My Bookmarks

Support Our Troops
- This website puts you in touch with contacts in the military around the world. The volunteer contact determines who, in their unit, has little support from home in the form of letters or packages, and provides a vehicle through which us civilians can send letters and care packages to the contact, who will then distribute them to the soldiers in need. By reading the "where to send" posts by contacts, this is an excellent source of information of what life is like "over there", and provides a gratifying way to directly support the troops.
- Soldier's Angels Adopt a soldier! You will be assigned a specific soldier to send letters and packages to for the duration of his/her tour of duty.
- The Hugs Project There are hundreds of people, throughout America, busily sewing "coolties" (hugs) and helmet liners (kisses) to send to the troops. The Hugs Project provides instructions, and addresses/contacts to send not only the cooling devices, but care packages.
- Beyond Orders Soldiers register for humanitarian care packages/special needs here.
- Marine Comfort Quilts You are invited to submit quilt squares, with your personal message of condolences on them, which will be assembled in a quilt to be presented to the family of a fallen hero.
Politics/Current Events
- Michael Yon Michael Yon is an independent, embedded reporter covering the war. He spent the last several years in Iraq, and is now moving to Afghanistan. He is knowledgeable about the region, and, given the mainstream media's near black-out of news in the war on terror (except, as we all know, American deaths), Yon's reports give a good, in-depth account of the progress of the war. Plus, you can sign up and receive his weekly-or-so dispatches via email.
- Drudge Report.
Although Matt Drudge seems to have been cut out of the "insider political loop", which I find pretty interesting in itself, this site remains one of the best I've found to access daily newspapers, as well as magazines.
- Free Republic. Very interesting and timely forum, presenting news from here and around the world, usually the original source articles, followed by "freeper" comments. If you see my posts there, yup, it's as "calypgin".
World Net Daily. Conservative online news source; far from comprehensive (boy did they get carried away with Y2K!) but occasionally of interest.
- Media Reality
Check The only source I have found for finding out what the "mainstream" media is, and more importantly, is not
reporting. Sign up for daily summary to be sent to you!
- National Rifle Association
The website for keeping abreast of the latest
news regarding Second Amendment issues, crime and self-protection.

On the Lighter Side.....
- Heavens Above. Enter your geographic location, and find out what is going on overhead each night (We've seen the MIR space station twice now, plus numerous satellites!). Thanks, Buck, for pointing me to this site!
- Kim Komando. The best site for the best free downloads on the internet, plus a great source of all computer-related information.
Avocado Memories: Growing up in Burbank, California
in the Sixties and Seventies. Funny, well-written, but be prepared to spend two or three hours here... like a good book you can't put down! (Note: the site has been expanded, so if you've not been there in awhile, due for a second visit...)
- Atlantis Bigfish Games (formerly Ion Thunder). I'm "hooked" on the card game, Suits me Yukon. It's my every morning brain-waker-upper. It takes me about a week to complete the game (10 phases), and my goal is to be in the top ten players for that day. Sometimes I even make it!
- Pogo Games. Best all-around game site online, with dozens and dozens of challenging games, from puzzles, card games, word games, pokers (with real people, but "fun" tokens bet), and lots more!

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