North Carolina Genealogy

Hello! Welcome to my genealogy pages.
My name is Diane Kelly. I'm a volunteer county coordinator for the USGenWeb & the AHGP Project. I have adopted the following North Carolina counties:
I hope you will find my county pages useful in your research. Please feel free to email me if you have comments or suggestions.
Please visit my Beaufort County Virtual Communityor my Washington,NC/Beaufort County Info Site
I hope you will also visit the North Carolina AHGP PROJECT page. It has a lot of useful information and links, plus access to all the NC counties that are online.

As for my own research, I am working on the following NC surnames:
HYDE COUNTY: Bennett , Carawan, CARTER, Cutrell, Douglass, Farrow, Gibbs, Hamilton, Jennings, Jones, Mason, Midyette, Norton, Paine, Pugh, Swindell, White, Relfe/Rolfe.
RICHMOND COUNTY: Bennett, Bostick, Bounds, Gibson, Johnson, Love, McPherson, Pickett, McDonald, Raiford, Savage, Sprolls/Sprawls, or Spruill, Terry, Thompson, Usher, Williams.
To view a *Mish-Mash* of Online collected Data on these surnames, CLICK HERE!
I plan to add to this from time to time.
If you are working on any of these families, especially in these counties, please contact me.
MY { Diane Mason's} FAMILY TREE
1.Mother:Lillie Mae Jones b.10/1917 --(gm:Zelphia {Douglass}Jones b.2/1882 and gf:Thomas Jefferson Ruffin Jones b.9/1862.)--- (ggm Jones: Anne "Zacarian" {Gibbs} Jones b1822 and ggf Jones: David A. Jones b.1805/15)----(ggm Douglass:Patsy E. {Hamilton} Douglass b.1866/70 and ggf Douglass: William Harrison Douglass b.1839/45)----(gggm Douglass: Zilpah {Paine}Douglass b.1808 and William Samuel Douglass b.1805)---(gggm Hamilton: Mary Francis {Carawan}Hamilton and gggf Hamilton:Samuel Hamilton b.1841)----(gggm Jones: Sarah "sally" Jones b.1775 and Ambrose Jones b.1765)----(ggggm Hamilton: Jane Hamilton and ggggf: Jordan O. Hamilton, Sr. b.1808)----(ggggm Douglass: Mary {Pugh} Douglass b.1765 and ggggf: James Douglass,Jr.)----(ggggm Paine: Bethany {Midgett}Paine b.1780 and ggggf:David Paine b.1780)----(gggggm Midgett: Bethany {Farrow} Midgett b.1734 and gggggf: Thomas Midgett)----(gggggm Pugh: Hannah {Norton} Pugh b.1731 and gggggf Thomas Pugh)----(ggggggm Pugh: Ferebee Pugh and ggggggf Francis Pugh)----(gggggggm: ? {Savage}and gggggggf: Daniel Pugh)----(ggggggm Norton: Margaret Annie {Jennings}Norton and ggggggf: J. Norton)-----(ggggggm Midgett: Juith White {Bannister}Midgett and ggggggf Matthew Midgett)
2.Father:Marvin Leon Mason b.1914(gm:Ina {Bennett}Mason b.1880 and gf Joseph Redden Mason b.1880)----(ggm Mason: Clarissa{Cutrell} Mason b.1844 and Jesse Simeon Mason b.1836)----(gggm Bennett: Mary Elizabeth {Gibson} Bennett b.1858 and John W. Bennett b.1844)----(gggm Bennett: Mary Ann {Usher} Bennett and George Washington Bennett b.1814)----(ggggm Bennett: Jennie {Bounds}Bennett and John Bennett)----(ggggm Usher: Elizabeth {Bostick}Usher and ggggf Sam Usher)----(gggggm Usher: Anne Usher and Thomas Usher bc.1755)----(gggggm Bostick:Naomi {Sprawls}Bostick b.1773 and gggggf William Bostick b.1768)----(ggggggm :Sprolls/Sprawls: Mary Ann {Thompson}Sprolls bc.1750 and Solomon Sprolls b.1747)----(ggggggm Bostick: Comfort{Love} Bostick and ggggggf James Bostick d.1824)----(gggggggm Bostick: Tamer Bostick and Thomas Bostick)----(gggm Gibson: Mary {Johnson-McDonald} Gibson b.1830 and William Picket Gibson b.1823)----(ggggm Johnson-McDonald: (Not married): Isabel Johnson and Daniel McDonald)----(gggggm McDonald: ? and James McDonald)ggggm Gibson: Elizabeth {Terry}Gibson b.1794 and Luke Gibson b.1778)-----(gggggm Gibson:Sarah {Williams}Gibson b.1750 and Nelson Gibson b.1745)----(ggggggm Gibson: Mary {Bennett}Gibson and Ziba Gibson)----(gggggm Terry: Anne"Nancy" {Pickett}Terry and William Richard Terry,Jr. b.1774)----(ggggggmTerry: Anne"Nancy"{Raiford}Terry b.1747 and William Richard Terry, Sr. b.1735/45)----(gggggggm Raiford: Mourning Raiford and Matthew Raiford)-----(ggggggggm Raiford: ? and Phillp Raiford)gggm Cutrell: Mahetabel Benjamin {Swindell}Cutrell b.1824 and Charley Cutrell b.1813)----(ggggm Cutrell: ? and ggggf Andrew Cutrell)----(gggggm Cutrell: ? and gggggf Charles Cutrell)----(gggm Swindell: "Polly"Mary{?}Swindell and gggf Jessie Swindell)----(ggggm Swindell: Rebecca{?}Swindell and ggggf John Swindell, Jr.)------(gggggm Swindell:Mary {McPherson} Swindell and gggggf John Swindell,Sr.)-----(gggm Mason: Catherine{?}Mason b.1806 and gggf Dorset Mason b.1808)-----(ggggm Mason: Nellie(Eleanor){?} Mason and ggggf John Mason b.1778)-----(gggggm Mason:Charity {Swindell}Mason and gggggf James Mason b.1752)------(ggggggm Swindell: Keziah (Elizabeth){?}Swindell and ggggggf Caleb Swindell)-----(gggggggm Swindell: Mary {McPherson}Swindell and gggggggf John Swindell,Sr.)-----------(some speculation from here::...(ggggggm Mason: Sarah{?}Mason and John Mason)---(gggggggm Mason: Rachel{?}Mason and gggggggf Thomas Mason)-----(ggggggggm Mason:Mary{Winfield}Mason and John Mason)-----(gggggggggm Mason: ?{?} and William Mason b.1632 d.1702).
Hyde County,NC Estate Index--sharing my surnames as seen above.
American Revolution Veterans of Hyde Co, NC--sharing my surnames as seen above.
NC Secretary of State Wills Index--sharing my surnames as seen above.
A Collection of early Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills--sharing my surnames as seen above.
Bertie County Tax List from 1715-16--sharing my surnames as seen above.
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Anson Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Pitt Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Cumberland Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Pasquotank Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1786 Pasquotank Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Bladen Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Montgomery Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Onslow Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Granville Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Tyrrell Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 New Hanover Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Robeson Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1790 Rowan Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1800 Hyde Co, NC Census
1890 Union Veterans Schedule Hyde County, NC-MY SURNAMES ONLY
List of BENNETT, GIBSON, DOUGLASS, HAMILTON, CUTRELL names in the No. Car. Civil War
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1800 Beaufort Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1810 Beaufort Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1820 Beaufort Co, NC Census
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1760 Bertie Co, NC List of Taxables
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1755/56 Bertie Co, NC Tax Insolvents
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the Beaufort County,NC Estate INDEX-excluding CRX indexes.
An abstraction of surnames similar to mine--found in the 1860 Wayne Co, NC Census
A Collection of Jamestowne, Virginia Founders--sharing my surnames as seen above.
Index of Johnston Co,NC Wills--From the Raleigh-State ARchives:sharing my surnames as seen above.
Culpeper County Wills--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
1704 Tax List - VA.--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
Rockingham Co. Wills Book I.--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
Oaths of Allegiance-misc.--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
Richmond Co Marriages--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
1635 The Dorset Passengers--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
1777 Bertie Co. Petitions of Allegiance--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
Craven Co Apprentice Bonds-1769-1839--An abstraction of surnames similar to mine.
Visit NCROOTS.COM for more NC genealogy.
Data Links for NC courtesy of

BOOKS: Alsace Emigration Book by Cornelia Schrader-Muggenthaler -- click for more -- VOL.1 VOL.2
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© Diane K. Mason 1998-2006