

ICQ Page 

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IA photos 

KR Hall 

Australia Tour 
Ball 2000 

Opening Speech......
    Hi there! Welcome....Welcome....before any of you start surfing to 'some other places', please feel free to look around and give some positive comments if you have the time. A lot of links related to greeting have been included as i am one of those  that enjoy sending electronic greeting cards, more so with the present economic recession. ;p  ok, that's about all and feel free to come back and browse around as this homepage shall be forever under construction.
I would like to dedicate this page to all my lovely friends (Arrrgh...)...u know who u r....hahaha....

p.s. more photos will be available soon.... 
Music Bar 
(  Click on the music u like to hear  :o)  )
Basket Coca-Cola Fwb Hard
Hotel California Slager thought i've die & gone to heaven Tubthumping
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Copyright  © 2000 by Lok Chee Yen 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,  without the prior written permission of Lok Chee Yen. 

For permission to use these materials, please send email to Lok Chee Yen. 

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