The Massey Message

The Official Website of the Masseys - IMB Missionaries to Cartagena, Colombia

Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth.Sing to the LORD, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. (Ps 96:1-3)

Here are some current pictures of our girls . .


Here is a picture of the newest member of the Massey Menagerie . . .His Name is Copper

Here is an aerial picture of Cartagena

We thought that you might like to see some other photos of Cartagena . . .

Prayer Concerns

1.For our continued acquisition of the Spanish language (especially the subjunctive!) and the adjustment to the Latin culture.

2.For a new church start in a barrio called "Crespo" that meets on Tuesday nights.

3.For a presentation of the gospel that we are using on Fridays at the newer missions in town that includes music, drama, and puppet plays

4.For the new musicians and worship leaders that are being trained on Monday nights to fill the needs in the new missions.

5.For Sarah, Moriah, and Arianah as they try to build friendships.

6.For our mission as we will be undergoing many changes in the coming months.

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