This page has been displayed
times since 8th March 1997
Tony, Helen, Emily, Maisie and Cassie the Dog's page
Please bear in mind the difficulty of uploading the photos during work time,
therefore, the pics will arrive in dribs and drabs.
Links to other sites on the Web
our previous place, where the pics are still being shown
Which, the UK Consumer's Association, are my local ISP and now providing 2MB of WEB space. As this is local to me, it's easier to use, so most updates will appear here, however, I may link to pictures I've loaded there here
Sub-note: Actually, it's easier to upload pictures and html here, so continued thanks to Geocities.
Coming soon to a browser near you
Real e-mail addresses are :
My work address
Helen's pseudo address
© 1996
Our home e-mail address
Or, you could try out his neat little form...