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About a hundred years ago in Council Bluffs town,

They had a county jail, but it burned down.

So, they built a new Jailhouse and built it very well.

Said, "This fine building should last us for quite a spell."

It was a Mr. Brown's invention--he had features galore,

From pie-shaped cells, to that one narrow, tricky door.

The rotary cellblock was turned by water, or so they say---

No one knows how to this very day.

With thick iron bars and a high steel cage,

This new County Jail was a marvel of the age.

Our Squirrel Cage Jailhouse bravely stood without fear,

Holding those villains year after year.

By 1969, Jailhouse's life lay on the line,

Those City Fathers cried, "Tear that Jailhouse down!

We don't want that old building standing 'round!"

Jailhouse heard that awful sound,

Mourned, "Don't I have a friend in town?"

The Historical Society listened to its' fearful cry.

Their answer was, "We can't let that building be torn down and die.

We looked it over and it isn't all that bad--

Why, it's the most unique building this town ever had."

City Fathers, we beg of you,

We'll take care of this Jailhouse--

We'll be its' Jailhouse crew.

It's been here since 1885,

We want that Jailhouse, we want it ALIVE!

Well! There was quite a roar and an awful din.

Through it all I believe that Jailhouse even managed to smile,

And give a happy grin.

Murmured politely in its' new neighbor's ear,

"Didn't really want to be torn down, I like it here!"

Thus, those folks who fought with all their might,

Preserved their Jailhouse and its' site.

'Twas 1977 when all those dreams finally came true,

This building now completely owned and protected by its'

faithful Jailhouse crew.

Say, you could almost feel that Jailhouse rock,

And it sang out with glee,

"Those folks bought my building."

You'll see, "I will stand strong and sturdy as can be,

Standing proudly for those friends,

Who stood up for me!"

**By: Ida Nelson of Council Bluffs**

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