Belgian Malinois Ring Logo
The Belgian Malinois Webring is Closed
at least Temporarily
If I have enough interest I will install an open source program on my hosting account. If you have a quality Malinois website and are interested please email me Lyn.
The Belgian Malinois Ring was created to exhibit the websites of Malinois owners around the world. These websites are rich with extensive information and photos on the breed. The surfer interested in learning about this breed will find all the information they desire in a manner that is both fast and easy to use. Each website has a distinctly different personality and style but, as members of the ring, they are just a mouse click away.
WebRings offer visitors the opportunity to focus totally on the subject they are interested in, providing easy access to multiple websites. The goal, of any WebRing, is to provide a centralized location that readily moves visitors from one well informed website to another.
The Belgian Malinois WebRing's central theme will be an admiration and love of the Belgian Malinois, their companionship, working ability and daily activities. Here will be found information about the breed, its history, health, conformation, obedience, agility, rescue, schutzhund, ring sport and Malinois that serve in law enforcement as well as family companions.
My sincerest Thanks must go to Catherine Shields of Carousel Malinois for allowing me to use her Diamond puppy "Carousels Dreaming of Diamonds" or "Rave" as she's known, as the model for the Ring's new graphic.
DO NOT COPY THE RING CODE FROM THIS PAGE It will NOT work on your website! You will receive your new code by e-mail.
Please DO go to the bottom of the page and copy the Ring Graphic you will find there to your own computer. Then upload the Ring Graphic into the same directory where your document is stored on your server.
Because of continued problems with the Javascript Navbars from Yahoo Webrings failing to load properly, I now require that the Belgian Malinois Webring be placed above these bars on any page it is installed on. If you fail to install the Belgian Malinois Webring above the Javascript Navbars I will automatically skip evaluating your site for possible addition to the Ring. Any site found to have moved the Belgian Malinois Webring below the Navbars, after being added to the ring, will automatically be moved to the queue until the Ring once again appears above the Javascript Navbars.