Please sign my guestbook after you explore my pages.

Hi. This is my first real homepage to set up, so please feel free to tell me what you think.

I currently own 33 doves. Their names are
Brian, White Christmas, Jemimma, Pip, Black Gold, 'Lil Bit, Smokey, Fiona, Bandit, Alexia, Dexter, Darby, Cuddles, Piglett, Keery Dawn, Tara, Pauly, Jester, Guy, SA2, Little Baby Tyson, Buddy, Zeus, Houdini, Apollo, Athena, and Buster.

I would like to dedicate this page to my very brave little Mourning doves who I am mourning the loss of. I will always severely miss Suzanne Ashlie and Billy B. Bad.

I also own a bunch of fish, 2 cats, and a dog. I hope to someday own some horses, maybe a Fresian.

I own a blue '92 Honda 250 Nighthawk motorcycle. I also co-own a Honda CX500.

If there are any of you that like horses, birds, or motorcycles, drop me a note. If anyone wants me to post their homepage address, just E-mail me it. I'll try to post it.

I have to say hi to Kim, Lindsey, Paige, Brittany, Kimberly, Katharine, Francis, John, John, Jeff, David, and Elizabeth.

I must say thank you to Don for helping me with so much of my page.

This is Pixie, Buster, and Zephyr's playpen!!!!!! I adopted Buster and Pixie to keep Zephyr company.

If you liked Pixie, Buster, and Zephyr, here are some more petz.

My Petz Page

Here are some cool pics and links I have.

Here's a page dedicated to my friends

Here are my pics, soundz, and friendz links!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Here is my other links. Linkz to my other homepages, other sites online, and how to contact me.

Sign my guestbook View my guestbook


I must dedicate these awards to ChristopherALFADOC on powwow. Without him, I would have no awards!

 Nominee Award

Here are some more of my awards.


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¸¸ø¤'¤ø,¸¸» Being In Total Control of Herself «¸,ø¤'¤ø,¸

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I must say hi and thank you to all of my B.I.T.C.H sisters. I have never had such an enthusiastic greeting before. I just love all the wonderful and beautiful pictures I'm receiving and am gonna put a link below so everyone can view the work. They are masterpieces!

Here they are

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