Hi There, my name is Chon-Sea the Clown. I have been a childrens entertainer for 5 1/2 years. I performed from 1993 until 1995 in Delaware. I also performed from 1995 till 1999 in Okinawa, Japan, and I plan to continue performing here in Arizona. I began clowning with the help of my parents, who are both professional clowns. They also taught my husband, who loves children just has much as I do. We recieved most of our experience in Japan. This is how it started: As soon as we moved to Japan I began to contact other entertainers. I did find one magician and one clown. Then I established and organized a Clown Group which grew from 2 to 15 members. I like to inspire and motivate other adults to perform as clowns. With all of the *hands on* learning that I received in Japan, I learned developmental, attention, and social interaction skills, and devised entertainment/educational programs for ages 1 through adulthood. For those interested in having an entertainer I prepare appropriate and appealing programs. I love meeting and talking with people. I am a people person! I like to help organize parties for small and large groups. I can arrange and adjust activities during a party to keep everyone happily involved and everyone participating. For instance I understand that when making and giving out balloon animals I need to also entertain the audience with the balloons. For example, I act as if the balloon is stuck to my finger and cannot get it off. Or I try blowing a balloon up and for some reason cannot do it! All the kids suggest ways to do it and I just play it out in clown antics. ( If they say ," turn it around" I turn my body around). I like to develop clown itineraries and programs of entertainment which I can continuously update for freshness and appeal for specific audiences. I do not go by a routine; that does not always work with kids. After every show I am always pleased and I am always learning. I have 2 children, 4 and 8 years old. They have a lot of friends who visit and I like to entertain them all. Some things we do: Play children's learning games on the computer, do all kinds of different craft activities, sing songs on the karaoke machine, cooperatively play indoor and outdoor games. I will provide guidance in social interaction, friendship, and sportsmanship. I also teach good table manners and good hygiene habits. For those who stayed for meals at my house. I have taught friends how to create clown and other portfolios, how to make web designs and create web sites. Here are some of the activities my husband and I like to do in our show. When we perform together we get to do everything below in a 4 hour show for up to 300 children/adults. They are not listed in any special order. Magic Show, Stamping, and Coloring pretend tattoos, Balloon Sculptures, Playing Balloon Games, Face Painting, Sitting on the floor and teaching children how to make Balloon Animals, Singing and Dancing to age appropriate songs. When the time permits, if the party is celebrating one particular child/adult, we give them a certificate (which I make), take a Polaroid photo with us, a special 3-4 balloon sculpture, and sing Happy Birthday! I have made a resume, put together refrences, made a portfolio, and made my own business cards. If you would like to see any of them or need any help making any of those things, e-mail me at eleg_butterfly@hotmail.com. Here are the places I have become experienced in interacting with children and their parents, with some added comments. There were many more show's than shown below.
Schools and Preschools: Zukerean Elementary School - Performed shows on our Daughter's Birthdays Foster Youth Center - Taught a workshop (volunteer) Little Foot - Bilingual (Japanese and American) Preschool Kuui Preschool - American Preschool
Stores and Malls: Plaza House Shopping Center - (2 years every other Sat. and every Sun.) Plus performed on Japanese Holidays. Audiences were mostly Japanese and only a few Americans. Pallette Kumalaji -During Golden Week which is a Japanese Holiday Foster AAFES - Marketing Promotion Kadena AAFES - Marketing Promotion
Clubs: (Family Night) Butler Officer Club - (1 year every Thursday Evening) Chesty's SNCO - (1 year every Tuesday Evening) Kadena Officer Club - (1 year, 1x a month on a Monday Evening) Kadena NCO - (1 year every Wednesday Evening) Tengan Castle - (6 months every Monday Evening) *Participated on other days for special events, activities and holidays.*
Festivals: Tori Friendship Festival Japanese Children Festival Americafest - Fourth of July (4 years in a row)
Others: Cooperate Parties- For Gatherings and Holidays (over a 5 1/2 year period) Birthday Parties all types - Outdoors at parks, in multi purpose room, in others home's, clubs,and restaurants. (over a 4 1/2 year period) Girl Scouts - Getting donations by giving out balloons during bake sales with my daughter. (2 years) Squadron - Outdoor at parks or beach parties (4 1/2 years) Kadena Bowling Alley - Youth all night lock-ins (1 year, 1x a quarter on Friday Evenings) Boat Cruise - Celebrating Christmas Holidays (2 years in a row) ATT - Marketing Promotion Japanese Orphanages - Friendship Days