Dana - 12/18/00 14:16:52
My URL:/rabbitsweb
My Email:danabz@hotmail.com
Hi, you have a great site !Keep up the great work ! Excellent ! Best regards, Dana xxx
I LOVE your page. Keep up the GREAT work!
SirDragon - 10/23/98 14:36:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/2141/
My Email:dragon_2525@yahoo.com
I really like the page and the links. With so many animals, it must be like a zoo at times. :)
See you in pow
- 10/23/98 14:33:48
George (Captain C.O.O.C) Isenhart - 10/20/98 04:27:27
My URL:http://www.magiclink.com/web/cptcooc
My Email:cptcooc@magiclink.com
Super Page go check mine out when you get a chance :D
Bartimus - 10/19/98 14:01:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/1869
My Email:arta_morhydyn@hotmail.com
Found your page from PowWOW directories. Liked it a lot. Liked all the pics.
Mary Eakins - 10/16/98 02:00:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3062
My Email:okmom@pldi.net
Hi there. Great page you got here... bookmarked it... will be back often to it... Have a good one... later...
10/04/98 10:32:20
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
pudone - 10/01/98 05:24:42
My Email:pudone@yahoo.com
John. - 09/30/98 14:08:55
My URL:http://home.sprintmail.com/~johnheppler/
My Email:stdjph11@shsu.edu
SA2, nice page. I really like it! Keep up the good work. --John
Ken Thomas - 09/20/98 15:45:04
My Email:Kthomas@stargate.1starnet.com
Nice page, and nice music. Thanks.
Sharre - 09/17/98 18:33:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5586/
My Email:sharre@2fords.net
It's just me!!!! Loved your pages! I explored as much as I could, but now I am out of time. I have got to get back to work. I will return again this evening. Keep up the great work!!
Sassenach - 09/16/98 04:50:31
My Email:dmcgarr@dsuper.net
![]() Please come and visit my PALACE of STUFF!! Don't forget to *** SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!! *** |
WOW those eyes on the front are kinda scary! LOL just wanted to say hello and welcome to LOTH
Gradie - 09/15/98 05:36:23
Hello new sis Hope you enjoy, great site here! Good Luck.
Cointreau - 09/15/98 05:29:49
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Cointreau
My Email:cointreau@earthlink.net
Great site! welcome to Loth (and since I just joined B*I*T*C*H, we have two memberships in common *s*) *hugs*, cya ~
Theresa - 09/15/98 04:31:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9058/
My Email:bluize@geocities.com
Hi LOTH Sis! Great to have you with us :-) I look forward to seeing you on the board real soon.
Kristie - 09/15/98 01:46:16
My URL:http://www.websitedesign4u.com
My Email:kristie@websitedesign4u.com
Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to LOTH. :-) Great home you have here. I miss having birds. I never had doves, but I do enjoy watching them out in our yard.
Take Care,
Kehau - 09/13/98 20:45:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/kehau
My Email:ia.kehau@angelfire.com
Hello, Sister! Welcome to the B*I*T*C*H webring. You have a really great start on your page...I will be back to see more of your pic links. Talk to you on ICQ!! =) Kehau the HulaBitch
Dorothybitch - 09/12/98 20:11:53
My URL:http://www.exminster.co.uk
My Email:dotcommon@exminster.co.uk
Just introducing myself - hi - Haven't looked at your web site yet. I'll do that now.
Irish-Cop - 09/11/98 03:10:15
My Email:capt@snip.net
Great home pages .... I talked to ya on Pow Wow,
I bookmarked it so i can check up on ya occasionally .... I wanna see the fishing trip Photo's .... Talk to ya again soon I hope !
Ð@†ïñ ®© - 09/10/98 13:20:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/datin
My Email:datin@i-55.com
I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!! Just as awesome as you! :o) Of course it took me two hours to find the guestbook hehehehe...
see ya in the dew... :o)
Ð@†ïñ ®©
Baby Girl - 09/09/98 18:32:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5099
My Email:thumper_baby@hotmail.com
Hi Sa, Groovy home page ya have... keep up the work :o). I really hate signing these thing but ya said I had too....hehehehe...huggers see ya in the dew.
Roger - 09/08/98 16:56:11
My Email:rwatts@home.com
A beautiful woman...
A beautiful page...
How could a guy go wrong...
If you wanna come downunder...let me know... and poofers... be there...
- 09/03/98 20:49:58
red bats with teeth
Doc Plants - 09/01/98 03:49:56
My Email:spraymore@gte.net
nice page, mine has been under contruction for 2 years. lol
Brick Chicken - 08/31/98 01:44:45
My Email:rodeoaddict@hotmail.com
sa.....great page my friend. and congrats on the award. you definately deserve it for the hard work you've done. i really dig the pets too......
mare - 08/26/98 17:44:58
My URL:http://www.caersidi.com/~jomu/
My Email:jomu@caersidi.com
I like your page- i would like to suggest the name Jester for one of your birds.
Gary Trice - 08/26/98 05:17:41
My Email:gtrice@ix.netcom.com
I really like your homepage. It is lovely...
And... matches your sweetness very much...!!!
Stay very sweet,
Roshambo - 08/20/98 13:50:06
My Email:roshambo71@hotmail.com
No more hiding under the sofa!!!!!!!
Sir Robert - 08/20/98 13:24:43
My Email:robert00@bellsouth.net
ok , i thought i would color in your guest book with me crayons,and to say your sexy
Taz - 08/20/98 04:52:31
Cool page...
Love the birds names.
bay - 08/19/98 15:54:07
My Email:azn0knight@aol.com
nice web page, i really like it alot.
Dave - 08/17/98 02:09:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/greenspond
My Email:dwinsor@nf.sympatico.ca
Nice page. Mine is currently under construction so it is pretty lame. How about slick for a name for one of your doves.
Lisa - 08/15/98 23:41:19
My Email:buxy@pacbell.net
Hey Sa2! Great page. I really like it!
Keep up the good work and keep having fun!!!
SA2 - 08/15/98 23:34:05
My Email:look at my page!!!
Hey guys from Randalls!! Should I put a link to their homepage???? Hmmmmm..... Good Q!!!
Katharine & chris - 08/15/98 02:11:45
My Email:kat_hayes@hotmail.com
Hi!!!!! It's Chris Scott from Randalls!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeans&Pearls - 08/12/98 13:55:59
My Email:cbarton@thezone.net
Hey there Lori I finally found it and I have to say it was real neat. Good luck on finishing it up. I'll visit again sometime. *sigh* just for you LOL
andi - 08/07/98 19:41:40
My URL:/paris/metro/4412
My Email:andi@teleweb.at
nice page and pic, and since i love to find names i thought i will drop a message here! :) i suggest me what kinda names you're looking for, but some weird proposals are: noel, neonlicht, kobalt, palisander, heisenberg, drömhus, jonathan or florence night
ngale. maybe you will send of your doves to my little star utsikten?
ciao, andi.
HELLO? TAG!!!! YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeremiah - 08/02/98 01:24:41
You have created a awesomely cool homepage that is
definitely your personality. Lots of neat links to. How about "Pheonix" as name for one of your doves? Great page!
Englishman - 07/30/98 16:36:08
My Email:Brat@cyberdude.com
Shania - 07/29/98 15:12:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/makingnewfriends/index.html
My Email:shania_lange@hotmail.com
Very nice site sa2,enjoyed the pics alot.Will visit again,take care.
ScribbleHappy®!§¡ - 07/28/98 17:12:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/marina/1298
My Email:hleder@seidata.com
Hey sa2! The page is looking good, keep it up! Thanks for adding a link to my HP. I'm getting ready to add you to mine. See ya in the Dew!!Take care and keep SMILIN' :-)
Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:04:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net
Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...
Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:05:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net
Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...
Ginbread.. - 07/28/98 17:03:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire,com/fl/ginbreadshome/index.html
My Email:Ginbread@gte.net
Pretty kewl page Sa2...Ineed to take notes I think.*grin*...
sis - 07/28/98 03:13:00
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
meredith montgomery - 07/27/98 22:03:28
i love your doves...they're pretty!think of me when you ride your motorcycle!
sis - 07/25/98 22:38:00
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com
TAG!! You're it!!!
Sis - 07/24/98 03:28:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~guenivere98/index-2.html
My Email:guenivere@hotmail.com
I've signed your guest book. Now you have to sign my guest book. Hey you can get to my page by clicking on the hand link. Toodles
awax - 07/23/98 20:11:13
My Email:hudson@cland.net
well I sined your silly book now tell me lol.
I havent seen all the page so cant comment on it yet. so far looks ok. ok ok ok
Laura - 07/21/98 23:07:15
Hi guys. I love the responses I'm getting. All except for the one from Don! J/K!!
Diane - 07/21/98 21:47:18
My URL:http://www.cism.com/DBC
My Email:dialar@flash.net
LOVE your cool page!
Don - 07/19/98 18:47:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/pickman
My Email:pickman@angelfire.com
i don't like the country links
Laura - 07/05/98 15:19:53
I was only kidding about my page!
Dee Dee - 07/04/98 05:39:03
My Email:sd.goodwin@sk.sympatico.ca
Hey SA2
Cool home page. Hope all your doves are well.
Talk to u soon.
jamie - 07/02/98 04:43:28
My Email:hazeleyes17@hotmail.com
boyfriend is pretty cool.Wish I had blonde hair too- and blue eyes.
- 07/01/98 14:32:37
- 06/29/98 00:01:17
- 06/25/98 16:49:05
Don, Pickman, Nick Fenris - 06/23/98 23:30:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/pickman/index.html
My Email:pickman@angelfire.com
ib bib bib bib
If this isn't good, what is?
Laura - 06/23/98 04:57:17
My Email:I dunno
It stinks!!