Blue Bead Line
 The Rasberry Patch
Blue Bead Line

Welcome to the "Rasberry Patch". The Rasberrys are located in the United States - in the state of Louisiana.  I am a retired high school math teacher.  I taught in the public schools of Louisiana for 24 years and have been retired since 1990.

My immediate family, consisting of two sons, one daughter, a son-in-law, two daughters-in-law, three grandsons and two granddaughters) fills my life with joy. Being a Christian and a member of a local Southern Baptist Church are an important part of my life.

Since retirement in 1990, various activities have been added to my life. One of these hobbies is quilting. My mother tried to teach me to quilt when I was young but I was not interested in learning at the time. I have joined a local quilt guild - Heritage Quilt Guild. This has been a very enjoyable and educational experience. I enjoy making the quilt tops but do not enjoy the actual quilting of the quilt. Therefore, I quite often have someone else quilt them. Mostly they are quilted by machine because that is more economical.

Thanks to a special friend of mine and to some of the friends that I have met on the net for instilling in me the desire to do the home page. You may view my friend's home page and meet her family.

I enjoy playing various types of games, including card games, board games, dominoes, triominoes, etc. My favorite of the various types of music is Southern Gospel. I love attending the National Quartet Convention which is held in Louisville, Kentucky each year.

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