Part of the problem for me is a lack of time. I spend a lot of time on line but not enough to keep this site current. What do I do with all my on line time? Well, most of it is spent at SonicSoundz, a netstream radio station and chat channel on IRC.
If you think that SonicSoundz might interest you too, head to and have a look. There is a chat link there and we'll be happy to tell you how to listen to our broadcasts.
You can write to me at ...
The text contained on these pages is largely my own ramblings and consequently I have no interest in having it covered by copyright. Therefore, if you wish to copy that material, feel free - although why you would want to do so is anyones guess. Most of the images, company logos, backgrounds and buttons are a different story. I have obtained permission for their use and if you want to use them, you will need to get permission too. Any material on this site that is in conflict with any existing copyright, will be withdrawn immediately, upon notice of prior copyright.