1701 ApChoMoi, XaLongHoa (Ward 5)
Go Cong, Tien Giang Province - Vietnam
PHONE/DT: 011 (84-73) 842210
The TOM Premo Family are World Travelers and we made a trip to Vietnam in April 1998 where we arranged for construction of the White House East, our new home in GoCong. FINAL construction was in July, 1998. TOM travels to Vietnam each year during the dry season , November-May, and has two New Years, one on January 1st and again for the Vietnamese New Year/TET,
see his Vietnam Travel webpages.
Links to TOM Premo and other Vietnam related sites on the Web
Family Home Page |
Vietnam Trips |
VN Links| VIETnam onLINE |
VN Economic Times |
Vietnam Web
VietGATE |
Vietnam Online-Business
VN Internet - Barrons
AltaVista Searches:"tom premo" |
"vietnam internet" |
Tom@premo.com or RTPremo@aol.com
TOM Premo Family Maps
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Concord, CA 94518
Burney, CA 96013
Deltona, FL 32725