Welcome To Pavia's Place
Where you can check the progress of My brother's
1968 Hemi-Roadrunner

Updated Last: 9/8/08
Trying to get to updates on this site, check out Frank and his rides on http://www.backyardwrenchheads.tv about his 1940 build!!! coming soon!!! Savoy 63 max wedge car!!!

Again, i'm sorry I haven't been keeping this as up to date as i wanted to, but i haven't been able to go home much this year. I have put new pictures for the RR and the Other's page. Hope you like it, follow the link below to go to the Roadrunner Frame-Up restoration...

had to update this part so i don't lose it.. i;ll be back later this month (3/03) i hope!!

here is a quick link to the autorama 2000 page i did for frank that i never got around to actualy putting up

The hemi-roadrunner at 2000autorama page

Don't forget to check out the Newly Updated Other peoples's car photos!!!
And the '69 SuperBee


I volinteer with the local Habitat for Humanity chapter, I would like to point out that I am just a volinteer who likes to fix things on old houses.. .. I am in no way trying to "speek" for the South Chicago Habitat chapter, and the opinions expressed here are purely my own. Long ago, I wanted to do a page of pictures for the South Chicago Habitat for Humanity, Well that seems to not be working out at the moment, as I really wanted to get the orgnization's offical permition to put pictures of the work being done. They have a site that they are adding pictures to, just click the link above to go to it. I am going to be sending in pictures to them, if they don't want to post them, I may give in to my urges to do that myself.   

Here is a pic of a little thing my dad made for my sister's kids.. (she now has 6 of them..) its called a "Cho-Cho train-bus".... the story goes that my sisters oldes child sent a postcard with a picture of a trolly on it and wrote on the back something to the effect "we have ridden in one of these Cho-Cho-tain-bus things... I guess because it resembles a train.. but was a bus like thing with no train tracks.. anyway.... he built it from the photo.. it can hold all the kids and ( I am reminded quite often) "a few more could still fit". Its really nice to see the kids getting pulled around.

Well he's at it again!!! check this out... its a tug-boat!! he just made this just before Thanksgiveing '98. You can also see last year's project in the background: a swing-set and playhouse.


Hey Load me right will ya!!

This is a pic of my puppy and cat take while driveing back from Michigan... loooks like they are getting along ok...

WE ALWAYS NEED PARTS for the 1968 Roadrunner. See the Roadrunner Restoration page for details of parts wanted, and parts we seem to have left over..(OOPPS!!!)

Links to other parts of my site

The hemi-roadrunner page Last Updated: 4/28/98

The Other Cars Page Last Updated: 7/9/99

The BEE-Page  Updated: 4/24/98
The Frame-UP restroation Page (restoration of the 68 roadrunner)
Updated: 7/9/99

Thanks for stoping by... you can e-me at the blue link below...

have a nice day!!!!!

© 1997 jd455@geocities.com