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Missing Beinstingel Family Members in the USA

I am searching for two of my father's cousins and their families. My hope is that someone will be able to point me in the right direction in order for me to locate my LIVING relatives. Perhaps this will be viewed by an individual calling to mind a person or family they once knew or even familiar with now. My desire is for these family members to know that they are not alone. We will be here for them and want to share our lives with them. Please feel free to contact me with any information you may have that could help me in my search. (


Frank Beinstingel Brown

  • Frank immigrated to the USA in the 1960's. It is presumed that he settled in California.
  • His parents were Helen (maiden name not known) and Franz Beinstingel born 1910, died in W.W.II.
  • Frank is one of three children. Two boys and one girl. Frank, Eva and the other boy's name is not known.
  • It is speculated that Frank changed his last name from Beinstingel to Brown (which is/was the maiden name of his wife).
  • Frank has a daughter named Tracy. She may be living in New Mexico.
  • Frank would be in his 60's now.

If you know of this person or how I can go about searching for him would you please contact me ( We would really like to find him and his family!


Rose Beinstingel and Daughter Erin

Update News: I have located Rose and her daughter. They did relocate to a new location and we are now in contact with one another!

Two weeks prior to my finding a listing for Rose she relocated. I have sent her several letters and none of then have been returned to me. Following is information I know about her after speaking to her former neighbors:

  • Rose is in her 40's.
  • Dark hair and medium skin color, on the heavy side.
  • Immigrated to the USA with parents when she was 3 years old.
  • Talked about NJ to her neighbors. The neighbors recall her saying something about living in NJ when her family first came to the USA. Burlington, NJ is were my father's family immigrated to.
  • Parents may have been Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) b: Nov 5, 1925 d: July 1985 and Alojz Beinstingel b: June 15, 1923 d: March 1984. I have their SS#'s as well.
  • Rose told her neighbors her family was originally from Austria of German descent.
  • 10 year old daughter named Erin.
  • Last working for AT&T in Ohio. She works with computers and enjoys them very much.
  • I have her SS#.
  • Former address was:
    2325 Leitnaker Road
    Pleasantville, Ohio 43148-9507
  • Moved from former address around March 17, 1997.
  • May have relocated to Chicago, Illinois area. This is the area where Social Security and death records lists her parents as last living.

The lady that I spoke to said Rose told her that she is all alone and has no family members here in the USA, which is not the case. Her father was my Grandfathers brother that was believed to have died in W.W.II. I paid to have a search done on her and they were unable to locate her as well. They said she must be staying with someone.

If you know of this person or how I can go about searching for her would you please contact me ( We would really like to find her and her daughter!

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Who to Contact for More Information

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Send mail to:
Beinstingel Family
19712 First Street
Eagle River
AK 99577