Peppi the Wonderdog
It's a wonder she's still alive!

Peppi was saved from drowning by Sammie and Jackson in the summer
of 1985. Ed, was working a construction job just outside of
Montgomery, Alabama, and Frances and the boys had gone to visit him
one weekend. The boys went to ride their bikes, and met Peppi, the
runt of the litter, as her ignorant owners were on the way to drown
her in the lake. They knew they couldn't keep her (they already had
Brownie, Bro and Sambo), but talked their parents into bringing her
back to Pensacola to find her a good home. After three months of
interviewing prospective owners, and finding a reason to deny every
one, we realized that we were going to keep Peppi forever. Up until
that time we had called her Puppy, so it was easy to switch to Peppi,
a more appropriate name due to her excessive pep and energy.
Peppi was then diagnosed with the RED MANGE
, an often fatal disease. It took nearly
$500 to cure this pitiful creature. By this time we were calling her
Peppi the Million Dollar Wonderdog. Her skin was shaved and she
looked like a little pink pig.
Did I mention that Peppi has a drug problem?
She always cheerfully took her heart worm pills, and anything else we
offered her. One day Frances had just come in from the drug store
with her newly filled prescription of thyroid pills. She laid them on
the coffee table and walked to the kitchen. When she came back, there
was an empty ripped bag and pieces of the pill bottle on the floor.
All 100 thyroid pills were missing. Peppi was chasing her tail in
circles. The vet gave her some stuff to make her throw up and we
walked her around the block a few hundred time. He said if she didn't
have a heart attack and die in the next hour she'd be OK. She made
it........but she still loves drugs.
Peppi takes 60 m. of phenobarbytol twice a
day to keep from having seizures. No, it doesn't knock her out. It
just slows her down enough that she doesn't tinkle when she wags her
tail now.
Peppi also is a groupie for Jackson's band,
1.21 Jigawatts. She enjoys the music so much that they've even
written a song for her. Maybe it will be on their first album. Keep
watching MTV for the Peppi Show.
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