Pottawattamie County Courthouse

Historical Society of Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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Clerk of Court

227 South 6th Street Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 Phone 712-328-5604

Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates

Pottawattamie County's Recorder's Office
227 South 6th Street
Council Bluffs, Iowa  51503
Phone  712-328-5612 

They will request cash, money order or cashier's check, and won't accept
personal checks.  The fee is $10.00 per certificate.

You need to have as much of the following information as possible to help
them in finding the correct file:

1. Event (death, marriage, birth)*
2. Type of certificate: Certified
3. Full name as it appears on record
4. Date of event
5. Place of event
6. Mother's maiden name
7. Father's name
8. Purpose for request: Genealogy, etc.
9. Number of copies requested
10. Requestor's relationship to person
11. Signature of person requesting
12. Daytime phone number
13. Mailing address

* At the present time the records for the years 1921 thru 1941 have
not yet been returned to the county level.  You need to contact the 
Vital Statistics Department in Des Moines, Iowa.

Probate Clerk

227 South 6th Street
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Phone 712-5639

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