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White Doberman

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ziggy is in da hizze



The hardest part of owning a Dobe is to be confronted with evidence of his mortality, that a loyal companion may no longer be there. It is then that you are faced with your only disappointment in owning a Dobe - the loss of your loved one. "It is then in these hours ... that he will best be able to face this difficult time, if he looks to the demeanor of his Dobe ... for it is their distinction that they squarely face adversity, not unlike that of a professional soldier." (anonymous)

Dobes are people dogs -- showing an extraordinary devotion to their family or owner. A Dobe is very happy to settle down once inside (providing he has had time to exercise) to share your home, your bed (takes it over), and your food. It is also very normal for your Dobe to smile, lean on you, bump your hand for more attention, and follow you from room to room. For these reasons, Dobes are often referred to as "Velcro" dogs and one of the advantages of such a dog is; you never have to go to the bathroom alone again!


The alertness, agility, and courage of this breed has made it useful as a guard and watch dog, a war dog and a police dog. It has also been used in criminal trailing and hunting. The Doberman has a muscular and temperamental fire that is unsurpassed by any other breed. It is an honest dog uncamouflaged by superfluous adornments in the coat or of the groomer. Its sinewy nimbleness and quick coordination can be compared to the well-trained athlete.


whats up


WARNING: The white Doberman is NOT considered to be of great value (charging more/more expensive) by Responsible Breeders. Responsible Breeders DO NOT include the white Doberman in their breeding stock/programs


DobieWorld did u know?


Did you know that the Doberman was used in Police and milatary work ? The Doberman originated in Germany, and During both world wars the Germans used the Dobermans as a war dog.

The Doberman was best known for his work with the armed forces, with his great intelligence , and alertness, He is easily trained for such work.



Question Forum

How large is a Doberman? How much do they weigh?

Males can get be anywhere from 26 to 28 inches and weigh from 75- 90 lbs, females 24 to 26 inches and weigh 65-75 lbs. The appearance is that of a dog of medium size, with a body that is square. Compactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed. Elegant in appearance, of proud carriage, reflecting great nobility and temperament. Energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient.

How long do they live?

They generally live healthy lives on an average of around 9 years. They can live longer but in general they are relatively healthy until around age 8 - 10.

Are they good with children?

The breed is usually excellent with children when raised with children. This is due to their high level of intelligence and their innate desire to function with and for people. They seem to understand that infants and very young ones need care and protection and tend to be tolerant of little ones’ play. This is not to say that an exuberant pup will not knock a toddler down in play or accidentally bite to grab a toy.

When visiting a new litter you may find the dam aggressive and protective of her brood and should respect that for what it is. You also may encounter a Doberman alarmed at the antics of small children which should be explainable by asking if the dog has ever been exposed to youngsters. Aggression toward or fear of people of any size or age is not typical Doberman temperament and should be avoided in any dog you may have in your home.



Pease, Love, Happiness 4 All

This web page is done all in fun. I put it up to make You the consumer more aware of the breed of DOBERMANS!