   By Donna Mason REVISED: 9-9-97

- Are the eyes bright and clear, without redness, swelling or discharge?
- Are the mouth and beak clean and free of injury? There should be no lesions, wetness (birds have no saliva glands), or build up inside the mouth. The beak should be free of deformaties. (ie., overgrown or misaligned)
- Are the nares (nose) open and without discharge?
- Do the wings look smooth and even? If the wings have not been clipped, they should lay smoothly and evenly on the sides of the body.
- Is the body firm and fully developed? Feel the keel bone (breast) in the front. Does it feel sharp? If so, the bird may be underweight.
- Does the bird have all of his feathers?
Does he look plucked? Are there any bare areas on the body? Are the feathers fluffed in appearance? The bird should be fully feathered and sleek. Depending on his age, his tail may be somewhat ragged. Baby birds love to pick and pull at each others' tail feathers. Usually by 3 months old, the tail feathers can be quite tattered, sometimes even non-existent. When the molt is over, the bird has a new tail and looks great.
- Is the vent (anus) clean? There should be no staining or fecal matter on the feathers around the vent.
- Does the bird have all of his toes and toe nails? How do the legs look?
- Is the bird perching?
- Is the bird active and alert?
- Does the bird have a band on his leg, specifying the breeder?

- How old is the bird?
- Who is the breeder? (If you are not purchasing the bird from the breeder.)
- Is there a guarantee?
If so, for how long? What are the conditions of the guarantee?
- What veternarian do they use or recommend?
- Are the sellers willing to offer advice and support later?
- **If you have no experience handfeeding baby birds, please do not buy an unweaned bird. This usually ends tragically. A reputable breeder will not sell unweaned birds to anyone who has no experience handfeeding.

- The cage must be large enough for the bird to move around without his tail touching the sides. If the bird can not perch without the tail touching, the cage is too small. I suggest the cage be no smaller than 18"x14". The optimal size is 3'x3'.
- Extra food dishes.
- Extra perches.
- Cuttlebone
- A variety of toys to be changed on a regular basis inorder to prevent boredom. Birds enjoy simple things like Q-tips, hair elastics (cut in half to prevent it from becoming entangled around his neck), buttons, ribbons, shoelaces with ends still attached, small twigs from apple trees, etc.
- A variety of foods. Pelleted food, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, millet, and treats.
- Bathing dish.
- MOST IMPORTANT: Your time and attention.

 Back to the Tiel PagesAll rights reserved. If you wish to print this article, please give proper credit.RESOURSES:- A Guide to...Cockatiels... By Peggy Cross and Diane Andersen
- You & Your Pet Bird By David Alderton
- The New Cockatiel Handbook... By Matthew Vriends, PHD
- Many wonderful breeders.
 Graphics by Bimsan

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