Another Cutrell Researcher
Ruth E. Ray -
20597 New Ohio Coal Rd
Pittsburg, Illinois 62974
Children of ? Cutrell - oldest first
Will of Charles Cuterall
March 11, 1785
In the Name of God Amen, I Charles Cuteral of the State of North Carolina and County of Hyde being infirm in body but in sound memory do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in the following manner and form that is to say I give and recomend my soul into the hands of Allmighty God who gave it & my body I recomend to the earth to be decently intered at the descresion of my Executors and touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I will and bequeath in the following for. -- I give and bequeath to my eldest son Joseph Cuteral one hundred acres of land lying on the North side of the Lake being the land whereon he now lives.
Item: I give & bequeath to my Daughter Silence Cuteral my bed and furniture & one looking glass.----------------
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Andrew Cuteral ten pounds in money to pay for schooling which is my desire he should have. It is my will and desire that all the remaining part of my property goods and chattles that are not already herein given or disposed of shall be equally divided amongst seven of my children viz. Charles, Stephen, Jno., Chloe, Frances, Silence & Andrew Cuteral. ---- An Lastly I do constitute appoint & ordain my eldest son Joseph Cuteral and Andrew Sanders whole & sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull all and every other Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this 11th day of March in the Year of Our Lord 1785.
His Charles X Cuterall (Seal) Mark
Signed sealed published and pronounced by the sd. Charles Cuterall as his
Last Will and Testament in presents of us:
William Watson
Samuel Spring
Israel Watson
This Last Will and Testament of Charles Cuterell decd. was exhibited into
Court and Proved by the oath of Saml. Spring and evidence thereto. Ordered
to be recorded.
Test. Benj. Foreman -- CSC
Transcribed Jan. 3rd 1900
From Record of Wills and
Accounts No. 1 Page 618
R.D. Harris C.S.C.
Transcribed from Record of Wills
Book 1,2,3 Page 213
Walter A. Credle, CSC --
September 14, 1970
submitted by: Diane Mason Kelly
HYDE COUNTY 2-1-1818
In the Name of God Amen the 1st of February in the Year of Our Lord 1818 I Joseph Cutrell of the State and County aforesaid being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory blessed be God I therefore calling to mind the mortaility of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die I do hereby ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recomend to the earth to be burried in a descent Christian burial at the discresion of my Executors hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the great resurection I shall receive the same by the might power of Almighty God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hat pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Cutrel one third part of my land that is to say the lower lot adjoining George Williams and hous wherein I now live during her natural life.
Item, I give the aforesaid lot of land to my eldest son Henry Cutrel after the deceased of his mother.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Cutrel one third part of my land that is to say the second lot adjoining of Henry Cutrel, Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Cutrel one third part of my land that is to say the third lot adjoining the heirs of Hall after my debts and legacies are paid. I leave the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my three sons Henry, Joseph and Robert Cutrel after the deceased of my wife Jane Cutrel. I do appoint my sons Henry and Joseph Cutrel Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.
Lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills before made and declare
this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said Joseph
Cutrel have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.
Signed sealed in the presence of :
Robert Cutrell
Joseph Cutrell (Seal)
Eli Moony
Hyde County SS This Will was duly proved by the oath of Eli Moony and ordered to be recorded.-- Jno. B. Jasper Clk.
Transcribed Feb. 22nd 1900
From Record of Wills & Accts.--
No. 3 Pages 798-799
R.D. Harris, CSC
Transcribed from Record of Wills --
Book 1,2,3 Pages 510 &511
Walter A. Credle, CSC --
April 19, 1971
Search Words: CUTTRELL Or: CUTHERELL Or: CUTHRIELL Or: CUTTREL CD 004, November 1994 Edition No. Car. Marriages, Craven, NC Screen 20 of 123 =============================================================== SNDX Spouse 1 SNDX Spouse 2 Date C316 CUTHBERT, Edgar C462 CLARK, Julia 12 Apr 1842 C316 CUTHBERT, James G B346 BUTLER, Rachel 21 Dec 1811 C364 CUTHRELL, Alexander S314 STAPLEFORD, Nancey P 23 Apr 1855 C364 CUTHRELL, Amos K520 KING, Lydia 09 Jul 1785 C364 CUTHRELL, Amos B240 BEXLEY, Nancy 22 Aug 1795 C364 CUTHRELL, Amos T524 TINGLE, Cathrine Jane 11 Jul 1837 C364 CUTHRELL, David H435 HOLTEN, Jinsey 07 Nov 1795 C364 CUTHRELL, David H634 HARTLEY, Margaret 28 Feb 1824 C364 CUTHRELL, Jesse M250 MASON, Catharine 06 Aug 1807 >C364 CUTHRIELL, John B650 BURNEY, Lucresia 10 May 1784 C364 CUTHRELL, Roger G650 GREEN, Mary 12 Mar 1801 C364 CUTHRILL, Thomas S512 SIMPSON, Sarah 31 Aug 1799 C364 CUTRELL, John M236 MCCOTTER, Clarissa 05 Jun 1833 C364 CUTRELL, Joshua B636 BROTHERS, Mary 27 Feb 1795 C364 CUTRELL, Roger H400 HULL, Mary 11 Apr 1821 C364 CUTRELL, Thomas R000 ROE, Matilda 25 Sep 1822 C364 CUTRELL, Thomas H M600 MURRAY, Margaret 16 Jun 1856 ================ Search Words: CUTHRELL Or: CUTTRELL Or: CUTHRILL Or: CUTRELL CD 004, November 1994 Edition No.Car. Marriages, Craven, NC Screen 5 of 123 ================================================================ SNDX Spouse 1 SNDX Spouse 2 Date >B400 BALL, Francis C364 CUTRELL, Rounceval 01 Mar 1834 >C364 CUTHRELL, Alexander S314 STAPLEFORD, Nancey P 23 Apr 1855 >C364 CUTHRELL, Amos K520 KING, Lydia 09 Jul 1785 >C364 CUTHRELL, Amos B240 BEXLEY, Nancy 22 Aug 1795 >C364 CUTHRELL, Amos T524 TINGLE, Cathrine Jane 11 Jul 1837 >C364 CUTHRELL, David H435 HOLTEN, Jinsey 07 Nov 1795 >C364 CUTHRELL, David H634 HARTLEY, Margaret 28 Feb 1824 >C364 CUTHRELL, Jesse M250 MASON, Catharine 06 Aug 1807 >C364 CUTHRELL, Roger G650 GREEN, Mary 12 Mar 1801 >C364 CUTHRILL, Thomas S512 SIMPSON, Sarah 31 Aug 1799 >C364 CUTRELL, John M236 MCCOTTER, Clarissa 05 Jun 1833 >C364 CUTRELL, Joshua B636 BROTHERS, Mary 27 Feb 1795 >C364 CUTRELL, Roger H400 HULL, Mary 11 Apr 1821 >C364 CUTRELL, Thomas R000 ROE, Matilda 25 Sep 1822 >C364 CUTRELL, Thomas H M600 MURRAY, Margaret 16 Jun 1856 >C364 CUTRELL, Thomas R000 ROE, Matilda 25 Sep 1822 >C364 CUTRELL, Thomas H M600 MURRAY, Margaret 16 Jun 1856 >D000 DAW, Nathan C364 CUTHRELL, Alice 27 Dec 1808 >D250 DIXSON, Cornelius C364 CUTRELL, Mary 11 Sep 1818 >E165 EVERINGTON, William C364 CUTRELL, Elizabeth 06 Nov 1789 >I120 IPOCK, Henry C364 CUTHRELL, Eliza 02 Sep 1865 >M460 MILLER, Frederick B C364 CUTRELL, Sarah 29 Oct 1842 >P125 PIPKIN, John C364 CUTRELL, Julia 05 Jan 1852 >S416 SILVERTHORN, Frederic B C364 CUTRELL, Clarissa 24 Nov 1836 >S314 STAPLEFORD, William C364 CUTHRELL, Mary 22 Dec 1809 >T524 TINGLE, Thomas C364 CUTRELL, Zelpha 14 Oct 1807
NEWS FROM SCOTLAND NEWS **CUTHILL** Sailor Enslaved June 1627: John Sturrock, mariner, presently detained in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh for debt, has appealed to the Privy Council of Scotland. He claims that he had been unable to attend to his creditors, as he had been taken captive as a slave by the Turks for two years, then taken captive by the Spaniards for a further year. When he had freed himself he came home intebnding to sell his land and pay his creditors, but they took advantage of him and had him thrown into the Tolbooth. He asks for his creditors, Thomas Scott, merchant Burgess of Dundee, Thomas Wychtman in Ballow, and John Burn, maltman in Leith, Mungo Carmichael, tailor in Leith, and the deceased William Cuthill, tailor in Leith, George Rois, merchant Burgess of Edinburgh, to be forced to allow him time to sell his property.
Descendants of (?) Cutrell Ruth Ray - email: Generation No. 1 1. (?)1 CUTRELL. He married MILNEY. Children of (?) CUTRELL and MILNEY are: i. GIRL (UNKNOWN)2 CUTRELL. 2. ii. NANCY CUTRELL, b. 1795. 3. iii. JOSEPH CUTRELL, b. March 11, 1800. 4. iv. CHARLES N. CUTRELL, b. 1805, North Carolina. 5. v. MIDGETT G. CUTRELL, b. July 13, 1808, NC; d. Feb 22,1879, Sm. Co,Tenn. 6. vi. COURTNEY CUTRELL, b. 1810, Tennessee.
I have the following notes: Colonial Records of NC. Saunders, Vol 4, 1734-1752. Warrants for Land Pg 968 - Amos Cuthrill - 300 acres Craven Co, New Bern. Granted 13 Oct 1749. Pg 1246 - Amos Cuthrill - Petition for Grants for Patent 0 274 acres - Craven Co, NC 26 Sep 1751. Pg 1255 - Thomas Cuthrill - 150 acres, Craven Co. Granted New Bern, 11 Oct 1751. ============= Jeanette Extracted from the book: " Dictionary of ENGLISH & WELSH SURNAMES with Special American Instances (Bardsley)" CATHERALL, CATHRALL - offic. 'the catcherell.' q.v.: an early variant, for example, CATHARALL. Thomas Le Catheral, co. Norf, 12?3. (Ref A) Alexander Catherel, co. Norf., ibid. Richard Catherellus, co., Norf., ibid 1611 -Buried - Jane Catherellesi St. Jas. Clerkenwell, kv. 115. 1633 - Jane Catterrall; ibid. p.211 1636 - Edward Catherall, Curate of Great Carbrook, co., Norf: (Ref FF.) ii 338. London, 4, 0; Manchester, 1, 0; Philadelphia, 0, 6. A: Hundred Rolls, 1273 FF: History of Norfolk (Blomefield & Parkin) COTTERELL, COTTERILL, COTIRELL, COTTRILL - Occup. 'the cotterel' - COTERELL-TUGURINES: Frompt. Parv. The cotterel was an inferior tenant, probably holding in absolute villenage (1) Cotman, Boardman etc.; V. COTTER. Stephen Coterel, Co. Soms, IEDW. III: Kirby's Quest, p.234. Walter Coterel, Co. Soms, IEDW III: ibid, p. 235. Richard Coterell, w. Devos, 1273 (Fef A above) Alice Coterel, Co. Ca::,b, Lbid. Henry Coterel, Co. Bddf. ibid. William Coterel, 1303. M(Ref M) 1662 - Richard Cotterell & Mary Fennihowse; Marriage Alleg, (Canterbury), Pg 61. 1662-3 - Henry Cottrill & Eliz. Minne: ibid. p. 73. London, 7,2,24; I, New York 4,3,14,0: Philadelphia 3,0,4,5. Note: M. Writs of Parlimant. Marriage Alleg. 1660-16943 Allegations for Marriage License issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by Geo. J. Armytage. CENSUS OF THE U.S. DIFFERENT SPELLINGS OF CUTHRIELL 1686 - Norfolk Virginia William Cuthrill 1780- " " Daniel Cutherell 1782 " " Cutrel, Gowin, James, Wm, Nath'L. 1790 " " Cuthrell, Daniel, Joshia, Garwin,James, William 1797 " " Joel Cuthriell 1810- " " Joshua Cutherell (I believe he is the Joshua in Telfair Co GA 1820) Cutherill ,Benjamin ,Reuben Cutherel ,Ely Cuthrell, Samuel, William 1840 " " Cuthriel, R. H. Cutherell, Wright Cutherel, Wesley, Caleb, Sarah Cutherall, E. 1850 " " Cuthriell, Ely, William Cuthreill, Cuthrel Cutherele, Westly W. 1880- " " Cathriel, John Cutherel, Josiah Cuthriell, Charles 1850- North Carolina Cuthrell, Cutrell 1860 Cutrell , Cuthrell , Cuthrill 1880 - Cuthrell , Cutrell 1860- Georgia Cutrell, Catrell 1820 - Telfair Co, GA Cuthriell, Joshua 1830- Pulaski Co, GA Cuthreill, Josuah Baker Co, GA Cuthriell, Thomas * 1850 - Baker Co., GA Cuthreill, Josuah Cutheral, Thomas * b. 1805 John Cutheral b.1868 Cuthriel, Jasper 1845 Ester 1840 Emeline 1880 - Geneva Co., Ala Catheral, Delliah J.(she m. 1st Reuben J. Ard) Sindervilla Ard David Ard Sarah M. Ard GF > John Elizabeth b. 1870 Belle b. 1870 Cuthriell, Jasper b.1845 Mary A b.1856 Franklin b.1877 (2nd marr appl listed him as Charles Franklin) Mary E. b.1879 Any way you spell it, Cuthriell is English-Welsh. Co. Norfolk is in E.England bordering on the North Sea. The following names were found in Norfolk, Eng in the year 1273: 1273 Thomas Le Catheral Alexander Catherel Richard Catherellus 1611 Jane Catheralles 1633 Jane Catterrall 1636 Edward Catherall The earliest and only place I found them in the U. S. was beginning in 1686 in Norfolk, VA. Then up thru the years they spread west and split north and south. They settled in North Carolina and as the country opened to settlers some went into Georgia, then Alabama and from North Carolina thru the Cumberland Gap in to Kentucky and North Westward. As the country opened up west of the Mississippi River, they spread into different parts of the western frontier. But when it was finished, the majority of them stayed in VA, NC. Evidently the Northern Cuthriells kept the Cuthrell spelling while the Southern Cuthriells spelled the name with an "i". I was told by some of the Geneva Co, AL Cuthriell's the the name had an "e" at the end at one point and that the name was German-Italian. The Geneva folks will also tell you right quick that if the name doesn't have an "i" in it, they were no kin. I have found nothing so far that denies this. APPENDIX . 439 No. IV. NAMES, AGE AND OCCUPATION OF THOSE WHO ACCOMPANIED REV. JOSIIUA KOCHERTHAL, who settled on lands on Quassick Greek, then Dutchess County, N.Y., in the Spring of 1709.* Rev Joshua Kocherthal, aged 39; Sibylla Charlotta, his wife, 39; their children Benigna Sibylla, 10; Christ. Joshua, 7; Susanna Sibylla, 3. Kocherthal was furnished with 1 barrel of lime, 3 gouges, 2 formers (kind of chisel), 1 grind-stone, 1 square, 1 rule, 1 compass and several pieces more. Lorents Schwisser, aged 23 husbandman and vinedresser; Anna Catharina, his wife 26; their daughter, Johanna, 8.- He was furnished with 1 grind-stone, 1 square, 1 little gimlet, 2 augers, 1 smoothing plane, besides several pieces more. Henrich Rennau, aged 24, stocking weaver, husbandman and vinedresser; Johanna, his wife, 26; their children, Lorentz 2, Heinrich, 5 months old, and two sisters of Mrs. Rennau, Susanna Liboscha, 15; Maria Johanna Liboscha, 10 years old.--He received l cross cut saw, l mitre block, l adze, 2 augers, l gimlet, besides several small pieces. Andreas Volck, aged 30, husbandman and vinedresser; his wife, Anna Catharina, 27; their children, Maria Barbara, 5; Georg Hieronymus, 4; Anna Gertruda, l -- He received l cross cut saw, l smoothing plane, l whipping saw, a set of gouges, besides several pieces more. Michael Weigaud, aged 52, husbandman; his wife, Anna Catharina 51; their chi!dren, Anna Maria, 13; Tobias, 7;
Marriage bonds records of Craven Co,NC. Amos Cuthrell ----------Lydia King July 9,1785 Elizabeth Cuthrell------William Everington Nov 6,1789 David Cuthrell----------Jinny Holton Nov 2,1795 Thomas Cuthrell---------Sara Simpson Aug 31,1799 Roger Cuthrell--------- Mary Green March 12,1801 Mary Cuthrell-----------William Stapleford Dec 22,1809 I believe the Thomas above is the father of Thomas Cuthrell b. in Craven Co. abt 1797. (my grgrgr-grandad).
...................................................... Craven Co. Census of 1850. It lists name and ages. Thomas Cuthrell 53 (my great,great,great,granddad) Maltida 42 Mary 22 Julia 21 Thomas 18 Alexender 16 Charles 13 James 11 Eliza 8 Jane 7 Martha 6 William F. 2 (my great,great,grandad) Amos Cuthrell 38 Samuel 11 David 10 Benjamin 8 George 6 Catherine 5 Winnifred 2 If anybody has any information on these families,please contact me. David Blanton
................................................................... Hyde co. record of deeds 1736-1762 Table of Contents: Cuthrell (Cutrel, Cutrell, Cuttrel) Charles, 242, 402 Jacob, 214 Joshua, 350 Peter, 229,322 ................................................................................ Hyde Co. Court minutes 1736-1756 Book I Cuterell, Peter - 162 Cutril, Charles - 124 Cutrill, Charles - 180, Jacob 238. .................................................................................. Hyde Co. Court Minutes 1756 - 1785 Book II Cuterel, David - 141, 159, Peter - 141. Cutere, David 141 Cutherill,Joshua - 104, Peter - 104 Cutrell, Joshua - 113 Cutrice, Joshua - 237 Cutrill, Daniel - 40, Lydia - 40 Cutrill, Benjamin - 59, Chrles - 53, 62, 63, Joshua - 14, Peter - 1, 66, 134, David - 183. C____, Charles - 62. ................................................................................... Hyde co. Court Minutes 1757 - 1788 Book III Cuterel, David - 140, 158, 200, Peter - 140, Solomon - 237 Cuterels,David - 200 Cuteri__,David - 182. Cutherill,Joshua - 102 Cuthrell,Peter 102 Cutrell, Joshua - 111 Cutrill, Daniel - 40, Lydia - 40 Cutrill, Benjamin - 57, Charles - 51, 60, Joshua - 14, Peter - 1, 64, 132. C____, Peter - 253, Willm - 76. Books available from the Hyde County Historical and Genealogical Society Submitted by Diane Mason =========================
Cuthrell/Cutrill/Cutrell Index Pampteco Tracings (of Beaufort Co.NC) 1990 no 2 Cuthrel or Cuthrell: Amos & W.S. p73 Alex, Frank, Macon B., Peter S. p36 Alexander p36 Pampteco Tracings 1992 no 1 Cutral: Albert 29, Johnnie 29 Cutreal: William 7 Cutrell: Benj.W. 29, Jonathan 29, W.R. 30 Cutrill: David 29, J.B. 29 Pampteco Tracings 1993 no. 1 Cuthrell: Jennie 28. =================================
Pamticoe Cousins of Beaufort co., NC Index
Cutherill,Cuthrell,Cuthrill, Cutrell:
Aaron 256, Agnes 488,Alec/Alex 207,370, Alfred Barney
485,488, Arrena 256, Barney Owen, 488, Belanda Jane 465,
Caz J. 488,Charity 256, Christy 256, Cora Lee Edwards mrs. 460,
461, Coth 256, D.D. 340,346, Edna 488,Ella Lee Roscoe, Mrs.
441, Emmett M 488, Eva Mae Brantley, Ms. 353, Gertie 388,
Helen Paul Mrs. 233,235, J. Leland 488, Jerry H. 488,John
Douglas, 441,Julia 148, Keith Constance,488,Laney,488,
Lemmie 460, 461, Lucy Mae Burbage, Mrs. 485, 488, Marlene
Liverman Mrs. 431,441, Mary Ann Daniels, Mrs. 271, Mary Elizabeth 461,
Mary Ross Mrs. 207, Merle 147, 353, Nancy 256, Pamela 467,
Pricilla, 256, Pronchon, 256, Rex Tanner 441, Robert Sarfort 441,
Robert Sorrowful 44, Russell Lee, 441, Susan, 380, Thomas 122,
W.C.353, William Jeffery 441, Zelma Ruth Ford Mrs. 441.
=========================== NC Genealogy Society Journal - Index Note: I can't promise that I checked all the "k" spellings. Vol 1 Cutrell, Burough 117, Mahala 117. Vol. 2 none Vol. 3. None Vol 4 none Vol. 5 Kiterel, Jethrow, 228 Kitterel, George, 228 Kitterel, John, 228 Kittrell, Bryant, 19, Samuel, 13 Vol. 6 Teagle Walter 266, Martha Ann ( Herbert) (Whilby)266. Vol. 7 Cuthrell: Fannie 115. Vol. 8 none Vol. 9 none Vol. 10 none Vol. 11 none Vol. 12 None Vol. 13 Cuthrel: Eliza A. 244 Kitrel, Kitterel, Kittrell, Kittrel: Samuel, 25, Jonathan 24,22, Polly 128, Jacob 22,Jenny 22. Vol. 14 Kitrell and Kittrel: Joshua 93, Allen 133, Jethro 133, John 106, 133, Jonathan 100,133, Noah 133, Polly 133, Sarah 133,Stanley 133, Susannah 133. Vol 15 None Vol. 16 Currell/Curral: Thomas 8. Kittrell: 62, John 63, Jonathan 42, 154, Susannah 63. Vol. 17 Currell : William 215. Vol. 18 none Vol. 19 none Vol 20 none Vol.21 Cuthreal: Sallie T. 88. prepare by Diane Mason xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Submitted by Jennette - Amherst Co, VA Wills Thomas Cottrell, filed May 21, 1763, mentions wife Susannah, sons Thomas, Gilbert, William and two other unnamed sons. 30V23 - VA Magazine of History (my note says "book") Vol 30, pg 23, VA quit rent rolls, 1704: Tho Cutrell - 150. Going, Garvin Cuthrell - 470 26V61 - State Troops in the Rev (from St Andrew Papers, not in State Library): 16 Oct `775 - Thomas Cuthrie(ll) for provisions furnished Capt. Parker's Co. - 30 18 ................. Hennings Statutes at Large, Vol 7 1756-1763 1758 - 32d George II, Albemarle Co. Pg 203 to Thomas Cotrell, Corporal - 17s 6d Book: The Lower Norfolk Co, VA, Antiquary Index, Vol IV 1782 Nathaniel Cutrel, Princess Anne Co, VA: 1 white 1782 Daniel Cuthrell, Princess Anne Co, VA 10 white souls 1782 Gowin Cutrel, Princess Anne Co, VA 1 white (south side of the western branch New Mill Creek. 1782 James Cuthrell, Princess Anne Co, VA 5 whites 1782 Joshiah Cutrel, Princess Anne Co, VA 8 whites (pg 135) 1790 census, Norfolk Co, VA Garvin Cuthrell 5 white souls 1 dwelling 2 other bldgs 1810 Norfolk Co, VA Benjamin Cutherill pg 129 01010-00010-00 Ely Cutherell pg 130 40100-10100-02 Joshua Cutherele pg 128 11011-31010-01 Reuben Cutherill pg 129 20010-20100-00 Samuel Cutherell pg 139 22401-10001-03 1810 Harrison Co, VA Margaret Cuthriell pg 78 00000-10100-00 Joshua Cuthriell b. before 1780 1820 Telfair Co, GA 1m(27-45)1f(0-10) 3f (17-26) 1830 Pulaski Co, GA 1m(0-10) 1m(50-60) 1f(15-20) Joshua Cutrell 1840 Decatur Co, GA 1m(10-14)1m (60-69) 3f (10-14) 1850/1860 Holmes Co, FL If Thomas was a son of Joshua's, where was he in 1820? He was married in 1830 living in Baker Co. There's at lease 30 yrs between their ages. So are they brothers? Thomas Cuthriell Baker Co, GA (I know for sure this one is Jennette) b. 1810 1830 Baker Co, GA 1m(20-30) 1f (15-20) Thomas Cutheral 1850 Baker Co, GA Thomas 45, b. GA Neoma 31, b. GA wife Artimissia 12, b. GA Esther 10, b. GA Jasper 5, b. GA Emeline 2, b. GA William Cutherell pg 140 20100-01010-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one that I've been curious about: 1850 Lowndes Co, AL Larkin Cattrell 30 m VA Young or Youn J 32 m VA Lucy H. 71 f VA Syndarilla 36 f VA James Clements 21 m VA As you can tell, in the 1840 census above for Joshua there was a male 10-14 and I don't know that happened to him. Jeanette ****************************************************************************
Submitted by Keith Coniston Cuthrell (his ancestors)
1stDavid Cuthrell and wife Rachel of Hyde Co.,NC
His SON: Eleazar Cuthrell b. Mar.4,1782 d.Jan 29,1879 wife: Elaine Elizabeth Smith.
His GRANDSON: Martin Hethlie Cuthrell b. mar. 22, 1867 d. Jan 5, 1904 in Beaufort co,NC. wife Mattie Masella Sawyer
His GREATGRANDSON: Alfred Barney Cuthrell b. Oct 13,1901 d. Apr. 29, 1986. wife Lucy Mae Burbage
His GGGRANDSON: Keith Coniston Cuthrell
Some Cuthrell/Cutrell/Cuthriell Researchers:;;;;;;;;;;
Cutrell Page 2 (Early Family Summary)
Cutrell Page 3 (Early Family Summary)