Hello, Sister! Welcome to the B*I*T*C*H webring. You have a really great start on your page...I will be back to see more of your pic links. Talk to you on ICQ!! =) Kehau the HulaBitch

Dorothybitch - 09/12/98 20:11:53
My URL:http://www.exminster.co.uk
My Email:dotcommon@exminster.co.uk

Just introducing myself - hi - Haven't looked at your web site yet. I'll do that now. Dorothy

Irish-Cop - 09/11/98 03:10:15
My Email:capt@snip.net

Hi, Great home pages .... I talked to ya on Pow Wow, I bookmarked it so i can check up on ya occasionally .... I wanna see the fishing trip Photo's .... Talk to ya again soon I hope !

Ð@†ïñ ®© - 09/10/98 13:20:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/datin
My Email:datin@i-55.com

I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!! Just as awesome as you! :o) Of course it took me two hours to find the guestbook hehehehe... see ya in the dew... :o) Ð@†ïñ ®©

Baby Girl - 09/09/98 18:32:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5099
My Email:thumper_baby@hotmail.com

Hi Sa, Groovy home page ya have... keep up the work :o). I really hate signing these thing but ya said I had too....hehehehe...huggers see ya in the dew.

Roger - 09/08/98 16:56:11
My Email:rwatts@home.com

A beautiful woman... A beautiful page... How could a guy go wrong... If you wanna come downunder...let me know... and poofers... be there...

- 09/03/98 20:49:58

red bats with teeth

Doc Plants - 09/01/98 03:49:56
My Email:spraymore@gte.net

nice page, mine has been under contruction for 2 years. lol

Brick Chicken - 08/31/98 01:44:45
My Email:rodeoaddict@hotmail.com

sa.....great page my friend. and congrats on the award. you definately deserve it for the hard work you've done. i really dig the pets too......

mare - 08/26/98 17:44:58
My URL:http://www.caersidi.com/~jomu/
My Email:jomu@caersidi.com

I like your page- i would like to suggest the name Jester for one of your birds.

Gary Trice - 08/26/98 05:17:41
My Email:gtrice@ix.netcom.com

Lori.... I really like your homepage. It is lovely... And... matches your sweetness very much...!!! Stay very sweet, Gary

Roshambo - 08/20/98 13:50:06
My Email:roshambo71@hotmail.com

No more hiding under the sofa!!!!!!!

Sir Robert - 08/20/98 13:24:43
My Email:robert00@bellsouth.net

ok , i thought i would color in your guest book with me crayons,and to say your sexy

Taz - 08/20/98 04:52:31

Cool page... Love the birds names.

bay - 08/19/98 15:54:07
My Email:azn0knight@aol.com

nice web page, i really like it alot.

Dave - 08/17/98 02:09:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/greenspond
My Email:dwinsor@nf.sympatico.ca

Nice page. Mine is currently under construction so it is pretty lame. How about slick for a name for one of your doves.

Lisa - 08/15/98 23:41:19
My Email:buxy@pacbell.net

Hey Sa2! Great page. I really like it! Keep up the good work and keep having fun!!!

SA2 - 08/15/98 23:34:05
My Email:look at my page!!!

Hey guys from Randalls!! Should I put a link to their homepage???? Hmmmmm..... Good Q!!!

Katharine & chris - 08/15/98 02:11:45
My Email:kat_hayes@hotmail.com

Hi!!!!! It's Chris Scott from Randalls!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeans&Pearls - 08/12/98 13:55:59
My Email:cbarton@thezone.net

Hey there Lori I finally found it and I have to say it was real neat. Good luck on finishing it up. I'll visit again sometime. *sigh* just for you LOL

andi - 08/07/98 19:41:40
My URL:/paris/metro/4412
My Email:andi@teleweb.at

nice page and pic, and since i love to find names i thought i will drop a message here! :) i suggest me what kinda names you're looking for, but some weird proposals are: noel, neonlicht, kobalt, palisander, heisenberg, drömhus, jonathan or florence night ngale. maybe you will send of your doves to my little star utsikten?
ciao, andi.


Sis - 08/03/98 16:14:19
My Email:Guenivere@hotmail.com

HELLO? TAG!!!! YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremiah - 08/02/98 01:24:41

You have created a awesomely cool homepage that is definitely your personality. Lots of neat links to. How about "Pheonix" as name for one of your doves? Great page!

Englishman - 07/30/98 16:36:08
My Email:Brat@cyberdude.com


Shania - 07/29/98 15:12:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/makingnewfriends/index.html
My Email:shania_lange@hotmail.com

Very nice site sa2,enjoyed the pics alot.Will visit again,take care.

- 07/28/98 21:28:11


ScribbleHappy®!§¡ - 07/28/98 17:12:02
My Email:hleder@seidata.com

Hey sa2! The page is looking good, keep it up! Thanks for adding a link to my HP. I'm getting ready to add you to mine. See ya in the Dew!!Take care and keep SMILIN' :-)

Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:04:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net

Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...

Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:05:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net

Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...

Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:03:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire,com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net

Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...

sis - 07/28/98 03:13:00
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com

TAG!!!!!!!! You're it!!!!!!!!!!!

meredith montgomery - 07/27/98 22:03:28

i love your doves...they're pretty!think of me when you ride your motorcycle!

sis - 07/25/98 22:38:00
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com

TAG!! You're it!!!

Sis - 07/24/98 03:28:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~guenivere98/index-2.html
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com

I've signed your guest book. Now you have to sign my guest book. Hey you can get to my page by clicking on the hand link. Toodles

awax - 07/23/98 20:11:13
My Email:hudson@cland.net

well I sined your silly book now tell me lol. I havent seen all the page so cant comment on it yet. so far looks ok. ok ok ok

Laura - 07/21/98 23:07:15

Hi guys. I love the responses I'm getting. All except for the one from Don! J/K!!

Diane - 07/21/98 21:47:18
My URL:http://www.cism.com/DBC
My Email:dialar@flash.net

LOVE your cool page!

Don - 07/19/98 18:47:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/pickman
My Email:pickman@angelfire.com

i don't like the country links

Laura - 07/05/98 15:19:53

I was only kidding about my page!

Dee Dee - 07/04/98 05:39:03
My Email:sd.goodwin@sk.sympatico.ca

Hey SA2 Cool home page. Hope all your doves are well. Talk to u soon.

jamie - 07/02/98 04:43:28
My Email:hazeleyes17@hotmail.com

boyfriend is pretty cool.Wish I had blonde hair too- and blue eyes.

- 07/01/98 14:32:37


- 06/29/98 00:01:17


- 06/25/98 16:49:05


Don, Pickman, Nick Fenris - 06/23/98 23:30:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/pickman/index.html
My Email:pickman@angelfire.com

ib bib bib bib I WILL NOT SIGN!!! If this isn't good, what is?

Laura - 06/23/98 04:57:17
My Email:I dunno

It stinks!!

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