Welcome To Beth's Place

Beth's Place

under construction!

best viewed with Netscape 3.0!

/* WhoYouAre => An applet that confuses people who are of the * opinion that they have just been fingered. * Written by Michael Schmidt in the night of May 10, 1996. * This is just a rough code. When I'm back from Paris next * week (Disneyland), I'll send the code with improved * color routines. * I hope that you understand the parameters! * Bye and have fun! * Michael * * */ import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; public class WhoYouAre extends java.applet.Applet { InetAddress YourAd= null; public void paint(Graphics g) { int f_Size; String f_SiStr = getParameter("f_Size"); if (f_SiStr == null) f_Size = 20; else f_Size = Integer.parseInt(f_SiStr); int f_Type; String f_TyStr = getParameter("f_Type"); if (f_TyStr == null) f_Type = Font.PLAIN; else if (f_TyStr.equalsIgnoreCase("BOLD")) f_Type = Font.BOLD; else if (f_TyStr.equalsIgnoreCase("ITALIC")) f_Type = Font.ITALIC; else f_Type = Font.PLAIN; String f_Name; f_Name = getParameter("f_Name"); if (f_Name == null) f_Name = "TimesRoman"; Font f = new Font(f_Name,f_Type,f_Size); FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(f); g.setFont(f); Color f_Colo; String f_CoStr = getParameter("f_Colo"); if (f_CoStr == null) f_Colo = Color.white; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("black")) f_Colo = Color.black; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) f_Colo = Color.blue; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("darkGray")) f_Colo = Color.darkGray; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("gray")) f_Colo = Color.gray; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("lightGray")) f_Colo = Color.lightGray; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("cyan")) f_Colo = Color.cyan; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("orange")) f_Colo = Color.orange; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("pink")) f_Colo = Color.pink; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("red")) f_Colo = Color.red; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("yellow")) f_Colo = Color.yellow; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("magenta")) f_Colo = Color.magenta; else if (f_CoStr.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) f_Colo = Color.green; else f_Colo = Color.white; Color bg_Col; String bg_ColStr = getParameter("bg_Col"); if (bg_ColStr == null) bg_Col = Color.white; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("black")) bg_Col = Color.black; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("blue")) bg_Col = Color.blue; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("darkGray")) bg_Col = Color.darkGray; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("gray")) bg_Col = Color.gray; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("lightGray")) bg_Col = Color.lightGray; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("cyan")) bg_Col = Color.cyan; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("orange")) bg_Col = Color.orange; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("pink")) bg_Col = Color.pink; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("red")) bg_Col = Color.red; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("yellow")) bg_Col = Color.yellow; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("magenta")) bg_Col = Color.magenta; else if (bg_ColStr.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) bg_Col = Color.green; else bg_Col = Color.white; try{ YourAd = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } catch(UnknownHostException nohost){} String hello = "Guten Tag ", WhoYouR = YourAd.getHostName(), in_Str = getParameter("in_Str"), ou_Str = getParameter("ou_Str"), message = in_Str+WhoYouR+ou_Str; String xStr = getParameter("x_Text"); int x = Integer.parseInt(xStr); String yStr = getParameter("y_Text"); int y = Integer.parseInt(yStr); int xs = fm.stringWidth(message)+x; int ys = fm.getHeight(); g.setColor(bg_Col); g.fillRect(0,0,xs+x,ys+5); g.setColor(f_Colo); g.drawString(message, x, y); } }

Hello! I'm making an attempt at a different website, so please excuse any errors. I hope to have things up and running soon!

A special message from me WITHOUT clicking.

"press the button below..."

I must tell you, that my first three counters broke (see below), so I have added this one, which seems to be accurate.

my favorite, backgammon!

great Win95 shareware

my favorite freeware game!

does your cow have mad cow disease?

wouldn't you like to play a game?

how about some blackjack?

othello game challenge.. betcha can't beat me!

how about a game of mahjongg?

would you like to play yahtzee?

do you like crossword puzzles?

a little magic for you!

A favorite of mine, Nanci Griffith

Mark Lowry's Personal Domain

This is where I work!

Bill Gaither's Christian music site!

The Happy Goodman family

The ANGRY button!

How about a round of pool?

A Breakout game I like!

a new game called Rocks!

Bottom 95% of the Web

This site has been rated
among the bottom 95%
of all Web sites by
Pointless Communications ®

These are the three counters I was telling you about!

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© 1996 bethaa@cfw.com

Please write me, or my cowboy might shoot!

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