Dunc's Bulletin Board...Are you having a reunion? Looking for a buddy or relative? Have an opinion or just want to schedule a chat for the chat room? Here's the place to post your message.
MARINE VETERANS CHAT ROOM -- Can we talk? Come on in and get acquainted.... If you're tired of overcrowded chatrooms, this is a good place to come! *grin*
HOW TO FIND SOMEONE -- From an article about how to find someone using the internet; includes military-specific sites.
ABOUT ME -- A brief description of my time in the Marines.
DUNC'S MEMOIRS -- Growing up during the Great Depression.
MY FAMILY AFTER WW2--Some major events of our family life after the war mor or less by each decade
PEARL HARBOR -- My impressions of that "day in infamy".
IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO FELL -- If you wish to add a name here, please email it to me!
MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS -- Learn about some of America's true heroes. If you wish to add a name here, please email it to me!
KOREAN WAR MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS -- Learn about more of America's true heroes. If you wish to add a name here, please email it to me!
THE NAVAJO CODE TALKERS -- True American Heroes
INTERESTING AND OUTRAGEOUS ARTICLES IN THE NEWS -- Articles you don't find every day. Some thought provoking comments you may or may not agree with but hopefully they will provoke you to think.
WHY TRUMAN DROPPED THE ATOMIC BOMB ON HIROSHIMA It seems the revisionists are still attempting to make the United States the villian for ending the war with the atomic bomb. Everyone should read this article by Mr. Bruce Lee and mayube the light will go on.
DOCUMENT OF AN ATROCITY--A story by Don Schloat who served as an Army Medic at Bataan and was a POW of the Japanese.
This story should be read by all Americans, especially the youth
of today. His paintings which are his mental images of the dozens of Prisoners he saw massacred, have been on display at the Veterans Memorial Building, Balboa Park, San Diego Calif.
JOSEPH STALIN--The World's greatest tyrant and killer of millions of his own people.
Read about how the New York Times covered up much of what he did in the 1939's. Has anything really changed at the Times?
JAPAN'S SECRET LABORATORY OF DEATH - UNIT 731 -- Many would not believe me when I spoke of this atrocity. Finally, the story, and the truth, has come out on The Discovery and History Channels.
BIRTH OF LIBERTY -- Here you can read the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. These are documents we should all be familiar with.
MEMORIAL DAY -- Let us never forget-May we always remember.
HARLEM'S HELL FIGHTERES ---Ridiculed as "tin soldiers" and treated as orphans, the U. S. 369th Infantry won fame and glory fighting with the French on thre Western Front during World Way 1.
FLAG DAY----The flag is only a symbol..but what a symbol it is
and let us never forget the real meaning of that flag...the Stars and Stripes.
May it wave in freedom forever.
VETERAN'S DAY -- What and Who is a Veteran?
POINTS TO PONDER -- Some thought provoking comments by some of our great thinkers, as well as some of our not so great thinkers.
JAPAN TODAY -- Have They Really Changed?
IWO JIMA POEM--By TSgt. M. K. Nowell
In many histories of World War II, the fight for Palau---among the bloodiest campaigns on the Pacific front---is overlooked. Thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Japanese died in fierce combat on land and over water in three major military operations in 1944 and 1945. This is one aspect of those battles and is the story of how one man is trying to make a difference.KOREAN WAR STORIES -- PLEASE FEEL FREE TO
Two Very Important Sites To Me
LINKS TO MARINE CORPS SITES -- If you know of a good site, please email the URL to me!
LINKS TO WW2 SITES -- If you know of a good site,
email the URL to me!
LINKS TO OTHER VETERANS' SITES -- If you know of a good site, please email the URL to me!
MISCELLANEOUS LINKS:Evelyn Duncan;Marlana Fury.
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