Shaputis Family SurnamesI have included the major sources I used to research these families. Due to the lack of space and time, I only have the lines most directly related to me but do mention many other lines and marriages. The sources I name have much information on other related lines too, so it should help most of you to contact your library and get the sources I include via inter-library loan so you can extend your lines from those shown on my pages. All surnames are in book format for convenience so you do not have to follow link to link. Highlighted names will take you to that surname page. Click on a high-lighted surname for their known lineage, descendants and sources. No need to have to click on many links to go from generation to generation. All known family information, some very detailed, is right there on the page for you.
New lineage's will be added as time permits. If you would care to add your related
branches in a brief format, related Web Pages or E-mail addresses, please contact me at: June Shaputis, P.O.
Box 552, Ruth, NV 89319 or 17010 County Road 338, Buena Vista, CO 81211 or Email: June
Shaputis at june@webpanda.com or jshaputis@hotmail.com I apologize for the long load time on most of these pages but the amount of information included should be worth the wait for you. * Feel free to copy only if you are not using this information to make money.* Link to Others Researching Related Lines
Link to Others Researching Related Lines
Disclaimer: Feel free to copy and exchange this information with other researchers looking for the same lines. * This research is not available to be copied by anyone who wishes to charge others for any information contained within.*
Contact June Shaputis at june@webpanda.com or jshaputis@hotmail.com for corrections or additions. designed by webpanda.com |
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