Shopping list for the Wilmington and Western Rairoad.
Operating a turn of the century steam locomotive and train takes a lot of
resources. At the W&W, we are always in need of equipment and supplies that
enable us to keep running. Many used commercial and industrial items can be
very helpful. We have a shop, two stations, an office, several locomotives,
passenger cars, and 10 miles of track to take care of, so there is always
something that we need. Office supplies and equipment, power tools, heavy
equipment, hand tools, ladders, and even lights can be put to good use. The
W&W is a non-profit organization and donations can be tax deductible. If you
can help please E-Mail me at:
Some items we currently need are:
A portable welding machine.
Go back to the Railroading in Delaware Page.
Ground Fault Interupters.
A tree stump grinder.
A tree chipper.
Engine lathe.
Track work machinery.
Dump truck with or without HyRail gear.
Metalurgical services.
A crane rail or truck.
A Forklift.
Copyright © 1997 Tom Gears
Date of last revision: Wednesday, February 12, 1997
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