The Ring of Niftiness

We're glad you're thinking about joining the Ring of Niftiness! Assuming you really do have a nifty home page, and that there's no pornography, copyright violations, promotions of illegal activities, or links to these things, and assuming it isn't a commercial page, your page will be just right for the ring! PLEASE read and follow the instructions. Many people have had their sites automatically removed from the ring because they didn't send back the original email sent to them by the webring 'bot to confirm their application. If the original email isn't sent, then the email won't go to all the folks it's supposed to go to - and that means your site might "fall through the cracks."

Here are some of the things you can do from this page - you may want to bookmark it, just in case you need it again.
   Choose a Ring Panel - There are three options available!
   Download the graphics for the ring panel you select
   Get the code for HTML Fragment 1.
   Get the code for HTML Fragment 2.

The code for HTML Fragment 3 will be sent to you by the mail 'bot.

   Submit your site to the Ring of Niftiness queue.

Get the instructions for completing the submission and acceptance process.


Edit Your site info - you can select this option and get the HTML Fragment for Ring Panel 3 without having to wait for the mail 'bot.


Add a News ticker to your page that doesn't run in the status bar.


Join the Ring of Niftiness Discussion Group, where you can let everyone in the ring know when you have updated your pages.

When you see the symbol, you can click it to come back to this menu.

Choose a Ring Panel

The first 2 panels will not be sent to you by the mail 'bot, so you'll need to fill in all the necessary information yourself before uploading the page to your site. The third option will be sent to you by the 'bot, so if you don't want to bother with typing all the necessary info, just wait for the email acknowledgement of your submisson, and the html fragment will be customized for your particular site. There is lots of additional information below the ring panels and their code fragments, so just skip those if you want to wait for the email - but read the rest of the info so you'll know what is expected of you.

Ring Panel Option 1

ring of niftiness This Nifty site is maintained by

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

Ring Panel Option 2

This Nifty site is maintained by --name--


Ring Panel Option 3

ring of niftiness This Nifty site is maintained by

Previous 5  | Previous  | List Sites
Next 5  | Next  | Random

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

Download all the necessary images.

Remember where you store them on your hard drive.
  1.   (9k)

  2.   (2k)

  3.   (2k)

  4.   (2k)

  5.   (2k)

The HTML Fragment for Option 1

Examine the following code and note ALL the places where the text is red. You will have to enter the necessary information in those places. An explanation of each item follows the ring fragment.

<!--Begin Nifty Ring Fragment 1-->
<CENTER><TABLE border="10" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"><TR>
<TD bgcolor="black">
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="--directory/--niftiness.jpg" ALT="ring of niftiness" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=155 WIDTH=189></A></TD>
<TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">
<FONT FACE="arial,heltvetica" SIZE="2">This
<A HREF="">Nifty</A> site is maintained by<br><A HREF="mailto:--mail--">--name--</A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-prev5.gif" border="0"></A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-prev.gif" border="0"></A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-list.gif" border="0"></A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-next5.gif" border="0"></A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-next.gif" border="0"></A>
<A HREF=""><img src="--directory/--niftiness-random.gif" border="0"></A>
<P><FONT SIZE=-1>Want to join the ring? Click <A HREF="">here</A> for info.</FONT></P>
<!-- end niftiness ring fragment 1 -->

Explanation of Terms
--directory--the directory on your website where you store the images.
--mail--your email address
--name--your name, or the name of your website
--id--your id number, assigned when you submitted your site to the queue.
--icq--your icq number

The HTML Fragment for Option 2

Examine the following code and note ALL the places where the text is red. You will have to enter the necessary information in those places. An explanation of each item is right above this code.

<!-- Begin Ring of Niftiness fragment 2 -->
<center><table bgcolor="white" border="10" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"><tr>
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<font face="arial,helvetica" size="2" color="blue">
This <a href="">Nifty</a> site is maintained by <a href="mailto:--mail--">--name--</a>
<td align="center"><font face="arial,helvetica" size="2" color="blue">
<a href=""> Join</a><br>
<a href=";id=--id--;next"> Next</a><br>
<A HREF=";prev"> Prev</A><br>
<a href=";list">List</a><br><br>
<a href=";random"> Random</a></font></td>
<td align="center">
<a href=""> <img src="--directory/--niftiness.jpg" height="155" width="189" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- end ring of niftiness fragment 2 -->

The HTML Fragment for Option 3
You will get the code for fragment 3 from the webring email 'bot. You can also fetch it from the edit section below.

Join your site to the Ring of Niftiness
Fill in all the blanks, cause if you don't, the 'bot won't admit you to the queue. It will make you do the parts you leave out here.
Site Title:
Site URL:
Password: Choose a password. (Don't forget it!)
Keywords: Type up to 20 keywords for the search engines
Description: Describe your site in 500 words or less:

Additional Instructions
  1. Paste the code in a Windows Notepad or Wordpad (but not in Word) and make all those necessary changes. I recommend the Wordpad, because then you can use the Find option on the Edit menu to find -- and thus make your editing much easier. Be sure to save the file as a standard text file with an html extension.

  2. Upload all the images to the specified directory in your webspace. Be sure the directory you use is the same directory you specified in the webring fragment.

  3. Insert the html fragment into your page. The fragment MUST go either on the speficic page you specified when you signed up for the ring OR on a webrings page to which there is a CLEAR link on the page you specified in the submission form. If a visitor can't find the ring easily, you risk having your site removed to the queue or from the ring.

  4. Point your browser at the page where you placed the ring fragment and test it. Does your id number show up when you hold your mouse over the ICQ face? When you click your name or sitename, do you get an email form? Be sure the ring works from your page.

  5. Open your email client and call up the acknowledgement email that said your site was accepted into the queue. Click "Reply" to send that notice to the ringmanager. In the body of the letter, above the information that is already there, type your message - that the ring code and images are on your page as specified in the submission acknowledgement, and that your site is ready to be added to the ring.

  6. Remember if you do not send back this original email, your site may not get added to the ring. Also remember that the address you specify in your application should be the address where the ring can be found.

Edit Your Site Information

To edit your site information, including dropping out of the ring, enter your site ID and password below.

Enter Your Site ID: 
Enter Site ID:   

Enter Site ID:   
And Password: 
Search 'Ring of Niftiness'

Search for: Any Words   All Words   Exact Phrase
In:   Full Words Only  Ring Descriptions  Keywords

Add a News Ticker to your site

You can add this newsticker to your pages for your viewers' convenience:

<APPLET CODE="sevenAMNewsTicker.class" CODEBASE="" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=15>
<PARAM NAME="channels" VALUE="+WORLDnews +USAnetnews +WORLDnetnews +USAnews">
<PARAM NAME="local1" VALUE="CNN News">
<PARAM NAME="link1" VALUE="">

Here's what it looks like:

Join or Leave the Ring's Discussion List

Enter your email address below, then click the 'Join List' button. Be sure to click the radio button to indicate whether you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to the list.

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