Korean Jindo Dog, by Jun Yong Kim

Basic Description : Brief description on the Korean Jindo Dog.

Jindo Links : Links leading to other Jindo websites.

Facts on the Jindo : Things Jindos are known to have done(interesting).

Pictures : Pictures of Jindos from several Jindo owners in the United States.

Author : A little about the author and what he does.

Questions? : If you have any questions. Please e-mail me.

Korea's Ugly Image in other Foreign Countries : Non-related to Jindo Dogs. Just something I find very interesting, concerning Koreans throughout the world.

Picture taken by Jun Yong Kim

The Korean Jindos are fairly new to America. Only since the early 1980s have they been brought to US, by Korean-Americans. For the past 20 years, a lot of Jindos have been thrown out of the street unwanted. Later taken to animal shelters and put to sleep when no one takes them. They are in urgent need to be rescued. Please help them. They are protected under the 53rd National Monument in South Korea.

By the end of this month, this homepage will be updated with new pictures and information from Jindo Island. I apologize for not having it fixed earlier. Been busy lately, didn't have much time to update the homepage. I hope you enjoy looking through this site as much as I enjoyed making it. Thank you.

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