The Mailinglist/Messageboard Gang!!!!!
Carol from Colorado with AJ at Fan Fair '94
Added on 2/18/2001
Thanks for the picture!
Alan and Leslie,taken Feb. 3, 2001 at the Palace of Auburn Hills, MI, Meet and Greet! (We're talking about the green shirt!)
Added on 2/18/2001
Thanks for the picture!
Tonya, her friend Cindy, Betty from
Indiana, and her husband, Jeanette and Chris and Leslie.
Added on 2/18/2001
Thanks for the picture!
Hope and Paul just after Alan's concert at Penn State last year(2000).
Photo taken by Theresa.
Added on 2/17/2001
Thanks for the picture!
Left to right, Ann and Lynette from New Zealand. Added on 2/17/2001
Thanks for this picture!
Karen(on left) and Lucille(on right) at a concert in Worcester, MA Sept. of 1997.
Thanks Lucille for this picture!

From left to right is Lynne, Tammy, Mary (kneeling), Stephanie,
Audrey, Julie, Kim and Julie's son, Shon Todd.Isn't
that sign great?!!!
Mary drew it all out~~ great job Mary!!And a big THANK YOU to
Mary for getting this "on-line
party" together!!! Hope this becomes an annual event!!!!
This is Lynne.

This is Lynne's husband Keith.

This is (from right to left) Audrea, Stephanie
and Kim in front of Alan's bus at the Nutter Center.
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