John Cary, the Plymouth Pilgram. John Cary born 1610, Bristol, Somersetshire, England. Francis Cary born January 19,1647, Duxbury, Plymouth, MA Ephraim Carn born 1679, Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA Daniel Cary born September 9,1716, Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA Abel Cary born 1744, Morris Co, NJ Daniel Cary born August 13, 1779, Greene Co., PA Daniel Madison Cary was born August 5,1823 in Green County, PA.
Daniel CARY b: 1779 Greene Co., PA d: 1868 Washington Co., PA + Mary COOPER b: 1783 PA d: 1854 Washington Co., PA 1 Daniel Madison CARY b: 1823 Greene Co., PA d: 1903 Washington Co., PA .+ Mary Ada HUSS b: 1823 Greene Co., PA d: 1898 Washington Co., PA ..2 William Abel CARY b: 1846 Greene Co., PA d: ...+ Elizabeth (?) b: abt 1846 .....3 Herman H. CARY b: abt 1869 PA .....3 Madison Morgan CARY b: after 1870 ..2 Harriet E. CARY b: 1848 d: 1923 ...+ Stephen A. REEVES b: 1846 d: 1895 .....3 James H. REEVES b: 1871 d: 1946 ......+ Victorine SHIPE b: 1871 d: 1951 ..2 Charles H. CARY b: 1852 PA d: 1869 ..2 Lizzie CARY b: 1858 PA ..2 Sadie CARY b: 1861 PA ..2 Florence Ada CARY b: 1868 Wash.Co.,PA d: 1944 Wash.Co.,PA ...+ Washington L.BRIGGS b: 1862 Wash.Co.,PA d: 1934 Wash.Co.,PA .....3 Florence Hilda BRIGGS b: 1905 Wash.Co.,PA d: 1995 Balto. MD ......+ Lee Morgan FIFE b: 1881 Wash.Co.,PA d: 1960 Wash.Co.,PA
Thanks to Pam (Cary) Blair for uncovering the mysteries of my CARY family. They have been researched back to John Cary,the Plymouth Pilgram. She has a wonderful CARY family web sight set up at:starts with Daniel CARY
Links to other sites on the Web
Photo - Daniel Madison Cary & Mary Ada Huss
The Cary family lineage can be found in Seth C. Cary's "History of John Cary: A Plymouth Pilgrim". S.C.Cary, Boston, MA. 1911. I am very blessed to have wonderful parents. They gifted me with a copy of this book for Christmas 2003 ! Daniel Madison Cary married Mary Ada Huss. Daniel was a farmer in Washington County,Pennsylvania. My grandmother had told me, Mary Ada labored in the tabacco fields. They were members of the Amity Church in Amwell Township.
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