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The Mission: Inside the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
by Matthew Naythons, Gordon B. Hinckley
U.S. $ $ 44.96 

An extraordinary look by a team of international photojournalists at the customs, culture and spirit of the mormon people. Over the course of a year, fifty of the world's most talented photographers journeyed to six continents and were given umprecedented access to Church members. Buy Now!

Mormons on the Internet
by Laura Maery Gold
U.S. $ $18.00 

A look at the Internet as part of the bigger picture, through discussion of the Mormon community and the church's mission. A directory of resources, which includes sites for Mormon publications, history and education, resources for teachers, students, families, singles and so on... Buy Now!

The Essential Joseph Smith
by Joseph Smith, Marvin S. Hill
U.S. $ $16.07 

Fifty selected documents of Joseph Smith are presented here as a readable, chronological overview of the early days of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Through letters, diary entries, speeches, and revelations, editor Hill (history emeritus, Brigham Young Univ.) traces the development of the Mormon Church and Smith's leadership growth. Buy Now!

We Believe
by R. Burton
U.S. $ $39.95 

This is a great reference book when looking for information regarding doctrines and principles of the Church. Organized alphabetically by topic and covers topics from A to Z this 1194 page book is a wonderful reference for lessons, talks and much more. Buy Now!

Glimpses into the Life of Marjorie Pay Hinckley
by Marjorie Pay Hinckley, Virginia H. Pearce
U.S. $ $21.95 

You´ve seen her bright, cherful countenance or perhaps enjoyed her characteristic wit during a talk. After reading this new book compiled and edited by her daughter Virginia Hinckley Pearce, you´ll quickly learn that Sister Marjorie Hinckley is just as down-to-earth as any other grandma, but she probably lives out a suitcase more often. Buy Now!

Counseling With Our Councils: Learning to Minister Together in the Church and in the Family
by M. Russell Ballard
U.S. $14.95

This is a tutorial on how to use councils to solve problems. The main focus of the book is to teach the principles of counseling in councils and to show how anyone can apply those principles in virtually any organization. Buy Now!

Trail of Hope: The Story of the Mormon Trail
by William W.Slaughter, Michael Landon
U.S. $24.47

The companion volume to the PBS broadcast, Trail of Hope is filled with art and artifacts, tales and tears from the Mormon pioneers who trekked across 1,300 miles of American frontier to find peace and religious freedom beyond the Rockies. Buy Now!

Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass: The Art of Telling Tales About Joseph Smith and Brigham Young
by Hugh Nibley, David J. Whittaker
U.S. $ $21.95 

In this thorough book, Nibley reveals the real stories behind criticism of the LDS (Mormon) Church. Once you understand where some of these tales originated, the weak foundations of the most frequently-heard attacks on the Church become crystal clear, and sometimes sadly laughable. Buy Now!

Latter-Day Prophets
by Emerson Roy West
U.S. $ $9.95 

An detailed view on the Latter-Day prophets: Their lives, teachings, and testimonies. With profiles of their wifes. Buy Now!

Reflections from a Broken Mirror: Spiritual Values I Learned As a Lds Child of Divorce
by Deborah Eldredge Milne
U.S. $ $15.95 

Ten years after her parents' rancorous divorce, Deborah Milne was challenged by her sister to write about the most painful experience she could remember and include every detail. Deborah began to write about the day her fathet moved out. Pouring out her emotions released a much larger story - one of family, growing up, loving, fighting, remembering, and hurting. Buy Now!


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