Prillaman family 1--Jacob Prillaman Sr. b. 1721 d.> 7-19-1796 buried Franklin Co VA near Calloway moved from MD to VA prior to 1772 s-Waltpurgelly H. b.Germany buried Franklin Co VA near Calloway 2--Jacob Prillaman Jr. b.Franklin Co VA 1752 d.c1840 m.c1775 m.2-14-1782 s-Snidow,Barbara(Catherine?) b.Lancaster Co PA 10-28-1752 d/o John & Elizabeth Helm 3--Prillaman,John 3--Prillaman,Christian b.VA 1772 m.6-18-1796 s-Wright,Elizabeth 4--Prillaman,William P. b.VA 6-21-1800 to Elizabeth Twp,Miami Co OH in 1808 s-Winters,Sarah b.c1805 m.Miami Co 1822 5--Prillaman,Hester b.1823 5--Prillaman,Lewis b.Miami Co OH 3-26-1825 to Wells Co IN from Miami Co OH ?? s-Studabaker,Maria b.Darke Co 3-2-1829 d.Bluffton 4-30-1850 m.Wells Co 5-27-1847 d/o William Studabaker(1807-1883) & Sarah Thompson, gd/o Abraham Studebaker (1785-1852) 6--Prillaman,Mariah Elizabeth m.Wells Co s-Rogers,Philo 7--Rogers,Wharton s-Walmer,Maggie 8--Rogers,Robert Walmer s-Bayman,Elizabeth M. b.OH 10-15-1835 d.Wells Co IN 8-15-1868 m.Wells Co IN 3-30-1855 buried Bluffton,Wells Co IN 6--Prillaman,Sarah J. 6--Prillaman,William L. b.Harrison Twp,Wells Co 1-31-1856 d.near Bluffton,Wells Co 1-8-1944 s-Markley,Elizabeth(Isabelle) m.1877 buried 6 Mile 1894 7--Prillaman,Marjorie b.>1877 s-Van Emon,Asa 8--Van Emon,Dorothy s-Ruvis 7--Prillaman,dau b.>1877 s-Gilliland,Cline 6--Prillaman,Nettie b.near Bluffton 2-22-1858 d.Cary OH 4-20-1964 s-Bixler,John m.5-15-1879 7--Bixler,Garfield d.1963 7--Bixler,Bessie b.>1879 d.<1958 s-Fetters,Harry lived Carey OH 8--Fetters,Don B. b.>1900 8--Fetters,James E. b.>1900 6--Prillaman,Jennie b.Harrison Twp,11-30-1859 d.Bluffton 10-31-1936 s-Kapp,Charles m.6 Mile Church,Harrison Twp 7-23-1882 7--Kapp,Homer 7--Kapp,Harry 7--Kapp,George 7--Kapp,Lucille s-Strohm,John 6--Prillaman,Cora Belle b.Six Mile,Wells Co 5-9-1865 d.12-3-1943 s-McBride,James Alfred m.6-17-1891 s/o Warren McBride & Mollie Miller 7--McBride,William Warren b.Bluffton 10-20-1895 d.Bluffton 6-28-1947 s-Roach,Korah Dora m.Toledo OH 4-22-1922 8--McBride,James Alfred b.1923 s-Straub,Betty 8--girl b.& d.1930 8--McBride,Mary b.& d.1933 8--McBride,William Warren b.8-23-1934 6--Prillaman,Carrie b.6 Mile 5-9-1865 d.Los Angeles CA 11-10-1959 s-Brown,Russell Aaron s/o Mose Brown & Diaz Johnson 7--Brown,Charles s-Masterson,Maria m.1870 d.1873 3rd wife of Louis Prillaman s-Riple,Laura A. m.1883/5 4th wife of Louis prillaman 5--Prillaman,Henry b.OH 11-6-1826 s-Rachel Ann MARKLEY B. 5 Dec 1836 Wells Co, IN 5-- Elizabeth PRILLAMAN Born: 6 Mar 1832 5-- Aaron W PRILLAMAN Born: 24 Mar 1835 5-- Eliza PRILLAMAN Born: 11 Jul 1840 3--Prillaman,Daniel b.c1775 d.c1840 m.9-5-1815 s-Lowman,Elizabeth b.PA 4--Prillaman,Martin B.c1811 Oh s-Hannah B.c1815 5-- Elizabeth PRILLAMAN B.c1842 5-- Joseph PRILLAMAN B.c1843 5-- Mary PRILLAMAN B.1849/1850 s-Sarah RHOADS B.1821 4--Mary PRILLIMAN B.c1816 s-David OPPY B.c1814 4--Margaret Susan PRILLIMAN B.c1821 4-- Joseph PRILLIMAN B.c1821 4-- Christian PRILLIMAN B.1824 OH s-Elizabeth OHMART B.c1828 s-Elizabeth FREE B.c1828 4-- Martin PRILLIMAN B.1825 4-- William PRILLIMAN B.c1829 4-- Margaret PRILLAMAN B.1832 s-Jacob OHMART B.c1812 OH 4-- John PRILLAMAN B.c1835 s-Catharine B.c1839 4-- Peter PRILLAMAN B.26 Oct 1839 IN sp-Maria Jane KINNAMAN B.c1850 IN 5-- Charlie PRILLAMAN B. 14 Dec 1867 Pendleton, IN 5-- Ella PRILLAMAN B. 25 Sep 1869 Pendleton, IN s- CHASE B.c1865 5-- Emma Dora PRILLAMAN B. 5 Mar 1871 Pendleton, IN 5-- Mary Etta PRILLAMAN B. 4 Nov 1872 Pendleton, IN s- HILL B.c1868 5-- Libbie Mae PRILLAMAN B.27 May 1875 Pendleton, IN s- BRANSON B.c1871 5-- Ora Lee PRILLAMAN B. 2 Nov 1879 Pendleton, IN s- POWELL B.c1875 3--Prillaman,Anne b.3-10-1777 m.Rocky Mount VA 2-16-1799 d.1-7-1852 s-Winters,Lewis b.Dutchess Co NY 4-13-1770 d.10-17-1842 4-- Lewis Jr. WINTERS B.1801 VA 4-- Elizabeth WINTERS B. 21 Nov 1801 Montgomery Co, VA s-George MERRITT B.c1797 Harper's Ferry, VA 5-- Mary MERRITT B. 1828 Champaign Co, OH s-Andrew Clinton BLACK B.1825 Clark Co, OH 4-- Jacob WINTERS B.c1803 4-- Obadiah WINTERS B. 13 Mar 1803 York, Pa d.Jay IN 5-12-1877 s-Frances ENSMINGER B.13 Sep 1807 York, Pa 5-- Mary Ann ENSMINGER B.13 Jul 1829 , York, PA 5-- Joseph Park ENSMINGER B.12 Apr 1831 , York, PA s-Ellen E HAYNES B.c1835 5-- Keturah ENSMINGER B.18 Jun 1833 , York, PA s-Jacob E LOTZ B.1829 5-- John Jay ENSMINGER B.28 Jan 1836 , York, PA s-Lavina B.c1836 OH 5-- Robert Huey ENSMINGER B.16 May 1838 , York, PA s-Catherine KNIGHT B.c1845 OH 5-- George Tyler ENSMINGER B. 1 Nov 1840 , York, PA 5-- Bianca Rebecca ENSMINGER B. 28 Mar 1843 , York, PA s-Justice Green CROWELL B. 13 Aug 1841 , York, PA 5-- Branca (Vianca) WINTERS B. 28 Mar 1843 Jay Co, IN s-Justice G CROWELL B. 13 Aug 1841 Jay Co, IN 5-- Nathan Clay ENSMINGER B. 4 Oct 1845 , York, PA s-Martha COULSON B.c1846 5-- Rachel Caroline ENSMINGER B. 27 Apr 1848 , York, PA 4-- Margaret (Peggy) WINTERS B.21 Jun 1807 Miami Co, OH s-Thomas N JONES B. 1807 PA 5-- Elizabeth JONES B. Nov 1834 5-- Agnes JONES B.Nov 1837 Wayne Twp, Jay Co, IN 5-- Lewis JONES B. 1838 Wayne Twp, Jay Co, IN 5-- Henry JONES B. Abt 1841 Wayne Twp, Jay Co, IN s-Marietta B.c1839 5-- Seth JONES B. 1843 Wayne Twp, Jay Co, IN s-Harriett COULSON B.c1844 5-- William JONES B.c1845 s-Martha B.c1849 5-- Jacob R JONES B.22 Feb 1848 IN s-Alice BRADLEY B.c1852 4-- John WINTERS B.c1809 4-- James WINTERS B.c1811 4-- William WINTERS B.10 Mar 1813 Elizabeth Twnshp, Miami, OH s-Nancy A FULLER B. 15 Aug 1819 5-- Cynthia Ellen WINTERS B. 9 Aug 1842 Clark Co, OH s-William Henry Harrison STERRETT B. 9 Aug 1840 Catawba, OH 4-- Daniel WINTERS B.c1815 4-- Susannah WINTERS B.1816 4-- Sarah WINTERS B. 1818 OH 4-- Mary WINTERS B.c1820 4-- Thomas WINTERS B. 1822 Eliz Township, Miami, OH s-Louisa SHIDELER B.c1826 3--Prillaman,Elizabeth B. 18 Jan 1780 Franklin Co, VA d.Putnam Co IL 3-25-1849 s-Obadiah WINTERS B. 5 Sep 1774 New York 4-- Moses WINTERS B. 11 Jul 1800 VA d.Duquoin IL 7-15-1866 s-Ann S PERRY B. 29 Feb 1808 OH 5-- Drusilla Ann WINTERS B. 6 Jan 1843 s-Gray L PURCELL B.c1841 5-- Azenith A. WINTERS B.9 May 1845 s- BURTON B.c1841 5-- James Whiten WINTERS B.4 Sep 1846 5-- Susan Nancy WINTERS B. 25 Apr 1850 s-Hardin C MCCREERY B.c 1848 s-Sarah ROGERS B.26 Feb 1802 OH 5-- Obadiah WINTERS B. 11 Nov 1826 5-- Sidna D WINTERS B. 3 Oct 1827 5-- Mary M. WINTERS B. 23 Dec 1831 s-John D PERRY B.1827 5-- Sarah E. WINTERS B. 9 Dec 1834 5-- Amanda C WINTERS B. 6 Mar 1836 5-- Ivyphena C WINTERS B. 13 Aug 1837 5-- Moses C WINTERS B. 28 Oct 1838 5-- Aaron D WINTERS B. 16 Sep 1840 5-- Christena Catherine WINTERS B. 23 Oct 1841 Marion Co, IN s-Joseph Bell YEARIAN B. 7 Aug 1834 Plymouth, Richland, Ohio s-Edwin R HAWLEY B. 9 Feb 1836 Jamestown, NY s-Edward R. HAWLEY B.1837 4-- Lewis WINTERS B.c 1802 s-Susannah SHIDLER Born: 1808 5-- Mary WINTERS B.c 1832 5-- Elizabeth WINTERS B.c 1842 5-- William WINTERS B.c 1847 5-- Lewis WINTERS B.c 1852 5-- Harrison WINTERS B.c1854 4-- Bradley WINTERS B. 1803 4-- Sarah WINTERS B. 5 Feb 1805 d.Wells Co IN 4-8-1873 s-William P PRILLAMAN B. 21 Jun 1800 VA 5-- Hester Anne PRILLAMAN B. 1823 OH s-John C MCCLARAN B.1819 s-Moses OWENS B.1819 5-- Lewis PRILLAMAN B. 26 Mar 1825 Miami Co, OH s-Maria STUDABAKER B. 2 Mar 1829 s-Elizabeth M BAYMAN B.15 Oct 1835 s-Maria MASTERSON B. 26 Jul 1839 s-Laura Ann RIPPLE B. 3 Apr 1857 5-- Henry PRILLAMAN B. 6 Nov 1826 OH s-Rachel Ann MARKLEY B. 5 Dec 1836 Wells Co, IN 5-- Elizabeth PRILLAMAN B. 6 Mar 1832 5-- Aaron W PRILLAMAN B. 24 Mar 1835 5-- Eliza PRILLAMAN B. 11 Jul 1840 5-- Infant PRILLAMAN B. 28 Dec 1843 4-- Nancy M. WINTERS B. 31 Jul 1806 Miami Co, OH d.Lasalle IL 8-14-1905 s-Aaron GUNN B. 4 Apr 1806 Montague, Franklin, MA 5-- Jennett Z GUNN B. 26 Feb 1838 s-George A ELLIOTT B. 27 Jul 1832 5-- Moses W GUNN B. 31 Mar 1839 s-Emma Jane RICHARDS B.1843 5-- Lucy GUNN B. 2 Dec 1841 s-Heman B CHAPMAN B. Nov 1843 5-- Lydia C GUNN B. 5 Apr 1843 5-- Elizabeth Sarah GUNN B. 2 Feb 1847 s-Franklin L AYERS B. 10 Aug 1844 5-- Aaron Elihu GUNN B. 14 Mar 1848 s-Mary WILLIAMS B.1852 5-- Esther Bell GUNN B. 7 Mar 1850 s-Thomas A WILLIAMS B.1846 4-- Christopher WINTERS B. 22 May 1808 OH d.Dequoin IL 12-11-1859 s-Margaret ROBERTS B. 11 May 1811 KY. 5-- Obadiah R WINTERS B. 5 Jan 1834 5-- William J WINTERS B. Abt 1836 5-- James W WINTERS B. Oct 1838 s-Harriett Amelia HAAF B. Sep 1838 5-- Margaret Elizabeth WINTERS B. 1841 s- BROOKINGS B.1837 5-- Jane A WINTERS B.1843 5-- Lewis A WINTERS B. 1845 s-Melissa Isabel HEYWOOD B. 1767 5-- Mary Ella WINTERS B. 19 Jun 1848 4-- Elizabeth WINTERS B.3-30-1810 OH d.Hennepin IL 2-21-1895 m.Hennepin IL 12-2-1834 s-Williamson DURLEY B.1-7-1810 Caldwell Co, KY d.Hennepin IL 1-14-1901 s/o John Durley & Jennet Rankin 5-- Amanda DURLEY B. 1837 5-- Cynthia J. DURLEY B.1839 5-- Preston B. DURLEY B. 1840 5-- Albert DURLEY B. 1841 5-- Lyle H DURLEY B. 1844 5-- Edwin M DURLEY B. 1848 8--Mary Alice contact @
4-- Lydia WINTERS B. 1812 OH s-Artemis Osgood WOODBURY B. 2 Aug 1813 Franklin Co, MA 5-- Elmer W WOODBURY B. May 1840 s-Mattie B. Feb 1848 5-- Aaron G WOODBURY B.1842 s-Marinda B. 1844 5-- Isaac W WOODBURY B. 1845 5-- Cynthia WOODBURY B. 1855 s- DEVEREAUZ B.1851 4-- Polly WINTERS B. 1814 4-- Aaron WINTERS B. 1816 4-- Cynthia Ann WINTERS B. 1818 OH s-Lewis Iza BECK B. 1817 5-- Sarah E BECK B. 1843 5-- Harrison W BECK B. 1844 5-- Lewis Marshall BECK B. 1846 5-- Stella BECK B. 1849 s- MERRITT B.1845 5-- Izadora B BECK B.1851 5-- Leanora BECK B.1853 5-- Harry BECK B.1855 5-- Luella BECK B.1857 5-- William E BECK B.1859 4-- Preston WINTERS B. 1820 3--Prillaman,William B. 9 Dec 1789 Franklin Co, VA s-Margaret WILLIAMS B. 14 Jul 1796 VA 4-- Sarah PRILLAMAN B. 1817 Miami, OH s-Harman KESSLER B. 1808 VA 5-- Margaret KESSLER B. 1835 OH s-William A MOORE B. 29 Jun 1819 5-- Peter KESSLER B. 1836 OH s-Calista PINGRY B. 27 Dec 1843 5-- William KESSLER B. 16 May 1840 s-Ruey Ann PINGRY B. 2 Oct 1844 5-- Eva KESSLER B. 1840 5-- John KESSLER B. 1842 s-Roxy PINGRY B.1846 5-- Sarah KESSLER B. 1843 s-George D BERGMAN B. 1835 OH 5-- Jane Elizabeth KESSLER B. 2 Apr 1846 s-John Jacob MILLER B.1842 s-Valentine FAULDING B. 18 Sep 1838 5-- Lydia Ann KESSLER B. 1848 IN s-Absalom BERGMAN B. 1845 5-- Maryetta KESSLER Born: Abt 1851 5-- Rebecca KESSLER Born: 17 Jul 1854 IN s-George FLAUDING Born: 12 Aug 1848 Germany 5-- Rhue Ann KESSLER Born: Abt 1857 s-Mark A HILTON Born: <1853 4-- John PRILLAMAN Born: 12 Feb 1819 OH 4-- Jacob PRILLAMAN Born: 18 Jul 1820 Miami Co, OH s-Henrietta GRIMES Born: 15 Dec 1822 Fredrick Co, MD 5-- John R PRILLAMAN Born: 24 Mar 1850 s-Emma SHERMAN Born: 30 Oct 1849 , Lickling Co, Ohio, St Albans Twp 5-- George PRILLAMAN Born: 12 Nov 1854 Jay Co, IN 5-- William H PRILLAMAN Born: 7 Sep 1857 Bearcreek Twp, Jay Co, IN s-Mary M HUGHES Born: 17 Nov 1860 Gallia Co, OH 5-- Mary Elizabeth PRILLAMAN Born: 8 Jan 1862 Jay Co, IN s-Henry KIRKPATRICK Born: 20 Jan 1848 Del. Co, In, Ind. 5-- Levi PRILLAMAN Born: 31 May 1864 s-Sarah Ann (Hester) ORCUTT Born: 3 Aug 1832 4-- Elizabeth PRILLAMAN Born: 20 Jan 1824 Miami Co, OH s-Peter BISHOP Born: 16 Mar 1812 Darmstadt, Laudenbaugh, Germany 5-- Wilson M BISHOP Born: 12 May 1840 Jay Co, IN s-Hannah PRIEST Born: Abt 1839 OH 5-- William Prillaman BISHOP Born: 14 Jan 1841 Jay Co, IN s-Mary PINGRY Born: 1834 s-Harriet POLING Born: Abt 1843 s-Sarah J SWEANEY Born: 20 Nov 1849 5-- Sophia BISHOP Born: Abt 1844 5-- Sarah BISHOP B.c1846 s-Charles COLLINS B.1842 5-- Susanna M BISHOP B. 6 Mar 1848 Jay Co, IN s-Jonas HUEY B. 4 Mar 1833 Fayette Co, PA 5-- Lydia A BISHOP B. 3 May 1850 Jay Co, IN s-Martin J. COULSON B. 1 Sep 1850 5-- Elizabeth Jane BISHOP B. 15 Feb 1857 Jay Co, IN s-Frank ANTLES B. 9 Dec 1853 OH 4-- William H PRILLAMAN B.c1834 OH s-Catherine BISHOP B.c1843 IN 5-- John W PRILLAMAN B.c1859 IN 5-- Ella F. PRILLAMAN B.c 1861 Jay Co, IN 4-- George William PRILLAMAN B. 24 Jul 1842 IN s-Deliah Harlo BLACK B. 15 Jun 1844 Jay, IN 5-- Ethel Lillian PRILLAMAN B. 16 Jul 1862 Jay Co, IN s-Joseph William BOEHM B. 1858 5-- Helen Bell PRILLAMAN B. 25 Feb 1865 Jay Co, IN s-Harry MYERS B.1861 5-- Wm Ulysses Lincoln PRILLAMAN B.16 Aug 1866 Jay Co, IN s-Pauline STACKLIN B.1870 5-- George Dick PRILLAMAN B.21 Feb 1879 OH 5-- Sarah Margaret PRILLAMAN B. 20 Apr 1884 , Mankato, Jewell, Kansas s-David Bentley CONNER B. 2 Dec 1868 , Cove Union, Oregon s-John GARRETT B. 5 Apr 1886 Sweet Springs, Saline Co., MO 3-- Mary "Polly" PRILLAMAN B. 1791 Franklin Co, VA s-Daniel SUNDERLAND B.1787 4-- Samuel G SUNDERLAND B. 26 Sep 1812 Miami Co, OH s-Lavina KEPPLER B. 17 Oct 1819 OH 5-- Jane SUNDERLAND B. 8 Oct 1836 Delaware Co, IN s-Valentine TAYLOR B. 1836 5-- Mary SUNDERLAND B.1838 5-- Nancy SUNDERLAND B. 11 Sep 1841 5-- Sarah SUNDERLAND B.c1845 5-- Jacob SUNDERLAND B.c1845 s-Sarah BANKS B. 14 Aug 1845 Delaware, IN 5-- William SUNDERLAND B.c1848 s-Arlena MARKER B.1852 5-- Daniel "Infant" SUNDERLAND B.1850 s-Andrew WILSON B.1787 s-Henry SHELL B.1787 3-- Barbara PRILLAMAN B. 1793 Franklin Co, VA s-Samuel CAPPER B.1789 3-- Prudence PRILLAMAN B.1795 s-George RICHESON B.1795 4-- William RICHESON B. 4 Dec 1809 s-Eliza Ann CARMIN B. 28 Nov 1811 Frederick, MD 5-- Elizabeth RICHESON B.10 Jul 1840 s-William Karrothers JORDAN B. 7 Dec 1827 5-- George Jackson RICHESON B.1842 5-- Prudence RICHESON B.1844 5-- Susan RICHESON B.1846 5-- John Weller RICHESON B.1848 5-- Joseph Cass RICHESON B.1850 4-- John RICHESON B.1811 4-- Christian RICHESON B.1813 4-- Jacob RICHESON B.1815 4-- Samuel RICHESON B.1817 4-- Kathern RICHESON B.1819 4-- Ann RICHESON B.1821 4-- Sarah RICHESON B.1823 4-- Susan RICHESON B.1825 2--John Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1754 s- 3--Prillaman,Elizabeth b.Franklin Co VA 1781 d.Ohio 1855 s-Fuller,Moses m.Franklin Co 11-1805 3--Prillaman,Jacob b.Franklin Co VA 1783 s-Grayson,Elizabeth 4--Prillaman,John G. b.VA 1810 s-Martha 3--Prillaman,Catherine b.VA 1785 3--Prillaman,Isaac b.VA 8-24-1788 s-Prillaman,Ruth d/o Daniel & anne O'Bryant 4--Prillaman,Philip b.Franklin Co VA 1824 d.1872 s-Helm,Milly ann b.1839 d.1912 5--Prillaman,Isaac b7-26-1861 d.8-29-1949 3--prillaman,Ann b.VA 1790 ?? 3--Prillaman,Abraham b.2-25-1793 ?? s-Elizabeth Packwood b.1793 ........4--Elisha prillaman b.1821 .........s-Mary Jane Turner ...........5--Timothy Joshua Prillaman 4--Prillaman,Dorothea b.1823 4--Prillaman,John b.1825 4--Prillaman,Elizabeth b.1827 .s-William Riley Gray 4--Prillaman,Jacob b.1828 .s-Martha Gray b.Floyd Co VA c1835 ...5--John H. Prillaman ....s-Matilda Prudence Conner ...5--James William Prillaman b.1866 ....s-Alice Alabama Wright ......6--jacob Grant Prillaman .......s-Carrie Neniveh King ......6--John Tyler Prillaman b.Floyd Co VA 1897 .......s-Elvada Esther Conner .........7--James Thornton Prillaman b.1921 d.FL 1985 .........7--Alton Wesley Prillaman b.1922 d.VA 1996 ......6--James Huffman Prillaman 4--Prillaman,Medad(male) b.Callaway, Franklin Co VA 2-20-1830 d.VA 1916 .............s-Susan jane Bird b.Franklin Co VA 8-29-1829 m.Floyd Co VA 9-3-1853 d/o William ...............5--John Jack PRILLAMAN b: 5 Jul 1854 in Callaway, Franklin Co. VA d.Franklin co VA 10-5-1912 s-Molly Jane Angel(Angle?) b: 23 APR 1855 M.16 DEC 1874 in Franklin Co., VA 6--Thomas A. PRILLAMAN b: 1 NOV 1875 6--Solomon Medad PRILLAMAN b: 20 OCT 1876 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia d.2-28-1957 s-Mary Lou EASTER b: 15 MAY 1881 M.23 DEC 1896 in Franklin Co., VA 7--Carrie Dell PRILLAMAN b: 12 JUL 1898 s-Morris Arrington b.3-3-1896 8--Arrington s-Saunders 8--Kearney Wilburn Arrington 7--Noah Wilson PRILLAMAN b: 8 SEP 1900 s-Lula Wilson 7--Nellie May PRILLAMAN b: 7 OCT 1902 s-silas Barnard 7--Mollie Jane PRILLAMAN b: 9 JUL 1904 s-richard L. Cassell 7--Susie Winifred PRILLAMAN b: 19 APR 1906 7--Beatrice Alice PRILLAMAN b: 6 MAR 1910 s-Schyler Wickman 7--Anne Bell Lee PRILLAMAN b: 25 JUN 1911 s-James S. Johnson 7--Kermit Edward PRILLAMAN b: 10 MAY 1924 7--Randolph Edwin PRILLAMAN b: 6 APR 1926 d.1-10-2004 Baptist s-Sara Vest 8--Arlene P. Prillaman s-Wayne Wallace 8--Roger A. Prillaman 8--Betty P. Prillaman s-John McMenamin 8--Scott E. Prillaman s-Kelly 6--Charles William PRILLAMAN b: 31 JAN 1878 d.6-17-1948 s-Martha Fannie HOWERY b: 18 JAN 1880 M.1 APR 1900 7--Edra Mary PRILLAMAN b: 9 APR 1901 7--George Alton PRILLAMAN b: 15 SEP 1902 7--Betty Lula PRILLAMAN b: 11 APR 1904 7--Clara Lee PRILLAMAN b: 15 SEP 1905 s-Althea Florence FISHER b: 28 APR 1888 M.OCT 1908 7--Mamon Charles PRILLAMAN b: 28 AUG 1909 7--Fannie Lera PRILLAMAN b: 11 JUN 1911 7--Virgie Evelyn PRILLAMAN b: 8 MAR 1913 s-terry Wilber powell b.1905 d.1978 7--Son PRILLAMAN b: 20 FEB 1916 7--Mattie Nell PRILLAMAN b: 24 MAR 1923 6--Lola A. PRILLAMAN b: 17 JUL 1879 6--Cora Lee PRILLAMAN b: 10 JAN 1881 6--John Henry PRILLAMAN b: 2 OCT 1883 d.17 NOV 1964 6--Christian Monroe PRILLAMAN b: 22 APR 1884 s-Rosa Hannah Jackson 7--Cary Prillaman ??? s-Ethel 7--Harry Prillaman 7--raymond Prillaman ??? s-Vivian Elgin ??? 7--Inez s-Jim Rodgers 7--Norwood Prillaman 7--Russell Prillaman 7--Curtis Franklin Prillaman b.Callaway VA 1-20-1918 d.Rocky Mount VA 1-14-2007 s- 8-- 8-- 8-- 8-- 6--Joel PRILLAMAN b: ABT. 1885 6--Alonzo PRILLAMAN b: ABT. 1886 6--Lula Belle PRILLAMAN b: 4 FEB 1889 6--Lester Hall PRILLAMAN b: 9 NOV 1890 6--James Grover PRILLAMAN b: 9 OCT 1892 ...............5--Martha PRILLAMAN b: 15 Oct 1855 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-James Pinkney Hollandsworth b.1851 ...............5--Christian PRILLAMAN b: 15 Jul 1857 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-Deliah Ann Mason b.1866 ...............5--Son PRILLAMAN b: 31 Mar 1859 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia ...............5--Charity Elizabeth PRILLAMAN b: 2 Apr 1860 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-Joseph Plesant mullins b.1859 ...............5--Sonora PRILLAMAN b: 31 Mar 1859 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia ...............5--Asenath Ann PRILLAMAN b: 26 Mar 1862 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-John Morgan Wilson b.1860 ...............5--William David PRILLAMAN b: 26 Apr 1866 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-Mary Alice Kropff b.1865 ...............5--Sarah Jane PRILLAMAN b: 14 Jul 1867 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-Charles J. Renick b.1866 ...............5--James Edward PRILLAMAN b: 14 Jul 1869 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia s-Margaret Wesley Nash b.1862 6--Herbert lee prillaman b.1892 ...............5--Henry Clay PRILLAMAN b: 4 Jun 1873 in Callaway, Franklin Co. Virginia d.Franklin Co VA 1949 ................s-Elizabeth Genora HOWERY b: 3 MAY 1876 6--Ida May Prillaman b.1895 ..................6--Roy Alton PRILLAMAN b: 31 AUG 1907 ...................s-Annie May WEBB b: 6 APR 1911 4--Prillaman,Andrew b.5-20-1833 s-Sarah Ann Bird 5--Sena frances Prillaman s-James Via 5--Elkanah Prillaman b.1860 3--Prillaman,Susannah b.VA 1795 3--Prillaman,Barbara b.VA 1797 s-Hickman,Henry s-Walker(Wilkson),lucy b.Nelson Co VA 6-1768 m.7-30-1810 d.12-1-1853 2--Daniel Prillaman b. 12-5-1758 d. 6- Jan 1854 m.c1777 s-O'Briant(Bryant),Ann b. 9- Feb 1758 d. 5-26-1850 3--Daniel Prillaman b.Franklin Co VA 11-9-1791 d. 10-31-1844 m. 2-24-1829 s-Elizabeth Stanley b. 1-20-1813 d. 11-19-1883 4--Prillaman,Olive b.7-18-1830 d.10-20-1888 m.Henry Co VA 2-11-1852 s-Stone,Clayton Greenberry b.Henry Co 1-12-1827 d.Henry Co 1-16-1900 5--Stone,Samuel Otis b.Henry Co 12-21-1852 d.2-11-1912 m.12-4-1873 s-Woody,Rebecca Victoria b.Franklin Co VA 12-9-1852 d.5-6-1928 6--Stone,lelia ...................s-William Dillon .....................7--Leonard Dillon 6--Stone,Clayton ...................s-Bessie Haymaker Morris .....................7--Linwood Anderson STONE b: 25 Jun 1912 in Twin Branch, WV. .....................7--Bertha STONE b: 9 Nov 1901 in Spencer, Va. .....................7--Robert O. STONE b: 13 Nov 1904 in Laurel Ridge, Va. .....................7--Roy Clayton STONE b: 30 Mar 1906 in Khoeler, Va. .....................7--Bernard L. STONE b: 3 Oct 1907 in Laurel Ridge, Va. .....................7--Virgil W. STONE b: 11 Feb 1914 in Twin Branch, WV. .....................7--Paul Neal STONE b: 17 Aug 1918 in Horsepasture, Va. .....................7--Harry William STONE b: 26 Jun 1922 in Horsepasture, Va. 6--Stone,Harry 6--Stone,Charles 6--Stone,Samuel 6--Stone,Herbert 6--Stone,Morris 6--Stone,Zachary 6--Stone,Eugene 6--Stone,Paul 5--Stone,Eliza Ann b.VA 5-16-1858 d.9-28-1947 5--Stone,Matilda Elizabeth b.1859 d.1949 5--Stone,Malinda Green b.1862 d.1936 5--Stone,Daniel Herbert b.1866 d.1947 5--Stone,Roxie Olive 5--Stone,Savannah G. 5--Stone,Lucy Ida 5--Stone,Mary Jane 4--Mary Emily Prillaman b. 10-1832 s-Samuel J. Hoy s-Daniel Prillaman Stanley b. 1821 m. 9-25-1818 s/o Larkin Stanley & Judith Prillaman 5--Isaac D. Stanley b. 7-29-1849 d. 8-16-1916 m. 1-17-1870 s-Charity Elizabeth Hoy b. 11-1-1843 d. 10-24-1936 6 Martha Ann Stanley b. 6- Sep 1871 s-Joel Thomas Wright b. 9- Apr 1861 3--Judith Prillaman m. 5- Sep 1814 s-Larkin Stanley b. 1790 d. 1843 4--Daniel Prillaman Stanley b. 1821 m. 9-25-1818 s- Mary Emily Prillaman b. 10-1832 5 Isaac D. Stanley b. 7-29-1849 d. 8-16-1916 m.1-17-1870 s-Charity Elizabeth Hoy b. 11-1-1843 d. 10-24-1936 6-- Martha Ann Stanley b. 6- Sep 1871 s- Joel Thomas Wright b. 9- Apr 1861 2--Barbara Prillaman d.Blacksburg VA s-Phillip Snidow m.Henry Co VA 2-14-1782 s/o John Snidow & Elizabeth Helm 3--Nancy Snidow b. 1783 d. 1860 m. 3- Mar 1803 s-Jacob Prillaman b.7-28-1778 d.5-12-1858 4--Mary Ann Prillaman m.Franklin Co VA 1-30-1823 s- John Burnett 4--George Prillaman b. 1806 m.Patrick Co VA 2-2-1826 s-Dicie(Dicey) Ross 5 Christian S. Prillaman b.Franklin Co VA 1828 m.Franklin Co VA 4-17-1872 s- Sarah E. Cannaday 5 Exonia Prillaman b. 1830 m.Franklin Co VA 1-14-1850 s- George Columbus King ...6--John Lee King 5 Gabriel Prillaman b.Patrick Co VA 1832 m.Franklin Co VA 4-9-1857 d.1905 s- Elizabeth J. Leseuer b.1834 d.1907 5 Martha E. Prillaman b. 1834 m.Franklin Co VA Aug 1852 s- Andrew Hunter Turner ...6--Fleming Lee Turner 5 Fleming M. Prillaman b. 1836 d.7-3-1925 in Brown Hill,Franklin co VA census of 1880 s-Drusilla P. Turner m.11-27-1867 b.4-30-1849 d.3-12-1932 6--Lulia E. Prillaman b.VA c1868 6--Nancy A. Prillaman b.VA c1870 ..6--Jacob N. Prillaman b.VA c1871 ...s-Beulah Dillard 6--George F. Prillaman b.VA c1873 6--Mary S. Prillaman b.VA c1874 6--John A. Prillaman b.VA c1877 6--Benjamin T. Prillaman b.VA c1879 5 Isaac Prillaman b.Franklin Co vA 7-24-1838 d.1892 .s-Elizabeth Snidow Via b.VA 4-11-1842 with Fleming in 1910 ...6--Christian Snidow Prillaman b.1868 ...6--Peter James Prillaman b.1869 ...6--Gabriel Prillaman b.VA 11-17-1871 d.Henry Co VA 9-21-1955 ...6--Fleming Watts prillaman b.VA 1873 in Franklin co VA census of 1910 s-Ruth A. b.VA c1882 parents b.VA 7--Blanford Isaac Prillaman b.VA c1907 s-Robbie Dodson 8--Ottis Blanford Prillaman b.VA 10-27-1929 d.Roanoke VA 8-29-2007 lived Rocky Mount VA s- 9-- 9-- 8--Joel Reese prillaman b.VA 8-24-1932 d.11-4-2007 lived Rocky Mount VA s-H. 9--Max Randall Prillaman d.<11-4-2007 7--son b.VA c1908 ...6--George Prillaman b.1875 ...6--Mary Magdalene Prillaman b.1878 with Fleming in 1910 ...6--Martha Nannie Prillaman b.1880 with Fleming in 1910 ...6--Emeline Hurd Prillaman b.1883 with Fleming in 1910 5--Caroline M. Prillaman b. 1841 s-Cannady,John T. 5--Lydia A. Prillaman b. 1843 s-Cannady,Bailey 5--George A. Prillaman b.Franklin Co VA 1844 s-Turner,Charity Ann m.Franklin Co VA 8-30-1867 5--Nancy J. Prillaman b. 1846 s-Bowlin,John W. 5 Peyton A. Prillaman b. 1849 d.young 4--Elizabeth Prillaman b. 1808 m. 3-12-1828 s-Fleming Helms 5 Nancy Helm b. 1835 5 Malinda Helm b. 1845 5 Thomas F. Helm b. 1848 5 James W. Helm b. 1853 5 Sarah Elizabeth Helms b.Franklin Co VA 1837 m. 1- Aug 1866 s-Jones ?? s-Thomas H. Prillaman b.10-31-1821 m.Franklin Co 8-1-1866 4--Samuel Prillaman Sr. b. 1810 m.Patrick Co VA 2-16-1829 s- Permillia C. Harbour (Amelia b.1810) 5--Stephen H. Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1830 m. 3- Aug 1871 s-Nancy Cooper 5 Lucinda Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1832 5 Elizabeth Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1834 5 Jane H. Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1836 5 John Prillarnan b.Franklin Co 1838 5 Ann A. Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1840 5 George Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1843 5--Samuel Prillaman Jr. b.Franklin Co 1845 m.Franklin Co 1-17-1867 s-Ruth E. Prillaman 5--Phillip Prillaman b.Franklin Co 1848 m. 4- Feb 1873 s-Elizabeth Helms 5 Mary B. Prillaman b. 1852 4--Barbara Prillaman b. 1814/30 m.Franklin Co 1- Jan 1844 s-Lewis Jimerson s/o Samuel Jamison & Winnie Bird 5--Mary E. Jamison b. 1845 s-Thomas Helm 5--Nancy C. Jamison b. 1847 s-Rev. Taylor Turner 5--Elizabeth E. Jamison b. 1848 s-D. Lee Ross 5--Ruth Frances Jane Jamison b. 1850 s-George Ross 5--Susan Jamison b. 1852 s-Marshall Prillaman 5--Thomas Fleming Jamison b. 1854 s-Ingram,Snug s-Allie whitlock lived Roanoke VA 4--Fleming Prillaman b. 1816 possibly in Blackwater,Franklin co VA 1870 census with mother Nancy 4--Daniel Prillaman b. 1818 4--Ann Prillaman s-Conner,Greenville R. m.Franklin Co VA 9-23-1844 3--Christian Snidow b. 1- May 1787 d. 12-31-1861 lived Pembroke,Giles Co VA "Christian the Blacksmith" s-Sarah Turner b.1788 m.c1806 of Henry Co VA 4--Snidow,Barbara s-Prillaman,Jacob 3--Snidow,William Melvin b. 5-31-1788 d. 12-3-1864 m.1822 moved to Madison MO in 1837 s-Chloe Ann Freel of Cabell Co VA now WV 4--Barbara Ann Snidow b. 1837 d. 1909 s-James D. Helms 5--Chloe Ann Helms b. 1851 s-Moses Overfelt 5 John Helms b. 1853 d. 1927 m. 1866 s-Miranda N. Carter 5 Warren Helms b. 1855 d. 1889 5 Fleming Busby Helms b. 1857 m. 1888 s-Rosa Lee Carter 5 Jennie Helms b. 1859 d. 1891 s-Frank Owings 5 Rosa Helms b. 1860 d. 1861 3 George Snidow b. 4-24-1790 d. 2-16-1866 lived Giles Co VA s-Elizabeth Surface m.1814 b.1793 d.1882 4--Snidow,William P. b.1815 d.1836 4--Snidow,James Madison b.1817 d.1899 s-Snidow,Sarah Jane b.1818 d.1895 5--Snidow,Christian Newton b.1845 d.1886 s-Turner,Louisa b.1850 d.1942 6--Snidow,Waller Turner b.1872 d.1962 s-Philpott,Anna b.1873 d.1922 6--Snidow,Samuel Wiley b.1873 d.1936 6--Snidow,Sarah Jane 4--Snidow,Elizabeth E. s-Phlegar,john S. s-Martin,Christian m.7-17-1793 2nd husband of Barbara Prillaman 2--Prillaman,Anne m.Frankli Co VA 6-25-1788 s-Sowder(Souter), Jacob ****************************************************** 1--John R. Prillaman s-Gloria I. d.3-4-2005 Baptist 2-- 2-- 2-- 2-- .............................. PRILLAMAN, Annie Mae Webb, 91, of Callaway went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, March 15, 2003. She was an active member of Piedmont Presbyterian Church where she prepared communion for 40 years. She was preceded in death by her husband and best friend of 54 years, Roy A. Prillaman. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Katherine A. and Jackson Thierry, Boones Mill; her sons and daughters-in-law, Frank A. and Sylvia Prillaman, Callaway, Mark A. and Peggy Prillaman, Henry; her grandchildren, Faith, Michael, Annessa and Jacob Prillaman, Brian Thierry and Aimee Cruey; sisters, Edith Justus, Florence Akers and Genevieve Hite; brothers, Buford and Paul Webb; many nieces and nephews; special friends, David and Kathy Katt, Oakie and Virginia Bowman; special nephews, Lewis and David Akers. Funeral services will be conducted from Piedmont Presbyterian Church 2 p.m. Tuesday with Dr. C. Richard Slider, III officiating. Interment will follow in the Prillaman Family Cemetery. I **************************************************** PRILLAMAN, Martha Myrtle, 92, of Roanoke, formerly of Franklin County, died Thursday, March 29, 2001. She was born July 31, 1908, a daughter of the late John Robert and Pallie Hollandsworth Prillaman. She was preceded in death by her brothers, Wilson, Clyde, Ellis, and Robert Prillaman. Surviving are two sisters, Kathleen Lovell, Martinsville and Luvania Milligan, Parkersburg, W.Va. ************************************************* PRILLAMAN, Thomas E., (Bun), 83, of Roanoke, passed away Thursday, April 11, 2002. He was predeceased by a son, Thomas W. Prillaman, two sisters, Esther P. Scott and Jewel Umberger, a brother, Grover P. "Prill" Prillaman, and his parents, Grover and Estelle Prillaman. He was retired as a conductor from the Norfolk Southern Railway after thirty-three years of service. Mr. Prillaman was a member of Southview United Methodist Church, an Army veteran of World War II and a graduate of National Business College. Surviving are his devoted wife of sixty-two years, Merle A. Prillaman; a son and daughter-in-law, Eddie and Linda Prillaman of Troutville; two daughters and sons-in-law, Robin P. and Robert L. Dix of Daleville, Anita and Richard Sheetz of Roanoke; eight grandchildren, Thomas and Brian Hurt, Lesley and Tracy Prillaman, Mitch and Amanda Sheetz, Matthew and Jeremy Graybill; and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 12 noon Saturday from Oakey's North Chapel with the Rev. George M. Pearson, Jr. officiating. Interment will follow in Sherwood Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Southview United Methodist Church (3539 Peters Creek Road, NW, Ro ***************************************** JOHNSON, Anne Prillaman, of Roanoke, went to be with the Lord on Monday, April 21, 2003. She was the widow of James S. Johnson. Anne was a member (since 1973) of First Baptist Church of Roanoke, where she had been active in the Chancel Choir and was Sunday School Secretary for third grade children. Mrs. Johnson was a member of the Woman's Club of Roanoke and Ladies' Auxiliary of Railroad Lodge #818. She was a retired employee of Oakey's Funeral Service with twenty-five years of service. Surviving are two sons and a daughter-in-law, Richard S. Johnson of Virginia Beach, Stephen L. and Julie H. Johnson of Roanoke; three grandchildren, Shannon and husband, Jack Lynch of Aurora, Ill., Eric Johnson of Charlotte, N.C., Lisa Johnson of Blacksburg; a brother, Randolph Prillaman and wife, Sarah of Roanoke; two great-grandsons, John and James Lynch. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Thursday from First Baptist Church of Roanoke with Dr. Jeff Doremus officiating. Interment will follow in Evergreen Burial Park. Friends may call after 2 p.m. Wednesday at Oakey's Roanoke Chapel, where the family will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. ******************************************************** PRILLAMAN, Isaac Clay Isaac Clay Prillaman, 78, of Roanoke, formerly of Silver Spring, Maryland, died Sunday, December 28, 2003. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of World War II and was retired from the Space Administration (NASA). Mr. Prillaman was a member of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. He was born November 11, 1925, a son of the late Ernest James and Ida Mae Prillaman and was also preceded in death by a brother Nelson Prillaman; infant sister, Rachel Marie; nieces, Cecelia DeLong and Alesia Hope Prillaman; and a nephew, Glenn (Sonny) Prillaman. Surviving are a sister, Lucy Lee Prillaman, Callaway; brothers, James Wendell Prillaman, Roanoke, Glen M. Prillaman, Callaway; nieces and spouses, Sherryl and Bill Hankins, Lynchburg, Beth and Jim Lewis, North Carolina, Teresa and Harold Hill, Callaway; nephews and spouses, Gerald and Doris Prillaman, Salem, Charles and Barbara Prillaman, Massachusetts, Gene and Barbara Prillaman, Richmond. Funeral services will be conducted from Flora Funeral Chapel, 11 a.m. Wednesday with Dr. C. Richard Slider, II officiating. Interment will follow in Mountain View Memorial Park
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