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Parts of the Quilt

patterns of the past, present and future~~
Things around here are like a quilt. Such lovely colors and patterns that go together to make up the ups and downs of life. Very much like rainbows. Fading in and out with lovely surprises and happenings when we least expect them. No matter what may happen, the rainbow of happiness is there to follow.
Ever changing and how beautiful life becomes when all the diverse pieces come together ~

(created by daughter,Carol)
Pieces of the Quilt ~
My REAL Hometown for over 40 years: Lenoir, North Carolina.
We are situated at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains, also a part of the Appalachain Mountains. A GREAT place to live and I might add: A GREAT place to be retired! (Lenoir is working toward making this a retirement area. Our new motto: "Where Tradition Meets Progress".) There are lots of golf courses and we are only a short distance from many interesting places.
Check out fellow North Carolinian, Ruth Anne's Welcome. She has bunches of information and facts about North Carolina.
Then visit The Autumn Lady and her North Carolina pages.

My Birthplace? Down the road a few miles: Hickory,NC. ~ Take a look at the
Map of Hickory.
Daughter, Carol, and I graduated from Lenoir Rhyne College in Hickory. Daughter, Tina, and I both attended graduate classes at Appalachain State University, in Boone: Boone, NC.

I happen to have four of the GREATEST children! They are all grown up with lives of their own - but they will always be my children.

What can I say? My GrandKids are some of the best! They're real smart, cute, and know a Great Grandma when they see one!

Maw-maw Charlie is a part of the family as well.


The pets in our family needed room to roam around and exercise. They are bouncing around with Ozzie and His Tribute. Check them out! Each family certainly has its own taste in pets.

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July, 1998

Homero is my adopted mouse. You may go to
to choose one for yourself and register to take it to your very own Web Page.
He has 65 cars and trucks, but misses his brothers, sisters and friends. If you choose to adopt one, they could visit on the Mouse Orphan Ring.

Registry #404"
He has some of the GMC SAGA to tell about. Justlook! Sally Jane, his cousin tells part of the story.
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© 1997 - 2002 by Stormy Jeanne
Credit has been given on credit pages. If I have omitted any let me know.