[Derek] [Carolyn] [Timothy] [Andrea] [Geoffrey] [Steven]

[door gif] This site was created in 1996 as a home page for our family. We do not maintain it anymore for visitors, but will leave it here for the time being as there are pages behind this that we still use from time to time. Some of the gifs are museum pieces for our family.

[pin gif] Animated Gif Shorts - What is Fred up to this week?
[pin gif] A new site- located in Exeter intended for topics on the Devonshire scene.
[pin gif] Genealogy
[pin gif] Resumes
  • Timothy - Web Page Design, Custom Graphics
  • Carolyn - Systems Programming, Software Development
[pin gif] Karate kick - Geoffrey has a drawn a picture of himself doing a kick.
[pin gif] Computer programming - try the Generation Calculator we wrote in Java.

These animated banners were made by Tim to advertise his web sites.


to go to

Generation Calculator

We wrote this Java Applet to give an idea of how quickly the number of descendants can grow. Generation one is the first person (the spouse is not counted). Enter the average number of children born to him or her and to each descendent, and the number of generations. Then click on "Calculate" to find the population of the latest generation.


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Last updated January 8, 2000.
