Jim's Place
Have you dug up any relatives
lately? I have had great success with the help of many, many
friends, relatives, and acquaintances. One day in the evolution
of this page, I hope to include the information that I have
collected! So, check back ever so often!!
By the way, if you came to this
page seeking information on yourPHARESancestor and don't want to wait for me to
get off my can...Don't go away completely disappointed...join the
PHARES Mailing List at Roots Web!! I'm the new
list manager/owner. My intention for this list is to discuss all
"PH" spelling variations of the name.
So come join us!! Introduce yourself and post your PHARES/PHARIS/PHARRIS/PHARISS connections. Perhaps a fellow list
subscriber will be able to assist you with your family research.
To subscribe: Send the command
Send only the word subscribe (without the quotation marks) in the
body of your letter and as your Subject. Anything else, a
signature, or anything will cause your message to bounce with an
error. You will receive a message acknowledging your subscription
and a welcome letter with further instructions.
For those PHARES that choose to spell their names with an
"F" (;-), join the FARRIS Mailing List at Roots Web!! This list
has members interested in all possible spellings of the name: FARIS, FARRIS, FAIRES, FERRIS,
PHARES, PHARIS, PHARRIS, PHARISS, or any other way you can think to spell
it! Consider joining both lists. In that way your sure not to
miss the messages of interest to you.
To subscribe to this list: Send
the command "subscribe"to:
Once again...send only the word subscribe (without the quotation marks) in the
body of your letter and as your Subject. Anything else, a
signature, or anything will cause your message to bounce with an
error. You will receive a message acknowledging your subscription
and a welcome letter with further instructions. The list owner, Wanda Rabb, will warmly greet you and invite your
With either list, you can jump
in or just sit back and read the usual daily traffic of two to
ten messages. When you feel comfortable submit your own query.
Usually someone will respond fairly quickly. I can guarantee it
if your line is a PHARES and has a remote possibility of
connecting to mine!!(;-)
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- The most comprehensive lists of online genealogical resources
in the world.
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