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Jeff Wilde's Genealogy Page

Searching Family Roots in Canada, England, Isle of Man and Scotland

Surnames: Wilde, Bridge, Caine, Kissack, Logan, Finnigan, McCaffrey, Kastner

She dty vea (Welcome)


My Family History originates from England, Isle of Man (Ellan Vannin) and Scotland. My mother's family came from Bury, Lancashire, England and my records start about 1600 beginning with Richard Bridge who died in 1619, he was married to Margaret Bannester. The family line follows to the present time with families ranging from England to Canada. In 1954 John Wilde left England for Canada aboard the Cunard Liner Scythia and settled in London, Ontario.

There is little known about my "Wilde" side, my Grandfather Richard Wilde born in 1890, in Oldham, Lancashire lived with his uncle John William Wilde. His father was James Henry Wilde who married 1]Sarah Hollows in Middleton, Lancs and 2] Peggy Hewitt, and his father was John William Wild. We have a little bit more on his wife Beatrice Logan and her parents John Logan and Mary Finnigan. In the 1800's there was the great Cotton Boom in this area, attracting many unemployed people, and probably my relatives. My GGgrandfather was John MacKay Logan born in Glasgow Scotland and my other GGgrandfather was William Finnigan, born in Ashton-under-Lyne Lancashire.

My other relations came from near Laxey, Isle of Man. Their surnames were Caine, Kissack, Kelly, Bridson, Moore, Corteen and Skillicorn. My GGgrandfather John Caine had a son John Caine, one of 13 siblings. This John Caine a Lead Miner married Annie Thompson from Dalton-in-furness, Lancashire England, where they lived. The Thompson family were from Lowick, Lanc. at the time, it is now the county of Cumbria. John Caine lived a double life because the family lived in Barrow but he worked in the gold mines of South Africa, where he eventually died. The family name still continues in Barrow with many Caine's living in the area.

My wife's family are the McCaffrey's from Ellice Township, Perth County, Ontario. They were farmers, originating in County Fermanagh Ireland. Arthur McCaffrey and his wife Bridget Rooney came from Ireland during the potato famine during the mid 1840's, sometime before their marriage in 1845 and before their first child was born in 1849. Their children were all born in Ontario, with the eldest Mary born in 1848. Arthur owned a 100 acre farm, 70 acres improved, 20 pasture, a 3/4 acre garden, 2 horses, 4 milk cows, 3 other horned cattle, 6 sheep, 8 swine, this according to the 1871 Census.

Her family also consists of Leonard's, McLaughlin's and Kastner's. Her Kastner side came from Dittweller Alsace, France, Jean George Kastner was a Captain in Napoleons army who with the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo; his wealth gone he decided to leave for Canada. He came to Canada in 1832 with his family of 8 children and settled in what became Kastnerville. The village flourished for 100 years but has eventually disappeared and now is part of the village of Sebringville, North west of Stratford, Ontario.

The Leonard family was from Fermanagh, Ireland and moved to Mara Township Ontario County. My wife's 2nd gr-grandmother was from Buffalo N.Y. and married her 2nd gr-grandfather Daniel Leonard. Their son John Leonard lived for a time around Buffalo, then married Catherine Mary O'Neil of Uxbridge township, Ontario where they settled and raised 5 children.

My Family Files

These are the main names I have researched

BRIDGE c1600-present

CAINE c1654-present

LOGAN c1780-1950

WILDE 1797-present

MCCAFFREY c1816-present

KISSACK c1600-1848

FINNIGAN c1780-1900


Anyone wishing a lookup for Perth County Ontario in the "1879 Perth County Historical Atlas", "Echoes of Ellice", "History of Perth County 1825-1902", "Memories of Downie", "History of Perth County to 1967" and "Reveries of a Pioneer" please email me at address below.

Anyone wishing a lookup from the book "They came to Mara" about early families in Simcoe Co. Ontario Canada

Anyone wishing a lookup for the name Kissack from the Isle of Man from "Seed of Isaac" please email me at the address below. I also have Ruth O'keefe's book "Can You Trace Your Line To Adam", also "The Yesterdays Behind The Door" for lookups on the Christian family, "A History of Kirk Maughold" from which I will also do lookups on the.

Anyone wishing a Lookup from the 1881 British census please send me an email at address below.

Will also do lookups for the 1851 & 1861 Lowick North & South, Lancashire Census.

Lookups for Bury Parish Churchs 1590-1698.

Lookups for Kirkby Ireleth Parish records 1745-1784

I have deleted all the Gedpage files because of size limitations imposed by Geocities, I'm sorry to all who accessed this.

Wilde Baptisms from Tonge, Alkrington, and Middleton

Wilde Baptisms from Newton Heath

1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891 census information for Wild/Wilde/Wylde from Tonge and Middleton.

1851 Census Tonge and Middleton.

1861 Census from Tonge and Middleton.

1871 Census Tonge and Middleton.

1881 Census Tonge and Middleton.

1891 Census Tonge and Middleton.

Some 1901 WILDE Census in Middleton.

New Family Pictures click link below

Pictures of Bridge and Wilde Families

updated 1871 Bridge census for Bury 17 Nov. 2006

1871 Bridge and Heywood names from Bury


1851 Bridge Census Tottington and Bury.

Wild 1871 Oldham and area file completed

1871 Wild census Oldham.

Last updated 15 Jul. 2009

, Isle of Man.


Genuki Genealogy Resources

British Map

Canadian Genealogy

Roots Web


England Lookup

Lancashire Barlow's Genealogy (containing Wild/e family)


IGI Search

Perth County Ontario

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