Order of the Eastern Star

Kingsland Chapter # 146

Kingsland Chapter #146 Information

We are located in the beautiful state of Georgia on I-95 just north of the Florida border in the small, peaceful town of Kingsland.

Our meetings are on the first Tuesday of every month and start promptly at 8:00 P.M.

Our Officers are as follows:

Worthy Matron is Kathy Burke        Worthy Patron is Dale Stickrath
Associate Matron is Sherri Morgan   Associate Patron is N.A. Barlow
Secretary is Joyce Brooks           Treasure is Annette Barlow
Chaplin is Letha Eddings            Marshall is Bettie Cottle
Conductress is Lorena Rein          Associate Conductress is Theresa Mitchell
Warder is Joyce Dixon               Sentinal is Mackey Dekle 
Adah is Kassandra Lindhe            Ruth is Leila Brown          
Esther is Misty Drake               Martha is Cheryl Russsel     
Electa is Deborah Smith

We are a small chapter that is full of love and kinship. Visiting Brothers and Sisters please stop in and see us if you have the time.

Chapter History

The Kingsland Order of Eastern Stars # 146 has seen continuous service since May 29, 1918. It is one of the oldest Chapters in the State of Georgia.The Installation of membership and officers took place on the second floor of the original State Bank of Kingsland building on Railroad Avenue. Mrs. Mamie Brooks was the first Worthy Matron, Mr. Joe B. Smith was the first Worthy Patron.

For many years, the Kingsland O.E.S. was a large and growing chapter. The reason was because there was not an O.E.S. Chapter in St.Marys. With the organization and growth of the Masonic Order in St. Marys, an O.E.S. was chartered there and many members moved their membership.

To this day the Kingsland O.E.S. is still a growing Chapter that strives to maintain the kinship and love that has made it the success that it is.

What is Eastern Star

The order of the Eastern Star is a Masonically-related fraternity of women and men dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness. Although not a part of the Masonic fraternity, membership is based on a Masonic affiliation or relationship, a belief in God, and a desire to acquire additional knowledge and for self improvement.

The degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star teach lessons of fidelity, constancy, loyalty, faith, and love. These degrees are presented in a beautiful ritualistic ceremony designed to not only teach the lessons, but also to provide insight for future study and understanding.

Local Eastern Star Chapters select their own charities and places or people to be of service to in their own community. Each year special charities are selected for statewide projects and special emphasis are placed on these.

To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds, is the great aim we have in view.

The Eastern Star is also a social organization with frequent formal events and ceremonies. Being a member is a wonderful and fulfilling way of life. Please ask an Eastern Star to tell you more about it!

Membership Information

To become a member you must be either a Master Mason in good standing or a woman who is 18 years of age and properly related to a Master Mason in good standing.

The latter category includes wives; widows; sisters; daughter; mother; grand-daughter; step-mother; step-daughter; step-sister; half-sister; niece; daughter-in-law; and grandmother

Links Page

For links to some other Eastern Star pages please click here!

Kingsland Chapter #146 is sending out lots of huggs

for a great Day!

If you have any questions, comments or would like to just say hi please drop me a line. Thank You. Kathy Burke at kingslandoes@geocities.com

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This page last updated on November 28,2000

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