Welcome to the

Charles Bruington (WB4FLM)
Home Page

Besides being the father of six very active children and trying to work to support them, I occasionally have a few spare moments to pursue some interests of my own. I've had an Amateur Radio license since I was nine years old and I currently belong to the MARA net. I love airplanes and flying and came close to getting my pilot's license before my instructor was killed. In 1982 I had the rare and wonderful opportunity to fly in a B-17 from Richmond, Virginia to Knoxville, Tennessee. It was a dream come true...one of the highlights of my life. I also enjoy music (one of my current favorites is Enya) and old movies and television shows (Star Trek, Hogan's Heroes, etc.) Another of my hobbies is finding out more about my ancestors and researching my family history.

Please leave me a message wb4flm@juno.com

This page was last updated on January 20, 1997