Well, i am now going to rebuild my page, and start over with a page about the War in IRAQ. Whether you support or oppose the war, i hope to provide more information to the best of my ability!

Iraq!! It is a small country in the middle east, which for a long time now has been the center of a lot of controversy. What a lot of people seem to be failing to realize is the specifics of what is REALLY going on in IRAQ.

I have been hearing a lot of word from people who protest the war, saying that innocent civilians are being injured. On that note, i would like to say that that is the cost of war! In a country where Saddam for a long time has been hiding his troops in civilian sectors, placing his own people in danger the cost of war unfortunately becomes much higher. By using this tactic, IRAQ can sway the public, and world thoughts in his favor. Which really is quite the scheme, obviously from a brilliant mind. This, makes the USA to look like the bad guy, but who really is the bad guy here? Lets think about this!


2003 jaymehil@hotmail.com

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