2007-08 Leaving SFO 15Nov07--Returning 30Apr08
2006-07 Left SFO Nov06--Returned May07
2005-06 Left SFO Nov05--Returned Feb06
Trip17 2004-05 Left SFO Nov04--Returned Apr05
Trip16 2003-04 Left SFO Nov03--Returned Apr04
Trip14 2002-03 Left SFO-Dec02--Returned May03
Trip11 2001-02 Left SFO-21Nov01--Returned 16May02
Trip10 2000-01 Left SFO-Nov2000--Returned - Apr01
Trip08 2000 Left
Trip06 1999 Left SFO-Mar99--Returned-May99
Trip05 1998 - AUGUST Cancelled!
Trip04 1998 Left SFO Apr98-Returned May98
Trip03 1997 Left SFO Oct97-Returned Nov97
Trip02 1997 Left SFO Apr97-Returned May97
Trip01 1996 Left SFO Mar96-Returned Apr96
We are World Travelers and have made several trips to Vietnam (see listing above) with our friends, Nhieu and his sister, LÊ (Chi Hai):
Ly, Jeanine, Jackie and Kenneth traveled to Vietnam in March 2002 and stayed for a week or two. TOM travels to Vietnam each year for the six months, Nov-Apr. MINH_TÂM and his family travel from San Francisco (SFO) on Asiana (Korean) Airlines via Seoul-Korea, Inchon Airport (ICN) for a direct flight into for a direct flight into Ho Chi Minh City (HCM)/Saigon. MINH_TÂM is a world traveler and his 2006-2007 trip to Vietnam has been arranged so that he can attend the Death Day Anniversay
(DAM GIO) in Go Cong, Tien Giang Province for his wife's mother, Huynh Thi Nguu. The length of his stay in Vietnam this time depends upon the price of his Asiana airticket and extention of his 3-Month Visitors Visa. Asiana flights arrive and leave at midnight in HCM/Saigon and MINH_TÂM is met at the airport by a busload of friends and relatives from Go Cong.
We have traveled from
SFO on Asiana (Korean) Airlines via Seoul Korea for a direct flight into Ho Chi Minh City(HCM)/Saigon. We are usually met at the Tan Son Nhàt Airport in HCM/Saigon after each flight by a busload of Vietnamese relatives and friends and then have driven to GoCong, Tien Giang Province in the
Mekong Delta. We usually visit relatives and friends in Vietnam and have attended Cao Dai (Vietnamese) Funeral
services (DAM MA) for Ly's Father and Mother.
Minh_TÂM has spent the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) in Vietnam. However, he has celebrated New Years twice, once on January 1st and again in January or February for the
TET holiday which is based on the LUNAR CALENDAR. ("Chuc Mung Nam Moi" which means "Happy New Year" in
Minh_TÂM and Ly-Huong travelled to Vietnam in 1998, flying from SFO
to Vietnam to arrange for building of the Whitehouse East our new home in Go Cong, Tien Giang Province, 65 km-40 miles south of Ho Chi Minh City (HCM)-Saigon, (VNTrip#4).
09 February 2005 -- Year of the Rooster-Chicken
29 January 2006 ---- Year of the Dog
18 February 2007 -- Year of the Boar-Pig
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